Why does Bliz just not care about Bastion?

You are correct, I cannot.

However, I can dismiss someones opinion based on the poor rhetoric they use to express their opinions and their unwillingness (and outright rudeness) to people who disagree with them.

In other words. I am not saying the stats given are inaccurate, I am saying I am skeptical without reviewing the information at large and how the data was gathered (which I won’t do because I don’t care that much).

Additional skepticism is added by OP’s behavior. Often when people are unwilling to listen to opposing views, or attacking opinions of those that differ from them, it means that they are over compensating for the weakness of their argument.

Interesting point. Of course, the stationary barrier could allow him to place it behind him, then turn around to face the enemy (giving him anti-flanker protection). Could be risky, but either of these could give him interesting play options.

I am talking about how badly Mercy’s Res changes (plus an Ultimate that ENHANCES HER THEME) turned out; namely, up to the NINTH (from what I’ve heard) megathread due to complaints about her rework. Plus, Sym’s changes to Teleporter will likely go that way. All in all, it seem too risky for Bastion to go down this route.

Skepticism is not grounds for outright dismissal.

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I do not dismiss the opinion.

I dismiss OP.

I do not agree with OPs view. My experience with Bastion playing with and against him is that he is fine. But I accept I could be wrong.

Immobility can work in a game built around objectives. Which this one is.

And Torbs turret has a number of issues beyond immobility. Having its most powerful state being locked away behind an ult to counter hero stacking, something that was removed, being one of them. Getting its upgrade system blocked by taking .5 damage being another. As well as inability to prioritize its targets so it stops wasting shots on that Reinhardt shield instead of shooting the flanker trying to go after the supports.

All issues Bastion does not have. What he does have is a problem where he needs to have babysitters sitting on top of him. Which has been a problem ever since they removed his barrier back in beta.

If you do want an example of a character that is viable despite being nearly immobile you can take a look at Orisa. So long as she is firing she is moving at half speed and that is barely enough to constitute attempts at evasion. However despite the heavy slow she suffers from her version of Bastions gun (in fact when she was being designed the prototype for her was Zarya carrying Bastion’s chaingun) thanks to her barrier she is able to do a lot of work with it. Even when standing still on top of the point.

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bastion is fine and doesnt need a buff.