Why does Ana have the highest meta win-rate?

Ok for One. Those are ladder stats. Had you actually looked at the links at all, the very first paragraph tells you this.

Blizzard has not released an Overwatch API to access the data of all players in the game, so this article displays no official info. There are several websites that gather data from their users, and I decided to utilize the statistics provided by Overbuff as it is the most popular one.

And two, which now makes you look even more ridiculous after the fact, you look like a child spamming your point word by word, and it’s even worse when you’re completely wrong.

You’re literally the one in this thread denying stats while accusing others of doing the same.

How this comment of yours got any likes is actually outstanding and just goes to show the bandwagoning going on.

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Hard pills to swallow:
people who claim ana is op and dominates the entire support roster are most likely biased or just following herd mentality.
Facts prove that while popular she’s nowhere near the strongest hero and her usage in OWL has been niche at best.

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you know anti isn’t her only ability? Why do people act as if she only “dominates” because one of her abilities has “no counter”? Which it actually does, ever heard of shields and matrix? Or not staying all grouped up in one spot?

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A cleanse would counter sleep too.

That wasn’t my argument.

As I said, it lacks a reactionary counter. You’ll also notice that there is very little the support role can do to counter Ana. This is part of why “just play Ana” is a thing. It’s less her being too powerful and more her just being the better choice with little counterplay available within the support role.

I know. I don’t like doing it either.

I don’t like making complaint threads in general because credit to the devs, nothing lasts forever. For example if you don’t like Hog and he becomes meta. You can take solace in knowing that eventually he will either be nerfed or the meta will change to force them out of the meta.

This is true for every hero in the game, except Ana. For now.

I would much prefer making suggestion threads about heroes I like playing. For example I like playing Hanzo but I think Storm arrows is an incredibly boring ability, so I like coming up with ideas on what could replace it. Pointless I know because the devs don’t take ideas from the forums but still fun. Same with coming up with ideas for problematic heroes that are hard to balance like Bastion, much more fun.

Ana is a big problem in my eyes because for the first time since this game has launched, I feel the explicit need to complain as she has been a dominant pick in the game for the last 2yrs.

This has never happened before!!

The only heroes that have come close to being such a dominant pick for as long are Mercy and D’va. Credit to the devs again. They dealt with it.

I made this thread AUG 2019. Over a year ago now.

Does this explain why I feel the need to make these threads?

I have been patience enough. I don’t care by what means, Ana needs to rotate out of being such a dominant pick.

You might think this is unfair but its the opposite, it is unfair on every other hero in the game that do not get this privileged position. Heroes need to rotate in and out of being meta to stop the game from becoming stagnant. It doesn’t matter if they are the most fun hero in the game or least, no hero should be an exception.

Then make suggestions to buff the healers they trashed in the first place and stop trying to lower the standard.

Also i already commented to you in that very thread. So no, it doesn’t explain it, it only reinforces the point you keep making the exact same threads like every other week.

she is the most well rounded and arguably most well designed support. her popularity will always be high.
her winrate also happens to scale directly will rank, you seemed to miss that part out.
she has a winrate of 50.61% if you look at all ranks but instead, you decided to take 1% of the playerbase and use that for your entire argument.

Always the same people complaining about Ana… do you not get tired of writting pointless threads over and over again? The arguments are always the same aswell lol.

I would, if I thought that was the problem. I don’t.

It has been 2yrs. I have seen the support category from their weakest to their strongest. I does not matter, Ana is a staple regardless
which indicates to me that she is too strong or too versatile. Both are problematic.

You are still missing my main problem with Ana!!

You are making the argument that she is balanced statistically, which is fine. I have never thought Ana was this OP monster, In terms of balance I would probably regard her on the slightly overtuned side.

That is not the problem here though! Ana has D’va syndrome!

She is being used in every comp, every meta, every rank regardless if she fits in or not.

This is a problem!! It is making her a dominant pick, at every rank in the game, for an extremely long time.

D’va was reworked for this very reason!! They cut her defense matrix duration in half and gave her micro-missiles to stop her being used in every comp. She was too versatile and she was too dominant of a pick.

That is the issue here! No hero should be like that! Ana permanently occupying one fo the two support slots is not acceptable! It is not acceptable for any hero and the devs have shown this to be the case.

Look at the current meta heroes, most of them have just recently become meta again.

Winston, Lucio Mercy, D’va etc. They are all coming out of obscurity because of a meta shift!!!

That is a sign of excellent balance!!


That’s ALL the reason you people want cleanse in the game - to counter Ana. Do you know how fun it is to play a hero whose whole ability is there to counter only one thing? Not much. Unlike Heroes of the Storm, there is pretty much only one root in this game - Junk’s trap and roots is what cleanse is primarily used for. Cleansing stuns makes no sense here cause they’re so short. If it also cleansed Mei’s slow and freeze that’d be something. Hack, burning from Ashe and Torb also is something that cleanse would actually be useful against, but it always comes down to Ana…

Why are you talking about Genji mains right here?

