Why does this forum focus on cassidy so much?

He’s not the best dps. Hasn’t been for a long time. Imo the most consistently good dps over the last couple years has been Tracer without a doubt. You can even make the case that S76 has been either better or on par with cassidy. So why is all the hate directed towards him? Do players just generally find cassidy more annoying than Tracer or S76? Because that’s the only explanation I can think of since he’s clearly not better than these two.


The people that have an issue with this are just then same Sym, Junk, Bastion, Mercy, Moira mains in the forums that always cry about hitscans 24/7 for yeas now.
And are mad that heroes like Sym, Junk, Bastion, etc, are not buffed to be able to be played 24/7 when they were not designed to be that way.


True but Cassidy seems to get the most attention for some reason. I don’t understand why though :man_shrugging:


I think its bad McCrees that give him a bad name. McCrees that use flash/fan more than his left click. Like if a McCree flash and fans them a few times a game they come malding to the forums to demand nerfs.


Because he gets unfair value for a mostly BS kit. Tracer is overtuned, but you at least have to earn your kills with her and her tiny health pool is a vulnerability. Cree got a hp buff and has no place being ‘skillful’ with Flash/Fan.

You can land FlashFan on nearly everyone in the roster alike, so long as they’re in range. Roll is also a non-ability.


I don’t hate him, but I do find him the most annoying DPS to face. Don’t think he’s unfair or unbalanced or op or anything. But Flashbang McRightclick is very annoying.

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Its just because of his high pickrate imo. Thats why i view the people who say cree’s op the exact same way i view people who say mercy is op :woman_shrugging:

Bunch of people diamond and under have him in their games constantly because thats where the games the least meta focused and people position poorly and predict their enemies poorly.

High pickrate in diamond and below = op !!! apparently…

Also, its only really diamond and below do you see cree’s with 3+ fan kills per 10, because people have poor positioning/game sense and so on in the mid-low ranks.


Because McCassidy doesn’t need 23904329 buffs while other heroes who are in far, far worse position are left in the dust for years!!

Stop talking bad about projectiles and Mercy when McCassidy is the most “braindead” (forum favourite buzz-word) in OW2.

P.S. I think you’re playing the wrong freakin game as much crap you like to talk about certain heroes in this game. You’re looking for a pure shooter. THIS. ISN’T. IT. since you seem to have the wrong impression on what Overwatch is.

If you don’t like certain heroes that are in the roster then: :arrow_right: :door: :wave:
oh and take AKJ with you.


I view flash/fan kinda like Hog hook. In lower ranks it is used as a crutch but I feel in higher ranks where positioning is better and these abilities can be denied more you see the “high skill” value of these heroes. An actual good McCree is something special to watch because their mechanics being able to hit consecutive crits is really impressive.


Name these heroes that have been left in the dust.

Niche hero list incoming.

Hanzo is such a bully :rofl:

Listen, punk. When Blizzzard created all these heroes there were categories. There shouldn’t be NICHE heroes in this game at this time! EVERY HERO SHOULD BE VIABLE whether you like it or not.

Take your hitscan bias and shove it.


Just answer the question and skip the nonsense gibberish.


How can they be in a worst position if McCree’s winrate has been dead last or 2nd to dead last forever. And Blizzards stats apparently reflect this as well.

If you are going to talk about popularity or pickrates then dont @ me.

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Why does anyone focus on the game when it’s garbage


you’re garbage (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง


:joy: Jokes, you have them.

The more hitscan keeps getting buffed without also buffing projectiles, the more projectiles get left behind and behind, and behind, and behind.

I didn’t need to explain that to you, though. You just don’t want to see these heroes, which you’re obviously HIGHLY bias against viable.

Like I said, if you can’t stand certain heroes being in this game because you want a pure shooter, then take a hike.


What you dont get is that all niche heroes are niche because the vast majority of the value they get comes from their abilities not their primary fires

If your heroes kit is 100% reliant on their abilities then yes, they are inherently niche because only very rarely are abilities flexible (like movement abilities)

When your kit is balanced around TP, turret form, wall/freeze, sticky bombs/beam, doom as a whole, mines and so on… all these things have a set thing in-game that they purposefully counter

Primary fires on the other hand… especially hitscan, arent specifically made to counter x hero, or x ability… more often than not, heroes and abilities counter hitscan the most

Having your heroes value tied to a predetermined counterplay is what makes them niche. No amount of reworks will change that.

This is why when yall cry abt how hitscan and mobility ruin the game, and yet you want the devs to make your ability based hero as versatile as a primary fire based hero… you just sound like you dont understand what even makes a hero niche.


It comes down to favoritism. The devs even admitted they are more attentive to popular heroes and are more readily to give less popular heroes the nerf bat.

That does not sound like balance.


I don’t think anyone wants that. But the problem is these “niche” heroes can’t be played as much because their abilities are a hard crutch for them. If Cassidy for example has a garbage primary but stronger FtH he’d become more niche. If Sym power was shifted from her turrets towards her beam or alt fire she’d be more useful in more situations but idk if Sym players would like that. In fact I’m sure they’d cite what you’re saying that she’s turning into a generic shooter hero.