Why does this forum seem to like smurfs?

They are right though. Smurfing is mostly fine.

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Nah dude, it’s absolute garbage sportsmanship. It’s not fun or fair.

An entire team’s fun shouldn’t be taken away just for the enjoyment of a single person.


An entire teams fun shouldn’t be taken away by…

  • players not communicating
  • someone making mistakes and causing a roll
  • the enemy popping off and hard punishing your plays

But they happen. You learn from it and move on.

Yeah, smurfing isn’t ideal. But luckily it isn’t as common as this forum seems to think. So you can just learn from it and move on.


We are not looking for fair games, we are looking for extracting fun in whatever ways we deem acceptable.

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Because the majority of players that don’t smurf have long since quit.


Factually inaccurate seeing as there isn’t many smurf accounts.

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You cant even say “factually” because you legit dont have the numbers.
Istg why does everyone just regurgitate the company response or blindly accept it.
Blizzard isnt the goodwill amazing company it used to be.
Smurfs are everywhere in gold and plat, this coming from my experience smurfing on the account of a friend who has been hardstuck gold for 20 seasons on that account.

Its at least every other, or every third game, which for an elo as highly populated as gold and plat is ABSURD.

At least bring anecdotal evidence like I did, because its better than “no ur wrong, the facts say so”

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I am in gold and plat. I can confirm there are barely any in those games.

If you want to accuse someone you will need some good proof.

They were hard stuck for 20 seasons because they failed to improve in all that time. Nothing else.

Anecdotes are not evidence. If you want to cry smurf. Drop their profiles, or pictures of with names cut out if you want to avoid “naming and shaming”

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20 characters


Its the truth brother.

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He is mostly right though.

Ew, get a room, you two!


Would you like to join, it will be a good time I promise.


You don’t need many to spoil whole supply.

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True. Not saying what exists aren’t a problem.

But there is no where near the volume the keyboard warriors on here claim there is.

Don’t waste your time with him , if you read all his post he can deny that sun exist even if he can see a big giant yellow sphere in the sky.

Smurfs exist and ruin the comp experience for everyone.

This is a fact.

But they defend them otherwise if devs mind to find a solution and one day will ever find it

They will be matched in their true elo where people of same skill level will just give them a hard time and they can’t climb anymore and feed their ego.


Again i not need to change anything, so i don’t need to proof anything.

You need to proof or find enough people to make Blizzard do something if you really think there is a “smurfing problem”.

If you are right, than will be simple to find enough people.

Or maybe the problem is you know there aren’t enough people have problem with smurfs so you don’t even trying?

too many vested interests bruh. Just like why so many people are against the customizable chat filtering idea

Not the last reason is that Overwatch, when you are not smurfing, is just no fun. Way too many things, that can go wrong, that you can’t fix. As smurf, you at least have certain control of game outcome.

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Anyone who has this opinion on smurfs is either willfully blind or enjoys being a douchenozzle.