And like people already said - it’s not cause “Ana 2OP”, it’s cause other supports got nerfed (except Lucio, whoe people mostly play to reddit and Zen who people mostly play to DPS with, I guess).

It’s not though. For the vast majority of the last 2yrs, Ana has been the most dominant support.

2yrs. It that time period we have seen supports get buffed and nerfed and the only staple has been Ana.

I don’t see a problem here.

Not really. There are many instances when cleanse would be beneficial. Ana is just the best example as her abilities have such a large impact.

What if nade only anti-healed for 100hp worth of healing?

It does not sound like a lot but even then nade is still providing huge value!

Most healers would take 1-2 seconds to heal 100hp, AOE healers even longer. This is 1-2 seconds of wasted resources they would have to pour into a hero to cleanse the anti-heal effect.

That is still a massive commitment a healer would have to make to just save 1 hero while not being able to heal others.

Infinite anti-heal for 4 seconds is too strong, especially when it is stacked with all the other abilities of nade.

Well then simply you’re wrong. Ana has been replaced by simple meta changes multiple times. That’s the facts of the matter here. The healers that enabled those metas got nerfed leaving Ana the only viable option anymore.

Your sitting here making threads every week saying she’s dominant and a must pick, but look at where the alternatives are right now. Your solution to bring them up, is to lower the standard for the support category and bring Ana down with them. What you should want is to make those hero’s impactful again.

Like, you accuse Ana players of not caring about the health of the game.

But Overwatch has been bleeding players from all of the support and tank nerfs that have made those players quit. You’re just compounding the problem.

wrong, stats usually dont have 100% of the population

its normal, and called a sample size

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Do you remember when Res wasn’t Moth Mercy’s only ability?

It was still the problem due to how strong it was, and was nerfed accordingly.

Having other abilities doesn’t suddenly justify making a single ability OP or not.


Nano, top 3 ultimate

I don’t think that’s the ONLY reason people want cleansing abilities. But anti-nade is more problematic than other CCs, because it basically cripples a whole role (Support) for several seconds. Supports are stuck watching their teammates lose health, unable to heal them. Sure, you can use other utilities to hopefully keep them alive, but it’s still a really big counter to healing in general. Additionally, since the anti-heal comes FROM a Support character, it’s just another reason that she’s sticking out right now.

Plus, cleansing (for multiple CCs) would really just be a great, new utility to add for Supports. The Support pool is small, and cleansing abilities would just be a smart addition to their utility. Personally, I’d rather see 2 or 3 heroes get some (even if small) cleansing potential vs only one support who is built around cleanse. It would be annoying to have to pick “the cleanse hero” every time enemy team has an Ana, so maybe some of the weaker Supports could get some small cleansing abilities and then a new Support come in with strong/aoe cleanses or something. That way there are options, and more utility from the Support role.


Did you read the rest of my post? I don’t see much point replying with these long a$$ posts if you are not going to read them.

No. My opinion of support balance is irrelevant to the current discussion. It does not matter to me if you buff all the other supports to Ana’s lvl or nerf Ana.

That is the devs job to decide the best course of action. Personally I don’t think it is a good idea to buff the rest of the supports because of my experiences of what happens to the game when the devs make sweeping changes, however once again my opinion is irrelevant in this matter.

What I want addressed is the fundamental problem with Ana currently. Her dominant pick-rate. Which is a problem and is unhealthy for the game!

Which is why I stated Ana players don’t seem to care for the health of the game.

You state that Ana has been replaced by simple meta changes multiple times but it isn’t true!

For example even in the first double shield meta, when we had OP Bap. Ana was still the overall most picked support in the game and the 2nd most picked support in GM.

For the vast majority of us, that does not count as Ana being replaced!!

No other healer follows this trend! You do not see Lucio still being the overall most picked support in the game when a meta comes around that doesn’t suit him.
Balance aside, no hero should have a dominant pick-rate as long as Ana has. In fact no hero has had a dominant pick-rate as long as Ana has.

The only heroes that have come close are Mercy and D’va. The devs addressed this problem and now they rotate in and out of metas as needed.

Ana is not following this trend, which makes her problematic. She is currently too versatile.

Lucio, Mercy, Moira, Zenyatta, Baptiste,Brig. All other supports rotate in out and metas as needed!!

This is the same story for the tank category and is the same story for the DPS category.

No one hero is dominants for multiple metas!! Ana is not like this!!

You might not think it is a problem but it is fundamentally unhealthy for the game. When 1 support occupies a support slot for years on end, it stagnates the game. This would be true of literally any hero.

I don’t want to hate on Ana because I don’t hate her. She is a great hero but this doesn’t subtract from the fact that her current state is problematic.