Why does blizz Hate Junkrat

How he got nerfed in today’s patch? Did I missed something?

Care to explain?

But that’s the point, it is exactly a low rank issue.

I.e. At least 50% the playerbase is Gold or below. And the devs kinda care about those players too.

PharMercy needs to be addressed for similar reasons.

he’s getting nerfed? sauce?

The dev on stream mentioned Junk projectiles rolling on the floor as something they’re looking at. Flats asked about the combo and the dev answered with talking about range limitations on 1 shots and how when they come from across the map it’s not ok. Essentially saying that his combo is fine.

People have somehow managed to confuse that with “Combo being removed1!!1!!”

Not nerfed, but Alec in his steam with Emongg today, says they were looking to make Junk less frustrating to play against.

More of a powershift thing.

Yeah. I’m saying that you could remove the aoe altogether and it would be negligible for low ranks.

So what do you think are the main pain points with Junk where lower ELOs find him frustrating to play against?

While indeed that could be nerf, I think we should wait until they give us some more details. Jumping to conclusions about them ‘hating Junkrat’ is a bit too bold right now. We do not know if he won’t get something back to offset this.

as to OP then. Too soon. You are just fearmongering now. Please stop.

Poor movement/positioning/awareness allowing his spam to hit regular direct hits. Leading to lots of kills.

So if you want to decrease annoyance in low ranks you’d need to lower direct damage after bounces. This protects aimed shots but spam gets heavily nerfed. The hero would likely need some form of compensation as spam is still important for ult charge.

Yeah I agree. Junkrat wasn’t really talked about outside of Flats bringing him up and my takeaway was they think his power is fine but his spam can be annoying.


Any ideas what wishlist buffs you’d want?

That’s really good feedback, thanks.

because he’s not genji, tracer, widow or hanzo, and whales don’t play him so they can’t sell overpriced skins for him

I wonder if they could differentiate between ground bounces and wall bounces.

Since trickshots are still kinda nice.

+10 primary direct damage I suppose.

Quality of life: Increase mine hp to match trap so it’s not destroyed by random aoe when trying to mine jump. And fix his (I think 10?) current bugs.

Incredibly niche though. Even for the highest ranks.

isn’t that what he said for roadhog?

christ, they won’t even let mako rest- they’re now going after his associates

Generally, when you look at CC, oneshot, oneshot combos, and spam it’s all under “Overwatch as a game should be less frustrating”.

course, unless it’s widow

the game can be slightly frustrating on occassion, or it can be vrchat, their call

I wasn’t quoting exactly, flats mentioned the combo, and the response did mention burst.
and yes, the mention of rollers was the initial talking point

Tbh, I’m sure they will get the nerf bat warmed up and ready to go on Widow as soon as they EVENTUALLY get Sojourn to a spot the community is generally okay with.

see you next ice age!

I’m sure the streamers will be aggro enough to EVENTUALLY get that solved.