Why does bastion have 300 HP?

Cheesy? Out of curiosity what exactly does cheesy mean to you and why are these heroes cheesy?

Bastion is a terrible hero without a team built around you

with a team that builds around you, youā€™re almost guaranteed 2 points before the enemy team actually kills off your braindead no effort pirate ship

cheesy means lack of effort high success strategy

pirate ship is not weak and bastion is not the weakest hero

Is this a genuine Bastion complaint? Iā€™m speechless. Top kek.

Iron clad should be 25%. Just saying.

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Dude, heā€™s in a bad enough spot as it isā€¦ He also has a huge hitbox, which means he needs more health to survive. If they are going to drop his hp by 50-100, then theyā€™d need to reduce his hitbox size by at least 50% to compensate.

Well said.

Reduced cone if fire in sentry mode + re-add headshots and weā€™re back in business.

I think heā€™s bigger, or at least much wider.

what are you talking about? he has like a hitbox similar to a tanksā€™.





Doom is the weakest but nice try

Part of the reason to remove his self heal is because he is a cheese hero in low ranks and in qp that is always getting pocket by a Mercy, similar to Pharah.

By themselves, they are fine, but with a personal pocket, with niche features that shreds the uncoordinated enemy team apart if the enemy team donā€™t work together to deal with the problems.

His large hp pool is due to how large bastion recon mode is.

A thread older than the OW2 announcement.


didnā€™t realize it until you pointed it out. itā€™s not so obvious on a phone, lol.

I wish blizzard would auto lock old threads.

Because he has a huge hitbox and no damage outside his sentry.

I havenā€™t seen them saying its against their ToS, but they have said if there isnā€™t a good reason for the necro to have been done, itā€™ll be considered as falling under something against their ToS, I believe they said itā€™d be considered as spam if it was necrod for no good reason?

Code of Conduct not ToS my mistake.

Oh, Iā€™m stealing that image.

Can we please ā€œauto closeā€ threads that are older than 6 months?

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If you are going to necro a thread, might as well go for broke, 4 yearsā€¦ respect.

Eh, I saw a 5 year necro a few days ago