Why don't legendary skins have special voicelines anymore?

The new Tracer skin has so many amazing voicelines and sound effects, which I thought was a super cool touch from the team! However, it did make me wonder why legendaries haven’t come with different skin specific voicelines for the past year or so. It would have been super cool for Karate Doomfist to have lines themed as such, Lifeguard Pharah to have special voicelines just like Lifeguard McCree does, Feskarn Brigitte to make fishing puns, etcetera. Is there a reason these stopped? I ask this in story mode because those require writing I guess lol, please move this topic if it’s ill placed.


If I had to guess, voice actors are less available due to recording for the sequel. Although I agree, there are some missed opportunities. Imagine if Orisa’s Demon skin said “Cease your existence!”


Probably cause they’d need to pay the hero’s VAs to do voice lines for skins. Mercy’s dragoon skin could really use some new voice lines that actually fits the skin.

Idk. This is just my assumption.


It would be the opposite. If they have the VAs recording lines for the game, they would get them to voice out some other stuff while they were there, such as legendary lines. Its probably for the same reason that the last 4 heroes have either no or limited interactions. We will probably get a big dump of voicelines one day, which will also retroactively give some legendary skins voicelines. They seem to make a big voice line dump like that once a year. And we know that most of them are recorded too, we’ve had some of the lines datamined but never actually implemented.


If this counts for anything I recently just found out on Widowmaker’s scorpion skin her venom mine has a scorpion tail

A very cool detail, actually.

I think the last legendary to get special voicelines was Alien Zarya… she says “Mission complete” after an elim (?)

Werewolf Winston has a custom werewolf howl when he ults and goes into primal rage.


Cause it costs money and Blizzard doesn’t want to spend it.

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I went into a tiny OW game once and I spawned as orisa and I pressed the ult button…
(If you think this is too spammy, just edit it :) )

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