Why does my aim suck?

Hi guys,

I am a gold support main and struggle to find out whether I have bad sensitivity or lacking practice when it comes to aiming. Typically, I open a workshop map every day and practice for 10 - 20 minutes learning to track, flicking and other essentials to improve myself. However, I don’t see myself ever-improving, like my aim is still garbage. I play on a sens of 3.60 and 800 DPI and find after 5 minutes of tracking, my hand tenses, aim becomes jittery and overall uncomfortable, so is it too high? If I lower my sens then my arm gets achy, I’d say at around the 2.5 mark. I attempted to figure out my perfect sens with guides such as this: Overwatch: Finding your PERFECT Sensitivity! (PSA Method) - YouTube and am unsatisfactory with the results because the caculations provide a low sense that causes the annoying ache’s (though im probs not doing it properly). If the extra info is necessary, I have a Logitech g303 gaming mouse and a mousepad 14 inches in length. Is it possible I don’t have sufficient to room to aim properly or my mouse is trash? Could there be settings I’m unaware of hindering my performance? Apologies in advance if this isn’t the correct forum to seek help!


I appreciate all the feedback and suggestions! Thank you, a lot of notes are being written down.

My suggestion is to practice. Changing your sens won’t magically make your aim the equivalent of Dafran’s.
Lower sens is definitely the most popular type of sens with hitscan heroes, but it isn’t for everyone. If you are really bent on following those guides, it will ache a bit as your muscles readjust.

The best advice is to really practice and build your muscle memory.

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Your sens is WAY low. Thats at least part of it. You are fatiguing your arm which makes it harder to aim.


3.60 and 800 dpi is actually really low for someone who is not a professional. A lot of “pro” Overwatch players default to around 4-5 sens and they really have their arm muscle memory down.

I’d suggest at minimum 5-6 sens on 800 DPI and see how it feels to you.

Yep, he’s basically fighting just to move his mouse when he’s not even a pro.

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Your sens might actually be too low. It’s lower than a lot of pro players. The general rule of thumb is to keep your eDPI (mouse DPI x in-game Sens) below 10,000. Just find what’s most comfortable for your aiming style. This is the guide I link to everyone and people usually say it helped:

(Surefour posted this 1 week before he won the 2018 OWL Widow 1v1 tournament at the All-Star weekend)


A few of questions for you:

Do you experience any aches when playing other games?

How do you grip your mouse in the middle of a team fight?

And what heroes do you enjoy playing the most?

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Rarely play any other FPS shooters besides Overwatch. My grip on my mouse I haven’t taken noticed of in the midst of a team fight, but I use a palm grip most of the time. I enjoy playing Ash, Baptiste, Ana and Moira.

Thanks to watching fitzy streams on switch, I find out pretty effective to place a spray with a small highlighted detail on it and keep tracking of it on the practice range. Not only improves a bit your aim while moving but also your coordination between keyboard and mouse (moving character and moving the camera)


Hmmm… unironically, you might want to lift weights to strengthen your forearm and your arm in general. You can easily do this while watching shows or movies or anything like that.

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If you only played Mercy/Moira then there is your problem, you get no aiming experience with these characters as they are designed to require little to no aiming to achieve success.

Try to avoid those characters to improve your accuracy.

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Priority #1 is to find a sensitivity that you’re comfortable with during prolonged play. Our goal here is to play video games without developing any further joint pains so this should take priority over everything else. Don’t worry about precision or target acquisition during this stage.

You mentioned that your hand becomes uncomfortable at 3.6, and that your arm aches at 2.5. I say let’s work with that and find a happy medium between the two. At the lower sensitivities you don’t have many options other than aiming with your arm, so maybe try starting at 3.0 x 800 and see if your arm develops any pain while practicing. If you’re still experiencing pain then maybe hybrid or wrist aiming is healthier for you, and you should look into sensitivities way beyond 3.6. Perhaps within the range of 5-7.

You mentioned that Overwatch is pretty much the only FPS you play regularly so here’s a bit of toxicity…you’re not going to be that great at mechanics (especially after dumping your muscle memory for a more comfortable sensitivity), but please don’t let that get you down too much. You’ll find much better results after finding a sensitivity that doesn’t hold you back and start developing consistency. You can then take your newfound sensitivity and convert it into Cm/360 and take it with you into other FPS games.

I personally use 2.15 x 800 and prefer mid-range heroes as you do (hell we even have the same grip and mouse), but that’s what works for me and my circumstances. The only wrong sensitivity is one that causes you physical pain, so if you take just one thing from this please let it be the point about being comfortable. Don’t continue practicing a sensitivity that’s going to lead to arthritis.


