Why Does Sym still has (3rd or) 4th longest time to kill?!?

Sym is not a duelist. Sym 2.0 had a few favored duels, 3.0 has none.

As a utility DPS, she gets most of her kill value from helping her team get kills, with turrets that slow and orbs that can knock off big blocks of Armor, and from using the beam on a proper choke push.

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Pretty much the only way for Sym to be really relevant is to either make her a Tank shredder, or an OffTank.

For instance, what if Symm did double damage to Barriers. And barrier damage restored her shieldhealth.

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It’s not a problem for me.
I think she does a great amount of dmg, and her orb does 130 which is a lot for its size. She doesn’t need any dmg buff.

Maybe the should make TP easier to use, because after the update it gets canceled very often.

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what support?..

Functionally i mean.
In my opinion, shes a support, not a dps

I dont know why blizzard even moved her to the dps category,

What if Sym teleporters were near invincible on the exit point with a tall/narrow Winston bubble on them?

I don’t find this funny honestly.

Don’t try to mislead people.

Even the devs.

Im not beeing funny lol

Why do you pick sym?

Its because of the utility she brings to the table, The teleporter and maybe the turrets , not because of her damage

For me thats a support,

The real question is “Why do Symm people continue to demand to be the best in every category of DPS?”

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That’s like Picking Torb for only his Turret.

That’s not how hero balence works or should.

I mean, you kind of do pick torb for his turret in a way, thats kind of the only unique thing he brings to the table

In case anyone is wondering I made the video posted above, i actually didn’t think it would be shared on the forums at all. The ttk test was to see how fast all heroes can kill a 200 health target in symmetras 12m range. I had actually not known what symms ttk was prior to recording it and I was shocked that a damage dealer has the 4 highest ttk in the game. I personally don’t think symms utility makes up for her low damage but that was all stated in the vid.


Honestly I still don’t believe Jeff, that one of the devs has over 300 hours on Sym.

(sounds to me, it’s only 3.0 Sym and or it’s someone who never alone in a match. (does well and won.))

His handcannon would be useless without his passive, which allows him to be aggressive in the first place.

If he had no passive, and would die every time he dove into the enemy team, then he would be a dysfunctional hero like Sym. Sym has to get in mid-close ranges to do damage, but lacks any defense while doing so.

That’s why your comparison is flawed. DF has the kit to get in an out of handcannons ideal range, as well as a passive that negates damage while he is doing that. Sym has none of that, and the removal of her photon barrier is the final nail in the coffin.

The way I look at it, is that she is squishy while ramping her damage, so we are essentially trying to argue the same point but in different ways.

For close-range heros, I think it’s mandatory that they have some sort of self-heal, because that is a way to negate incoming damage.

Sure, if Sym got her Photon barrier back she might have some durability added back, but with her lockon removed it is extremely inconsistent.

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If only she had a secondary fire with zero fall off and a teleporter that she could place near the enemy team to serve as a distraction or engagement/disengagement tool. Too bad she only has her primary fire./s

we don’t. we just want her weapon to make sense.

  • is she a tank buster?

well no not really because she lacks survivability to be in frontlines to charge up. and not to mention she needs to ramp up vs like a bastion or junkrat who do the job without needing to be within 12m of the tank and don’t need to ramp up either

  • brawler?

no because no instant damage and again, bad survivability in close range

  • sniper?

defs not. her orbs are so slow that anything more than around her primary fire range is a gamble on whether they hit.

  • flanker?

kinda? like this is kinda her most viable dps route atm with tp-turret-orb-melee/primary combo or if you managed to charge up primary you tp behind to melt their backline to forcefully make that work. but it’s really risky. if you fail, you have to give up on the flank or die. other flankers do this better because they have better range, fire rates, better sneaky, escape and chasing mobility tools. sym is really frail.

  • mid-long range sustain damage harasser?

no. orbs don’t hit that consistently nor fire as frequently enough to make doing this worth it compared to other dps. you may see syms doing this in between flanking or whatnot, because there’s nothing else for them to do during that down time as they’re getting into position, but doesn’t mean orbs are great for this or that she does this well.

she doesn’t have to be the best at 1 of them or all of them. but we just want her to have 1 where she doesn’t have a major inherent design flaw that holds her back at that, rest can stay the same.


Which is still a projectile and is slower than Pharah’s rockets. GL predicting shots at anything beyond the edge of mid range.

Sure, and deplace herself much like Reaper, and dies because she used her only disengage mechanism.

Too bad it sucks and so does the consistency of her kit. no /s


it charges up to one of the highest damaging guns in the game in 3 seconds, at least heroes like zarya need to earn it through successful bubbles. It isn’t a horrible primary at all IMO, it feels so much better since the last buff IMO. I agree sym needs buffs, but her primary is perfect right now!

Exactly. She still loses against any tank, and her TTK is worse than Zarya, a hero who has 2x the health of Sym.

If she’s going to be a tank buster then she needs less range and more damage, potentially a defense ability (not Tele) or ability to self-heal.

Close. Her orbs are very lethal up close, but her follow up sucks. Her beam would be level 1, doing 65 DPS, but that would require 100% accuracy. Now you have 1 second needed to charge the 120 damage, and at least 2 seconds for her primary.

So if she’s going to be a brawler, she needs more consistency, aka her lockon added back, or a lockon added.

Agreed, and her tele takes too long to deploy as well as it having a shorter range than the snipers.

In my experience this is a huge failure. She has no sustain and no escape once Tele is on CD.

This is the description of Pharah, and Pharah is leagues better than Sym at doing this.

Agreed. Well put.


Alright you win. Sym is trash and her 56 percent winrate is because of pure luck. Her entire kit should be reworked until she has a 60% winrate.