Why does Baptiste do as much primary fire damage as soldier 76? >_>

I don’t agree, because his problem is that comps are way too tanky.

The reason the meta hard shifted towards burst damage in the first place is because you have very small windows to exploit to actually get picks with so much healing and so many defensive skills around. If you can’t kill someone in one or two shots, you’re just feeding support ult charge.

Buffing 76 to function in this twisted hell meta will break the balance of McCree and Ashe, who will be obviated by 76’s superior self-sustain and overall more reliable damage output between his ult and weapon damage type. Widow and Hanzo will be unaffected, because why touch our sacred cows when we can buff everyone else to compete?

But he fires much slower then 76 and doesn’t have helix rockets. So technically he has lower damage per second by a significant amount.

You gotta remember that they have been tuning back healing across the board in the meantime.

Plus Zenyatta outdpses Mccree, nothing wrong with a support having similar primary fire damage to a DPS. The DPS often has major aspects of their kit that give them greater kill potential than just LMB.

Also I will point out that this is long term sustained DPS where Baptise and Soldier tie. In a short term perspective where you are trying to kill one person, soldier has much higher DPS.

180 DPS on soldier vs 135 DPS.

If you dumped 25 shots into someone and a helix rocket, and they arent a tank and they arent dead, well… I dont think a guy with the same level of aim on Baptise will kill with that primary fire either.

Also remember Baptise’s damage output and primary healing are on a mutex. You can either aim at an enemy, or an ally. And even if you are god mode enough to flick between allies and enemies between bursts, (0.3s window mind you), it will still slow your DPS down dramatically.

I didn’t say make him a burst hero. Give him a 50% damage bonus during Tac Visor because it doesn’t crit? Decrease the cooldown on Biotic Field or Helix? Changing his DPR may not be a solution.

First of all Baptiste has 3 round burst he has to hit 3 shots to get value on top of that Baptiste has more in a clip than soldier 76.
Soldier 76 has helix rockets and further range and has more dps overall.
Only reason why Baptiste broke the shield first is because larger clip.Also soldier 76 can kill any character faster than Baptiste.

Soldier is a bursty hero though. At least against squishes.

Helix rockets are very good at providing a quick finisher.
I agree with Tactical Visor needing some help though. Maybe make it autoaim lockon to heads?

Isn’t this technically a DPR change? Also, this would change 76’s ult to incinerate 250 HP heroes in less than a second if they’re within 35 meters…

Again, the problem is that comps are super tanky, and any changes you make to make 76 “more lethal” will reduce TTKs dramatically if (when) Blizzard nerfs tanky comps further.

I don’t think they should keep increasing DPS output to counter GOATS, SNOATS, snowblossom, double shield, or any other future Super Tank comp because when those things are finally nerfed out of meta, people will wish they had some kind of defense against all these busted DPS changes.

Mei was a meme when they buffed her as an anti-GOATS pick way back, and now people want her hard nerfed out of meta because she’s way too good against 2-2-2 comps. Same thing with Reaper.

Do the math mate.
He has amost TWICE as much bullets, so in the long run, due to reload times, he does almost the same raw dps.

Sure Soldier has helix … but then again, Bap can heal AND has the lamp.

Soldier does 180 DPS. Baptiste does 134 DPS. Baptiste can shoot longer than Soldier before having to reload, so that is why his damage evens out with Soldier’s. Soldier does more damage per second though, & has Helix, meaning he is more bursty. I do think Baptiste got over-buffed still.

There’s no rule which says support are not allowed to damage or that they should always damage less than a DPS. Many OW characters are hybrids of various elements.

You could easily flip this debate into: Why does S76 have AOE healing capability when he is not a support?

An impractical example of solo shooting a shield

Why are people looking at dps in a vacuum when comparing power?

If that was the case then Bastion would be the best dps pick in the game and everyone knows that isn’t true.

There are just too many variables.


So by your definition, bastion is the most powerful character in the game due to volume of ammunition? Honestly bap fires so slow he isn’t even in the same category as 76

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Please stop beating this dead horse. And bap does not do as much damage as soldier.

They have 2 different kits that do totally different things


Don’t tell these people that Zanyatta is closer to Soldier than Baptiste, and is actually above a lot of the DPS in terms of solo kills and final blows too or they’ll witch hunt Zenyatta next

Its not “my definition” dude, dont be hardcore disingenuous. If you dont know what “Raw DPS” is and why it is a key factor in game balancing, specially in comparison to pure DPS heroes, then you have nothing to do here. You are out of your pepth.

Yeah, in Raw DPS, Bastion and Reaper are the best at that task. Dont throw strawmans there, I have NEVER said “powerful character”. Dont make up stuff Ive never said.

Can we please STOP peddling this falsehood? Soldier does more damage, secures more kills, and does more damage than Baptise. Baptise’s job is to heal and be able to protect himself.

If you keep nerfing supports, then there won’t be any support players left.

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Bap is one of the strongest picks in the game right now… why on earth would he “need” a buff.

Zenyatta doesn’t pump out main healer level healing with great mobility, invincibility on cool down and a multiple target team-wide damage buff ult…

Awful comparison and you know it.

Prior to the gun buff a month ago, Baptiste was doing some of the lowest damage numbers in the game that both Lucio/ Brigitte were doing more damage than him in every rank. Even in GM Baptiste was doing less damage than Brigitte

And of course Zen doesn’t pump out the same healing as Baptiste does; Zen is a DPS focused support and offers the value in that with one of the only debuffs that doesn’t require aim to apply, as well as DPS levels of damage, solo kills, and final blows.

Baptiste’s DPS stats are pretty terrible until Grand Masters. He’s bottom in every other rank.

Also “great mobility” Even though when the buff went through to live people were asking “Why didn’t you buff his jump?”

And Amplification Matrix? The ability that on average amps 688 damage? Even MERCY does TWICE that on average

Okay then. I was using bastion as example of why your argument is false. Soldier fires and reloads faster then Baptiste. Also damage 76s only job. He is going to out dps Baptiste in circles.