Why does Zarya's ult stop Venture from using their ult?

I would understand if Zarya ulted on the wall and Venture stayed above the ground and then couldn’t attack with their ultimate. But Zarya literally pins Venture to the ground and for some reason they are prevented from attacking with their ultimate. Why is that?

Zarya’s ult does not put you on the ground, you are hovering slightly. Lucio’s ult has a special case for Zarya’s and Sigma’s ult where it activates regardless of him touching the ground or not, I guess Venture doesn’t have that.

Lifeweaver’s platform also suffers from this, sometimes failing to activate if your character doesn’t wobble close enough to the ground in a Zarya ult. I suppose that could also mean Venture might technically be able to ult in a Zarya ult if you mash the button since sometimes you are touching the ground.

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fun fact: rein also does this but sillier. you can get graved to the roof then ult and fall out. I think you get magnated back up no matter what though.

unless they patched that at some point tbc

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