Why Does Ana Exist? (Ana-Main Rant)

Mercy, Moira,Dva and Brig is their answer to Bully Hunters.

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She will never be viable on Console, it shouldn’t be an excuse to buff her. However, she does need some sort of buff but I still think Nano is a better ult than Valk.

I think she should have 100 HP and 100 Shields, she only needs some sort of self regen or long cooldown mobility to fit in.

I have a feeling we’re going to see Ana get some big changes at the end of the year, once the changes to Torbjorn are finished. I just can’t see Ana coming back as a main healer, with any other change they can make to the game. Moira is played seven times more then Ana in OWL, and Lucio is played nine times more. Even Doomfist is seeing more playtime then Ana!

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How about some tweaks to her ult and sleep dart. Make it so that chip dmg doesnt wake up slept enemies to give your team more chance to finish them. Let her nanaboost herself for increased healing , fire rate and faster reload or infinite ammo during the ult. Dmg is fine , she needs more utility


Ana’s glory days were a totally different era of this game. She was queen of the hill when deathballs were the game style of choice. Dive is just not the meta for her. Action is far too fast and dva/winston prevents her from healing. Dva can literally protect her and her winston AND prevent ALL of ana’s heals from getting to rein. The nade and her shots all get absorbed.

Dva/Winston pretty much IS the problem for her. Why run her if you can just run Moira a healer that you can climb with while being intoxicated. Bringing ana back in line with the other healers pretty much would either require a full rework of her or at the very least revert the grenade changes which wont happen. And I am not sure if that would even fix her.

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I think Ana exists primarily to give low-mid rank players the feeling that they’re playing a high skill hero.

I don’t even mean that in a rude way, I mean that Ana’s design is basically self sabotaging in an effort to make it easy to play.

She’s a hero that should be aim based, strategic and with a good skill curve. In practice they focused so much on making her viable in environments that she doesn’t have to aim in (eg tank meta), that they made her useless in nearly every other situation. Whenever you actually have to aim as Ana, then Mercy or Moira will usually outperform you.

If we want Ana to be a hero that is actually useful and feels good to play then they need to move her away from that tank niche and reward her more for aiming. It’s no coincidence that she’s played frequently in plat but is basically unheard of in GM.

Take a look at some gm streams… pretty much every game is a dva/winston mirror. You just cant heal through that nonsense. She has zero mobility and is a positional nightmare to play. It’s not fun having to worry about being where you are at all time while trying to make tough shots with the speed of the game at GM


except with the release of Orisa (2 heroes after her release) and the Dva/Winston changes her pickrate dropped massively.
They they added the Reaper change, 2 other healers, the Mercy change, the Symmetra change (yay even more shields along with Brigitte) and indirect nerfs to her through Mei, Dva, Lucio, Hog and Sombra reworks/changes. There’s no reason to play her.

Her pick rate has been low ever since the Winston shield buff and the Dva DM change which was multiple seasons ago, almost a year ago.

Meanwhile she hasn’t even received even the smallest bit of attention because Blizzard is scared of causing the Deathball tank meta again but in fact quad tank with Moira+Zen is a definite thing currently

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Yup I truly do get that feeling healing Tracer and Genji with the rest of dive through 360 quickscopes and long range antinades…

She’s not useless, it’s just the other two main healers are too good while being braindead. If you removed regen from Mercy and Moira, That would bring Ana back.

No, She feels good play. She needs her nano speed back and the other main heals to lose effectiveness or increase skill ceiling. 90% of Ana’s in plat are bad, and play her because she’s the coolest most fun healer. With everything lately it seems they want to balance the game for non gamers.

If you’re playing Ana to heal Tracer and Genji, you’re simply playing the wrong healer. No matter how good the Ana, even if you’re t500, you can FEEL how little Ana heals you as Tracer. She SHOULD be rewarded for landing shots on Tracer, but I’d take Brigitte’s AOE healing over an Ana any day.

Ana exists so that there’s a support that actually requires mechanical skill to use.
She’s a product of a bygone era, before Bliz decided that “braindead but horrendously oppressive” was the order of the day where supports are concerned.


Our Zen better be on top of that lol. Who sits there and pockets a Tracer anyway, she’s supposed to be off drawing attention from the choke.

It’s not Ana’s job to heal Tracer.
She can do it, but Lucio and Zen have always been the best options. And tracer is a flanker, meaning that she’s not always in LoS.

Yeah, exactly.

The question really becomes “who is Ana the best healer for?” And right now the answer is that she is the best healer for standing behind tanks holding m1.

I think in the ideal world she should function as a longer ranged, more potent (but more difficult) alternative to Mercy or Moira. In practice she’s nearly always worse EXCEPT when she is standing behind Rein holding m1.

Have you even tried using her range? What’s this about you needing to be up a tanks rear all the time… Ana players with actual time on her know they don’t have the luxury of anything and have to position perfect and not miss shots. I see most Mercy and Moira players just stapled to the tanks mindlessly though…

Ana really should be the best healer for all occasions if played properly, But this game is filled with and balanced for the casual/non gamer.


Ana and Sombra were the first two heroes introduced into the game and both of them had the same purpose: To provide counterplay one of the defensive ultimates. Ana counters Transcendence with nano-combos doing enough damage to get kills through it and with anti-nade canceling its effects entirely. Sombra’s hack can cancel sound barrier during its animation and EMP can immediately remove its effects from enemies. So that is why Ana exists: to make sure that no ult in the game lacks counterplay


You can just burn through Lucio’s ult with damage, and Zen isn’t immune to knockback during his ult.

Roadhog, Reinhardt, and Winston all have tools to push Zen away from his team; heck even a well placed Mei wall can shut down Zen’s ult

This here is an Ana thread, I believe you are looking for the hundreds of Mercy and Sym threads.

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“Buff her when ready”

It’s been a year without any word; 4 new heroes have been released since Ana was last a solid pick

Of course people are going to be mad.

Imagine if they made a character like Genji the worst character in the DPS roster for a year; they never said a word to their players about him, they just release more stronger dps options that do what he does easier. You don’t think Genji players would like at least SOME word on their character?


Incoming elitist Ana mains screeching about how her kit is fine and any changes to her kit would make her easier, thus “destroying” the character.

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