Why Does Bastion Only Have 2 Configurations?

This has baffled me. An omnic robot that fought in the wars can ONLY turn into a machine gun. And a tank, but I’ve never seen that transformation lore-wise. Ignore the issue in terms of story, let’s talk about what it would do in-game.

Imagine 2-3 different configurations. This would give Bastion versatility for different situations. His current machine gun configuration for shield melting, but if he was overwhelmed he could have a shotgun configuration for close range melting. I mean there’s quite infinite possibilities to add as configurations, and I think it’s creative.

What do you guys think?

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That would be the hardest possible solution. The nuke of the situation.

Recon mode - 3

Bastion as he works now is representative of how he is portrayed in cinematics. And besides, why a shotgun? He already has an automatic rifle.

Allow a nerfed tankmode on E now he has three, recon, sentry, and tank, and none of them are bound to his ult.

I have suggested a flight form before bound to E (details on post 4064 of the Bastion megathread)

Here’s an In-depth "Tank on E" rework for Bastion . Tank on E, ult becomes similar to Molten Core. 3 modes, more versatile…