Why does blizz ignore ana threads and Ana herself?

I just don’t understand its been months and months and months we try to voice our concerns and difficulties of current gameplay.

Everyone in the community seems to agree she needs to be looked at, there are always threads listing the same issues with her and saying she needs help.

I just don’t understand, i feel like no one at blizzard plays ana or something -_O


I actually think they’re afraid of buffing her because of Seasons 3 and 4.


They’re terrified of reviving the tank meta.

At this point, I just want to see her damage increased and maybe she can stack her grenade twice?


I understand a bit more now :smiley:

The problem with Ana, I think, is that she has so much utility that it’s difficult to balance around.

I play on console and You know what was strange?

My team got caught in a grav + blade combo. Our Zen ulted and everyone died except him.

He had no idea that the Ana had naded and stopped his healing, he was asking in chat how it happened.

That’s how rare she is on console.


Damage increase would be nice being that she is a sniper.

Something like that for the frag would be cool too. I’m not the best ana but I’m using the frag on myself more and more lol a lot of fights its on CD because a auto aim moira orb came out of no where :smiley:

I know people are afraid about her becoming overpowered, but at this point she really needs some help. They could give her mobility, but I don’t think they should do that, or they could have her heal through barriers, which I’m a huge fan of.

There’s too much against her/stopping her and I think after fixing Symmetra they should really take a look at Ana.

They go quiet before they do something big.

I expect they are trying out rebuilds, but nothing has really stuck yet.

They don’t. You’re delusional to believe they do.

Maybe they think Ana is in a good place? Maybe they have plans for her in the future? We don’t know.

Speaking of Ana threads I just made one.

One of the problems that arises from making her able to heal through barriers though, sadly, is that it would be excruciatingly hard to balance. Making her simply able to shoot through them, meaning she can heal through them, would make her able to shoot enemies through them as well, which would defeat the entire purpose of the barrier in the first place.

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I can see that as an issue, but so far she’s the only healer hindered by barriers, and there are quite a few barriers in the game. Maybe an ability that gives her penetrating darts for a few seconds? I’m not sure, but I feel like it’d be a big help to her. She definitely requires a lot of skill to play, but right now she requires too much for so little, which is why I’m recommending something like this lol

I honestly think Blizzard are not even sure themselves what role/niche they want Ana to fill, and because of this they don’t know how to “fix” her. Thus the easiest is to avoid the conversation until they believe to have settled upon a course for her.

Wouldn’t be surprised if they came out with a proposed rework for her eventually, although it would make me extremely apprehensive.

I don’t think a rework could even be a possibility for Ana. Grenade is just such a strong ability and even trying to rework it or change it, could be devestating. It’s in a good place right now tbh.

Only thing I could imagine them doing to Ana is to let her healing go through full health allies, or even change her hipfire to hitscan as well.

Sleep Dart though? Could use some changes…

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Agreed. Personally, I’d like Ana to have a defensive ability that doesn’t rely on her team’s self control. It really sucks when you sleep a raging monkey right next to you and someone decides to lightly tap it awake.

I honestly think Biotic Grenade has too much power implemented in Ana’s kit and is holding her back from receiving anything substantial.

After all, Biotic Grenade was the prime reason why Triple Tank had so much sustain on PC.

Yes. So I think they should maybe shift power out of Biotic Grenade and toward things like making healing shots pass through fully healed allies. Or maybe 75 damage.

If he’s on Console how’d he ask on chat?

Sorry, I call the voice channel chat.
Probably comes from Xbox party chat.