Why does it have to be 2-2-2?

Is this like a magic number or something ? How do you know it’s not 3-2-1 or 4-1-1? Who told you this ? Did Jesus come down on earth and said that this game must be played 2-2-2 from now on or else ?! wrote it down like a sacred rule, engraved it in stone…? Im just really really curious how you figured this out…!!!


Apparently they tried 411 and it sucked, so that’s how: trial and error.


Jesus didn’t, but the devs did and that’s what matters.

Solo tanking/supporting sucks.


Only 4-1-1 that worked was an Solo Wrecking Ball/ Mercy. Overall, it was an horrific experience type composition.


Because 0-3-3 dominated the meta for years. The only way to fix it would be to force 2-2-2 or nerf Tanks and Supports. They opted for the 2-2-2 option.

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Because tanks and supports cannot do their job without a buddy.

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4-1-1 only works with Mercy/ Hammond

3-3 is too hard to break without making the characters terrible in any other situations (See Brig/ Sombra)

Solo tank/ Solo support doesn’t work because it puts SO much pressure on those people that it would be super stressful. Not to mention all it would take is focus the Support and GG in pretty much every situation



Trial and error. I’ve played a lot of 4 DPS games. They are miserable. 2/2/2 is much more fun. The devs experimented internally with other versions of role lock including 4/1/1 and found that their focus groups preferred 2/2/2.

2-2-2 is okay, but the role lock sucks. I would like split SR to be a different mode, and have regular comp allow two players to switch roles so long as there ends up being 2 of everything.

Because tanks and healers are not designed to support the team solo. They need help to enable them to do their job.

Also, DPS is 1/3 of OW. DPS is not 4/6 of OW. The DPS favoritism ends now.


I dont knooow… i’ve played a lot 3-4 dps games and had quite a lot of fun, i really dont get it why people get bothered by this so much. It’s like every single game has to be perfect or something…

I kinda like being able to play however you want. I once played a game where we picked like 5 or 6 supports and the other team picked all tanks and it was awesome…


Its for the sake of variety, 3-3 is stale, you basically remove a good chunk of the roster of characters, 2-2-2 enables the most amount of combinations to remain fresh while also allowing blizzard to control the meta much more with balance changes if one role or hero gets too strong for the rest to deal with.

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4-1-1 puts great amount of pressure on solo tank/support.

222 enables all 3 roles to be enjoyable and effective simultaneously…imo

Main tank and off tanks can synergise, make space for dps and peel for supports. 2 dps are enabled to do their jobs more effectively with 2 healers and 2 tanks and then the healers enable the tanks massively whilst also helping the dps and saving the team from potential team wipes using ults or just good heals.

Team oriented game.

All roles benefit from each other

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It could be done, but you would have to buff the tank / support a lot.

It’s far less work and far less change to force 2-2-2 than forcing other options. (That doesn’t make it better just easier)

Forcing any composition is going to stink for someone.

The lead on the project is a Tank main and as a result, the tanks are shielded from the stink.

You’d nerf them not buff them.

Otherwise it becomes gang the tank/support to win.

1-4-1 was horrid, since if the tank or the support died, the rest died soon after(I have to find the yellow post about it).

And if you think that this would lessen the lines, it would not. Tanks and supports would stop playing those roles(if not the game) en masse, specially off supports and off tanks, that would be either useless or lose their identity.

Probably lots of data analysis.

Because I once decided to do the data analysis… With QP even (the most unreliable form of Overwatch) by filling roles and combining what my team comps were with what the other team’s comp was.

I realized 2-2-2 happened about 45-50% of the time and usually sat around a 60% winrate. 3-2-1 happened about 30-35% of the time with about a 50% winrate. Then 4-1-1 was really 10% with a winrate around 30%.

The usual condition for any sort of odd comp to work usually involved the other team being that much more dysfunctional, someone really carrying the team, or really good coordination.

So, why 2-2-2? Because it’s along the lines of what people generally ran the most and had generally a higher winrate of success… and… yes, they listened to the forums (in addition to other sources that make up… the community). They always listen to the forums… they just rarely take the specific advice or demands exactly how people want them.

You would buff them so they would be much harder to gank.

Otherwise, no one would play tank / support and oh look, we know where that road leads.

You would make it so they had the same survival and output of the 2 tanks or supports they were replacing.

You would have one, but they would be twice as hard to take out.

So do you try to jump them (and have to have co-ord or they will eat you) or do you take on the far more squishy dps, and then take them once they are alone.

And this is why 7s is a MUCH better idea than 4-1-1.