Why don't people talk in-game anymore?

I had a big wall of text typed up but I think it’s good blizzard’s doing something about people who are not constructive at all. It’s obvious it’s swung too far in the direction of banning people for saying really anything though.

That said It’s hard to even attempt to be constructive or even feel like it’s worth it when you know there’s a good chance your own team could have no motivation or intention of trying to win the game at all.


because you can get ban from “f word”.
im little bit salty but only for throwers (afk/spawn base ulti etc). or 2-3k heals in 10 mins games. etc)

so my solution is: text and voice comms are disabled from settings 99% of the time.
not gonna lie it is boring to play like this but nothing to do. Everyone abusing report system.


Because reporting is out of control. False reporting, grief reporting, etc. are RAMPANT in this game.


For me its hard, ive communicated without being toxic. Shared my experience Here in the forums that im suggesting with my teammate that he should change his position so he could help, ignored my request and just decided to sabotage the game, I got called here in forum community that I was toxic. Because they said “you dont order people around”

And im like yeah… this game is not like it used to be.


If they got rid of match chat then reports and unnecessary bans (notice I didn’t say false bans) would go down dramatically.

Yes people could just leave chat or not respond, but that isn’t what happens.

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I’ve turned off all the chat in game to avoid potential account actions from the harsh penalty system.

I regularly got told I am good at comms but the risk is no longer worth it.


i used to talk all the time. i would get really into the game, coms and super passionate about winning competitive. I had that account perma-banned. My new accounts have VC Turned off to prevent this.

I am mega careful to type PG rated chat. Still got new account suspended. Every suspension I’ve received I was at level 4 endorsement too. People enjoy playing with me and i get endorsed often.

I guess in VC i would call out overt throwers a little too aggressive… so i turned it off and changed my behavior.

per terms of service: “When participating in communication of any kind (chat, voice communication, group finder), you are responsible for how you express yourself. You may not use language that could be offensive or vulgar to others.”


Report away fellas.

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I have all voice AND voice lines turned off


Hopefully players learn to use the ping system more efficiently, lol.


Most the time I try to do call outs only to find often most the team isn’t in voice chat. Which in a sense is annoying.

Then I try to ping things (which isn’t always easy depending on the situation/char but better than nothing) and half the time it seems ignored.


Because even in comp OW isnt a team game anymore, its 5 people (unless stacking) who randomly qued into a game together who run around and do what they want, forget about playing as a team, why was team communicating when 99% of the time no one ks goinf to listen

You want to know why?

Hey, this is Blizzard. You have been reported too many times for abusive chat. Your account is suspended until 5/8/2025.

Here are the chat logs…
“Hey Mercy can you heal?”
“Hey tank can you get on the objective”.

That’s why people don’t use chat. LOL.


because you could do nothing but type the letter “a” in chat a single time for example and because a lot of bad words might contain the letter “a” you’ll get reported by salty clowns who have nothing better to do

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When the game you play is designed and tuned so that your potential to impact the outcome is minimal and your potential to but from the store is maximal, you kind of don’t want to talk to others. When people use comms to reveal just how stupid they really are, you don’t want to read that and get depressed and ruin the little fun you can still have in this dying game. And when the automated report system is so easy to abuse and the company’s stance is that only saints can communicate in Posh, purely Catholic English with no profanity, the obvious outcome is that people don’t care about comms anymore since they’re not actually allowed to express themselves.

People don’t talk, because they can’t be bothered with the cry babies.

You nailed it, they suspend/silence people for almost everything now. This is what happens when you big brother watch people and what they say, no freedom of speech, people just decide to not talk anymore.

I had an account silenced for saying things like “why use your ult when 4 of them are dead?” or “stop staggering, just come back and wait” really stuff that’s not inflammatory at all, yet still account silenced.

Next I experimented with something, I only said positive things, EVER. Literally NEVER said anything negative. When my teammates were playing awful I would say “You’re doing great, keep it up,” and “you’re doing fantastic cass keep going,” I kid you not I had my account silenced. YOU CAN GET SILENCED FOR SAYING ONLY POSITIVE THINGS IF PEOPLE PERCEIVE IT WRONG.

I just shut off voice chat shut off chat and don’t speak since clearly their suspension system is run automatically.

More of blizzard activision terrible systems in place.


That’s an AI generated selection of your full chat logs, and they already show your micromanaging tendencies


Point is, nobody wants to banned for a month because they said “GG” or politely asked another to do more.

People are literally getting long bans little things like defending themselves against toxic players, asking their teammates to play role or simply saying things that somebody else didn’t like.

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What, of the things that you said (not just what was in the email) do you think you got reported for. If you had to guess.

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Read the hundreds of threads of people complaining of being suspended cause they made a joke, said something someone didn’t like or defending themselves against toxic players.

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