You bring forth valid points and I’m super grateful for the assurance. I just switched over to 6 sens and experiencing minimal pains now, though I might go higher to see if there is that sweet spot. Arthritis is a scary possibility for me and I’ll definitely consider my comfortably in the future. Thank you, really appreciate it!

Because you are a pelican


Man, instead of looking for some mathemathic answer, look for time to practice more into aspects you need. This is the best decision you could ever made. Shoot bots, shoot stuff, there are so many workshop modes. If you don’t play at least 3-5 hours a day, you will never get better.
try out
AZNTA tracking
ZWSG6 https://workshop.elohell.gg/rTuFW-74y/Customizable_Aim_practice_Pharah_bots

  • anna bots with hs box available only at anubis or numbani. ez pz.

Here are some sens pointers for everyone. Assume that I’m always talking as if the dpi were 400.

  • Low, mid and high sens differ depending on the game.
  • In OW low sens is considered to be anything above 9, mid sens to be 9-12 and high sens being 12 and higher.
  • Sensitivity is a preference, but there are rules that should (usually be followed. Going too low or too high is an obvious one. Anything lower than 4 and anything higher than 25 will most likely be problematic.
  • Keep your sens after you find a good one. Switching is fine, but it is important to not do it all the time.
  • It is okay to use different sens for different heroes. The important part is to keep your sensitivities constant. If your normal sens is 8 and your Genji is 12 make sure to stick with these two. Your body can learn more than just one set of muscle memory.
  • Mouse acceleration is not always bad, but I won’t get into it. The general rule is to not use it.
  • Copying your favorite pro is fine since pros usually know what they are doing. But if it just does not work for you it is also fine to not copy pros and fine something unique for yourself.
  • Different sensitivities will use different muscle groups in your hand and arm.
  • It is usually preferable to use a scope sens from 30-50. I would not go lower than 30 and the max is 70.
  • Once again consistency and longevity is key!

Here are some setup pointers for everyone.

  • Keep your setup consistent. Same with sens this is super important.
  • To maximize performance go low on the graphics settings.
  • Make sure you pc can get enough steady frames to use the monitor you have. A 240hz monitor is useless if you only make 40fps
  • A 144-240hz monitor is a must to aim at your peak potential
  • Your mouse and mouse pad are very important parts of your setup.
  • The best thing to do would be to try out as many top mice and pad combos you can, but since most are on a budget I’d recommend watching Rocket Jump Ninja mice and pad reviews. The most trustworthy and skilled peripheral reviewer out there.
  • General rules are that smaller, lighter, ambidextrous mice are better to aim with. Make sure it has a good optical sensor (pixart 3310 and better).
  • Most top mouse pads are great. Cooler master, Hyper X, Steel Series, Zowie and Logitech all make great pads.
  • How you sit and position your hands is also a part of your setup. Always sit and put your hands in the exact same position. This will help with consistency.
  • You should use fingertip or claw grip. Palm grip is not a good grip style and is usually do to you using a mouse that is too big for you.
  • If you’re over 25 and you’ve only now started playing fps games you’re in trouble. It will be a lot harder for you to get better at aiming since your body simply won’t allow it as well as if you were younger.

Here are some aiming pointers for everyone.

  • To practice aim you must aim. Start by aiming at easier targets to make sure you have a good basic muscle memory to rely on before actually trying to find your peak.
  • Mindset is important. Don’t think: “There’s the enemy. I’ll shoot him the moment he shows himself”. Instead think like this “There’s the enemy. I’ll shoot him once I get my crosshair on him”. Thinking like this will most likely help you improve your aim. It’s important that this way of thinking becomes a reflex. Staying calm when you aim is key to hitting clutch shots.
  • The crosshair type does not matter much, but bigger ones will help you keep your aim steadier.
  • Practice aiming the way you want to aim. Do you want smooth tracking? Then try your best to always aim smoothly. Remember to find a consistent aiming style for you. This is important.
  • Go FoR tHe HeAd. Seriously though do it.
  • I don’t have the energy to continue typing

What also matters is: MOUSE SIZE.

Probably your mouse is too small for your hand, so under stress you end literally squeezing it which results in jittery low-quality aiming.

Your sens is WAY low.

Its higher than mine or about same :man_shrugging:
So Ive checked it, he is 80edpi higher than me :man_shrugging:

I learned this from mL7. Put a toothpick in your mouth and chew on it. It’ll prevent you from gripping the mouse too tight, making your aim less jittery and you won’t get tired so fast too.