Why does Winston out damage Brigs inspire + healthpack?

Granted, its not much, but a support with 100% uptime on a character should NOT get out DPSed by an auto lock weapon that has zero downside to just holding Left click while jumping around.

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Because they buffed winstons damage after season 9 to compensate for everyones hp buffs, which increased winstons ttk.

So they buffed his dps so he can kill a 250hp hero around the same time as he used to kill a 200hp hero.

But they didnt buff brigs inspire to compensate for that increase in dps cus the devs are dumb. So now winston and all other dive heroes beat the heroes that are supposed to be good against them… which is why dive is broken rn

Since season 9 they’ve literally buffed all the dive heroes without changing any of the anti-dive heroes in relation to them


Winstons damage is fine, if youre 1v1ing a tank as a support you should be loosing anyway, get help from your other support, have your tank/dps peel for you, its a team game.


Try reading the post next time boogie :+1:t2:

OP is saying when he is playing brig winston outdamages his inspire and pack on his other teammate

He is literally 2v1 with a tank and losing because the tank can just hold a button and out dps everything he does

Brig pack + inspire = 65hps
Winston dps = 70 dps (used to be 60dps)

Ie. Winston used to be countered by brig but now he does more damage he outdamages the hero that’s supposed to be good against him. :clown_face:


And thats ignoring the fact that shield is useless, boop doesnt outrange winstons attack range, and of course, shield bash does nothing.

Winston doesn’t even have to jump or melee. He just straight up wins by attrition. Add on bubble blocking whiplash and the DPS from jump, and the used to be supposed Support counter to Winston is utterly useless in matchups with him.She has no self heal, so, hell, if your other support dies or is out of range, Brigg will just straight up dies 100% of the time if winston dives them. She cant do crap against him.


+winston now ignores armor so he melts brig that much faster

Since season 9 they had made every opportunity to make dive heroes as uncounterable and have as few weaknesses as possible

When brig cant even stop a winston killing their other support something is fundamentally broken with the game.

What is the point of a hero like brig anymore when she cant even do her main purpose properly. She is supposed to be the ultimate peel and anti-dive support yet they run circles around her.

She is only even being picked rn because its literally impossible to play other heroes like ana or zen without being spawn camped


I don’t see Winston dealing more damage than Brig’s healing as being an issue by itself. If she’s got both pack and inspire running then Winston’s going to be dealing hardly any damage. If he’s doing 10 DPS (or whatever) more than she can heal then that’s an extremely long TTK.

I think it’s more of an issue if Winston’s so chunky that he can afford to hang around in the backline for that long without fear.


Actually Repair Pack + Inspire heals 25 burst + 130 healing over 2 seconds, or 155, which is more than Winston’s 140.


100 healing over 2 seconds actually

No, it’s 100 for the repair pack by itself but we’re including inspire.

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Why should a support character be able to heal themselves AND out dps a tank?

I don’t care how much you like Brig. No, that wouldn’t make sense at all.


Have you seen literally every other support not named Juno and Zenyatta? Both of which can either punish winston diving them, or easily escape.

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You’re correct i misread i apologise.

Shes meta at the moment in a lot of matches so they have to be very delicate with her balance changes, buffing AOE inspire is a massive no go, increasing healing from the pack a tony bit maybe

You have a team for that reason

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So i guess no character should ever be nerfed again, right?

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Where in my comment did i suggest any such thing?

literally the comment i responded too.

No where in that comment did i suggest that no1 should ever get nerfed again lol yoire just exaggerating…

Dps/Supports have this opinion they should be able to 1v1ing tanks which is straight up wrong, if they could thered be no reason to have the role at all. You have team mates for a reason.

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No where did i suggest 1v1ing.

My topic is literally about 2v1ing.

On top of that my topic is about a character that universally had counter play to a specific character, that it no longer has.

So… Maybe YOU should learn to read.

So if Winston had unlimited ammo and never needed to reload (He does 52 dps sustained, btw), he would be able to kill a 225HP target in a mere 45 seconds.


If the target has got a discord orb or pocketed Winston by Mercy I’m not surprised in this case.