Why Does Ana Exist? (Ana-Main Rant)

No more shields… Ana’s would be in a way better place if her nano boosted player could not be CC’d. Give her head shot increased damage to almost Widow potential. No quite as potent but close so she becomes a offensive healer.

Give Ana infinite ammo (her rifle have no clip it only make sense since she “reload” after every shot anyway), make her hipfire a hitscan and make that nade trigger ONLY off of obsticles, not players.


SHE NEEDS A MAJOR BUFF, repeat after me SHE NEEDS A MAJOR BUFF. Please dear god, denying that Ana is in a very bad spot is like defending mercy 2.0, it’s just so dumb. Buff nano boost (more movement speed), some sort of mobility, faster reload and increase ammo ATLEAST. A minor buff will not magicaly make her good again (for example the 60 -> 70 dmg buff).

Want to play Ana? naah ur just throwing just pick moira and you can do more in 1 minute than you can do with Ana in 5 minutes. Why in the world would the highest skill ceiling support have almost the least impact of all the supports? It doesn’t make any sense at all. Please FIX ANA NOW!!


Zenyatta orbs >> ana ult.


That sadly true.
Most of time when I play Ana, I know I can do much better on Mercy or Moira…
But I love her, so I still play here the most I can.

Edit : Also for nano I don’t know if a speed buff like it was before is not to strong.
I mean, for some char like Rein or Hog, it would be nice, but in other hand, one genji it would be terribly OP imo.
(Maybe not with Brigitte now)

A game it’s hard to balance.
Just let time to Dev to fix her.

Atm they do alot with rework on Mei, Hanzo, Reaper, Sym, soon Torb.
Probably some event are coming aswell.

So, let them time to do their job.
Nothing is easy even if people think it.

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I feel the same. When I got this game, I decided I wanted to play Ana and played nothing but her for the longest time. Now that I’m heavily into comp, I feel guilty playing the character I have the most fun on.

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You know how much I agree with this Epsilon. Thank you for voicing so many of our thoughts so eloquently.

It’s time players and devs alike stop fearing the ghost of tank metas past and just start planning on making Ana actually work again.


You took the words right out of my mouth and sound exactly like how I sound in a post I made recently about Ana. I’m a console player to and I love Ana as well and it kills me to see all my hard work gets stomped on. Also can you check out my post to?



Here is the irony in it all. Sombra was “buffed” at still has the lowest pick and win rate last Ichecked sub plat… Talk about a hero that needs a full on rework.

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Who’s Ana?


This post sums up perfect why Ana is in such a garbage spot right now. Despite this, I play her, but still.


Exactly!!! “We are scared of buffing Ana

Why are they scared of hardest support in the game when she doesn’t get the value out of it at all. Zenyatta is a better sniper than Ana!

Rez is on 30 seconds and Sleep Dart is on 12 seconds but the 18 second difference is worth it because the value and “if this happens” aren’t so big.

At this point, multi tank is easily enabled by Moira and Lucio, so I’m not quite sure what they are avoiding? We have to keep in mind though that blizzard has a bigger picture view of whats going on and know what changes are on the horizon.

Still, I wish Ana felt more rewarding for how hard she is to play.

Like seriously they really do. It’s a poor excuse and a slap to the face. They had a better reason for saying it I wouldn’t be so bother. But to be honest there’s no excuse you can give at this point about Ana since she’s hard to use period.

I just hope they don’t dumb her down and, instead, give her more reward.
The way they’ve just added 2 barely-no skill heroes scares me for the support class. I was really looking forward for Brigitte to actually be fun (sure, subjective, but I don’t get fun from cheapily stunning people every 5 seconds and killing with little to no effort) and I’m really frustrated that her kit has no depth. Well, at least it’s got more depth than Moira’s.

Still, I hope Ana doesn’t get dumb down in order to fill her role more effectively.
I think if that happens, I would consider for the first time quitting - not that anyone would, but I always thought that was unthinkable :confused:
I love this game so much, but it would suck the fun so hard out of it.

Doing impactful things with no effort trivializes the importance of the actions themselves, because then it becomes just annoyances that you have to deal with, not challenges and hurdles you have to overcome.

Ana exists for something for Every dps, tank, even support to roll over without effort. =)

I wish I could “anti-flag” your reply for “truth.”
And commend you honor points of some kind, dear person.

Can we get any response by Blizz already!?
It cant take forever can it!?

Just look at one Ability Sleep Dart… so slow im always dead when i even try to get it out on Genji and then it has the smallest hitbox in the game…

She used to be able to sleep mccree in his ult but now it takes forever and already 1-2 teammates are dead. even if you are fast AF.

And her weapon has literally 10 shots… are you joking? XD

Then no selfheal…

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Its funny you say Sombra and Ana considering they are my mains and that nobody wants them to be meta or strong because they have counterplay.

Notice how Sombra got a nerf so fast and hit live so quickly without the evidence of backing it up. Notice how Ana is left terrible and some people believe that Ana is fine when they know she’s not. They just don’t want see anti-heals being seen more often.

Here’s my opinion about Sombra and Ana. They both counter two hard mechanics needed in the game which is abilities and the ability to heal which explains why people don’t want them to be good or relevant…EVER.


Let me rephrase that: “Not evrey hero should be viably [in every possible situation]”. Now it makes sense.
Ana in her current state is not viable in 95% of all scenarios, if you have the other healers at hand. There is just too much cr*p going on on the battle field that makes her unable to do her main job. And she simply needs too much skill for what she can effectively output.
If you could pick her on 50% of all maps without setting your team at a disadvantage, I would be happy. But that’s currently not the case.
The best Ana player in the world, Ryujehong mains Zen now and only plays Ana on Numbani defence, if at all… That’s a flippin’ shame.
Not to speak what happens if you are not a world-class Ana.
She has to get tweaked.