Why does rein still get frozen by mei with his shield up

I mean how are you supposed to counter mei when yes she has to get close ranged too you but she can go into freeze mode to get more health. I think freeze shouldn’t affect rein if he has shield up because right now I feel that lately mechanics have been nerf and luck and cheap tractics have been buffed and this is one of those examples.


Best part is that you can no longer reliably swing your hammer once to knock her back a bit and get your shield back up before being frozen.

He can’t get frozen, he just gets stuck in his position with his shield up

It’s a fair interaction…
It makes Mei strong in her NIECHE
but still keeps her NIECHE hero

I think that’s what happens when you’re frozen dude lol

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He gets frozen when he has his shield up or down and then can not shield when he is frozen.

You’re forgetting that Mei is Reinhardt’s counter. Reinhardt is supposed to be weak against Mei.

Reinhardt’s barrier has a bug that allow enemies to hit him by shooting the insignia of his barrier. This could be the cause of it. They have fixed this on PTR:

(Mei’s primary fire is projectile based.)

Mei should not be able to freeze or slow down Reinhardt through his barrier.

And if Mei’s freeze did slow down Reinhardt through his barrier, then he should not be able to move at all. The slow of his barrier and the slow of Mei’s freeze is being stacked causing Reinhardt to not be able to move at all:


Mei is no longer a nieche, her pick rate has gone up and there are many use cases for her. Im pretty sure if you look at the number of mei mains, they have increased.

It doesn’t affect him when she sprays his shield. However, yes, the slow applied if the freeze does hit you directly and holding up your shield is disastrous. It’s the stacking of two slows, the freeze slow and the holding up shield slow (bonus if there is a Sym turret around too, literally can’t move). There is no escape from it and you can’t knock people and flash your shield when she’s around.

How to counter it? Do what I do, scream in agony and despair at my friends on TS to focus the Mei in front of me.

Ye that is ridiculous, that Reinhardt with his shield up gets double punished and can’t even move while Mei is attacking him.
I can understand not being able to move when frozen, but while in the process, it shouldn’t immobilize him completely.


Is she usable in PRETTY MUCH ANY TEAMCOMP? - no
Does she get countered by lot of other heroes? - yes
Does she counter way too many other heroes? - no
Is she more of a surprise pick? - yes

She is and will always be a NIECHE hero

Every hero should have something decent or even weak against their counters, that would stop people constantly changing heroes and in a game like Overwatch, high-level games and pros switch whilst the majority of us players don’t.

Also if mei counters rein so does reaper and some other heroes. It isn’t fair to have multiple counters to a main tank when there are only 3 main tanks in the game.

This is why Mei is strong against Reinhardt.

Reinhardt can’t move with his shield up and being slowed down, but he can’t lower his shield as well because that would freeze him immediately.

I’m not sure if this is a bug though.

(I do know that Orisa and Dva having knockbacks reduction when they are shooting is a bug though.)

Dude, every thing you said is trash

Overwatch IS a game where u SHOULD change heroes often
I’ll just stop here because I answered to all your trash thinking

Ana and Symmetra has plenty counters as well, and Tracer less.
It’s just the way how the heroes are balanced.

3 main tanks? I know that Reinhardt and Orisa are main tanks, but who is the third one?

Prolly Winston in a dive comp

I’m confused by what’s happening here.
Is he being slowed when she shoots his shield while it’s up but it’s not hurting him?

Are we saying that she hits him once which slows him and than he holds shield up and can’t move now?

Winston is the 3rd main tank

I know the game is about switching but as a main tank player you can or it is very hard. You pick your main tank around your team comp. If you want to switch your main tank 9/10 you have to swap most of your team’s heroes and if you do switch your main tank you got 2 options left as opposed to dps class having 15+ options.

DPS class gets the freedom of switching and it will not bother or interfer with a team comp that much. Therefore tanks should be a lot stronger agaisnt cheap ablites like mei freeze.

Look at it like this, rein can decide if he wants to get freezed faster, or he can decide to use his shield hp to delay his freeze. What option do you like best? bear in mind your a tank and in both cases you do not have to control and the mei does.

Pretty sure it’s spelled Nietzsche

Rein himself is slowed when he brings his shield up. Combining that with any other external slowing effect (syms turrets and Mei’s primary) and having his shield up will prevent him from moving at all.

What often happens is that Rein will get surprised by Mei and she will get an initial slowing effect on him from getting a brief stream on him. He will then raise his shield stacking his naturally slow effect on top of the external one applied by Mei. Thus locking himself in place.

This opens an opportunity for her to walk through his barrier and continue to stack slow effects.