Why does Blizzard reward the Trash Players?

There are people who run at the start of team fights or even before they happen.
Then these trash cans proceed to runaway for 30 seconds while their whole team is already dead. Then they die knowing they just waste a total of about 75 seconds.
You want to say that I’m the reason that we should lose and I deserve the same MMR as they do because they don’t shoot anything in a shooting game and all they do is run away or heal-bot where no one is missing any health.
Worse thing is these dumpsters want to tell you that you’re wrong and that sitting there never peaking the enemy and not shooting anything is how you climb. Since their IQ is so low they can’t even multi-task and do their role because they’re so focused on clarifying their trash way to play is how you climb.
Your game is trash and everybody hates you; Return the game to 6v6

Few tips

  • Make a team
  • Make a team
  • Play with friends with a plan
  • Use comms, discuss stuff in the initial start of the match where possible
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