Why does the community insist on Reinhardt being a must pick?

Rein should not be must pick but this nerf is pointless. It will not change his must pick status because it fails to go after why he is must pick. All it does is make him less fun to play WHILE being must pick.

The only way to make him not must pick is to go after the barrier. Short of that he will remain must pick and every other nerf just makes him less fun to play which makes it a bad change.


People have been calling for Rein nerfs for a while. However, his dominance is mainly because the other tanks kinda suck right now. Winston can work, but he gets shut down fairly easily and takes a bit of skill to make work. Orisa is niche and is only run when Rein is banned. Ball is actually pretty good but like Winston he can get shut down fairly easily.

That being said, Steadfast was stupid broken and I’m glad they’re considering a nerf for it.


Unless you are playing Dive tanks, that have mobility, playing any other tank is generally spamming damage to Rein’s barrier to break it, because he will generally aim his barrier at you, same goes for playing against Sigma or Orisa, but Rein’s barrier still have the highest HP and takes long to break, while Orisa’s and Sigma’s are stationary and have lower HP.

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This person gets it - all the issues lie in that shield currently being too strong.

No, they don’t “suck” unless you insist on a big shield to hide behind. People need to be weaned off this addiction to shields. They just didn’t nerf Rein’s enough is the issue, so if your judgement is “other tanks suck” its because he is currently OP in comparison to them. My opinion is you have it backwards here, and so do a lot of other folks echoing this sentiment. Frankly, Rein just makes it too easy to get lazy about positioning and using natural cover and playing around your team vs. the enemy movements.


Yeah, Mercy is the result of being unable to do multiple things at one time.

Ana can have sleep dart, bionade, and nano active.
Moira can have residual healing, orb, and coal active.
Brig can dmg, heal, and armor up.
Lucio can boop/dmg, heal, aura
Baptiste can ifield, matrix, resiaul heal, and dmg/heal.
Zen can discord, heal, and dmg.

Mercy can… heal herself and someone else at the same time.


That’s fine. But…I think it’s always good to recognize your bias.

I love orisa, but I recognize she isn’t meant to be everywhere. Imo, off tanks should be seen more than main.

As far as mercy… Lol

I feel you. It s disheartening to want to play Dva, saw their Rein +Zarya, look at my team, then boosting back to spawn and swap to Zarya

Reinhardt is considered the pinacle of balance when it comes to tank. Due to his large health pool, mobility and shield he’s the ideal team leader and shot caller. Having a rein almost always help a team organize together even without voice communications. Meanwhile hero’s like orisa like the ability to push without team, Winston/Dva would dive in alone without a team. Sigma is extremly slow but quite damage buff if paired with another shield hero. Due to all of this; Rein is over all the best pic due to team composition. However; rein is only as great as his team. He’s also the mercy of tank worlds. So there’s a ton of reasons why he is the must pick. Especially paired with a zairya or hog you can provide devestating damage

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Because he’s the first one out and no one should take his place, that’s what I’m thinking at least, it’s like genji.

I was gonna say, how is playing into grav combo’s any less frustrating? Rein IDC about. I enjoy the play style fighting an enemy Rein puts your team in. It’s a constant game of foot work, timing between shields and using cover. Orisa you don’t get that, you get a stand-still firefight and warding off dive’s… which to me is still an enjoyable play, it’s just not the same and as in-your-face engaging so much as a real fire-fight.

I can’t wrap my head around this.
Why would people accept this? Don’t get me wrong, you’re entitled to your opinion but… There’s only 7 supports and 8 tanks. Supports and tanks that feature vastly different playstyles that may or may not appeal to you.
Look at me for example. I like Zen, Lucio, Ana and Baptiste.
If i could, i’d just play Ana or Zen 100% of the time because i love playing them. (And i should absolutely be able to considering their skill floors and ceilings)

I despised double barrier and the moth meta… As all my progress and growth on the characters i actually cared about felt meaningless. And it didn’t feel like i was playing Overwatch at all, but another game entirely.
Sure, expecting the players to play more than a single character is fine, whatever. But there comes a point where it becomes unrealistic. Not everyone is going to like every character. I like 4 out of 7 options. That’s a lot. But i’ll still be expected to self sacrifice and pick a [series of expletives] character i don’t want to.
Moira, Brig and Mercy don’t appeal to me in the slightest. I want to shoot stuff.
I just don’t care for their skillsets, and therefore any gain in SR is completely meaningless as these characters.
It’s the fact that playstyles differ so vastly from each other why we have one extreme after the other in the meta.

Yeah come back to me when Blizz figures out how to make that happen.

Because playstyle isn’t kit

That’s not how synergy works

You can like Ana more but… Og dive of genji dva Winston tracer… Ana is very difficult to get her value…they aren’t her speed. And by making her fit there, you force out where someone else fits.

Moreover, this isn’t really a popularity contest…otherwise…mass Rez not only never would have been removed…but mercy would be meta all the time

I don’t like mercy. But my personal attitude doesn’t mean I can reject how a piece of a game works.

If everyone is equal- no one is top

If everyone is niche- no one is top

There is no situation in which my preference means I can swallow everyone else out

Going from a shooter (Ana and baptiste) to a more moba centric character (Lucio or Moira) to an MMO playstyle (Brig) or flight simulator (Mercy)
Is quite a big deal of difference in playstyle.
I guess what i’m trying to say is, Overwatch has an identity crisis.

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The idea that balance can or should find a place where it should be concrete and never change just leads to situations where the game sits in unhealthy periods for long stretches of time. If nerfing reinhardt means he’s UP and needs to be balanced next patch that’s fine, but to sit on imperfection and say this is fine is ignoring a problem entirely.

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I don’t think it does though.

Imo, this worked best when we had niches. But… Even if I went this route:

Yes- Ana is more shooter.

But rein - king of tank- is more moba. And he is the one not allowed to be dethroned.

And widow isn’t actually very shooter sniper. She is very shooter lite. Ashe, Hanzo and soldier are more shooter with soldier being basic, Ashe being a quick sniper which, usually requires multi hits; and Hanzo if he had scope, would be generic sniper as he actually has a charge time and arc

The issue imo, is that heroes aren’t made generic enough to not stand out. But also not niche enough to command a situation wholesale.

But…I also don’t think this is an issue in hero pools. Ideally, they will ban even more heroes or speed up the bans and balancing. No identity at all.

Only fight

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Thus why I favour imperfect balancing approach that takes heroes and uses a revolving door of undertuned and OP heroes.

This utopia that “no hero should sit on top” is a pipe-dream this game will never accomplish and shouldn’t even try to.


Hes BY FAR the most well designed shield tank.

The end.

Taking away the characters i like as an option is the same as having the characters i don’t want to play to be meta. And balancing the game in such a way that they become more relevant yields the same outcome. It results in me having to play them no matter how you look at it. Unless i don’t play the game at all.

it got nerffed like a lot lately still if u compare him to other tanks they are all range they can damge from far reinh only can damge if u are near he is mele so nerffing his sheild to 1600 and ppl want him to be nerf so much again then what the point of him just remove him…it just sad