Why do you want MMR reset

How would it be easier? And can you please give some examples?

There are allready swings in SR as it is, but it is mostly kept silent because profiles are locked by default (another transparency fault by blizzard - it should be open by default and then closed by whoever wants it). If you matched by SR only it seems that the middle ranks would have less swing due to the inability of blizzard to put out of place players into the mix for whatever unsporting reason they want. Higher ranks alreasdy have SR limits in place to mediate this.

I already did above in smaller scale.

You can leave 10 games and lower your sr by 500 points easily in few days. But your skill didnt change at all. Thats impossible in current system.

I donā€™t want MMR reset. I want MMR GONE.


Already explained why having only SR isnt a good idea.

Also I dont understand why do you reply with link to relic topic about handicapping when handicapping as the author is reffering doesnt in reality exist. And he wants games to be chaotic with all ranks in ii together :slight_smile:


Please outline it again. I didnā€™t take much away from ā€œpeople wouldnā€™t like itā€.

MMR has no place in fair matchmaking. You can rank and score by SR, you can ship matches by tight SR band, you can have SR for arcades. MMR offers nothing but rigged matches and longer queues in order to solve additional constraints. Cut out the fat and abolish it.

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You can leave 10 games and lower your sr by 500 points easily in few days in only SR system. But your skill didnt change at all. Basicly anyone who left game or dropped out would have not been accurately placed. And it can be easily abused. Thats impossible in current system where leaving doesnt impact MMR.

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Then you make it so leaving doesnā€™t drop that much SR. And it just locks you out of comp for a long time. Anyone doing egregious deranking would get flagged so doing it on multiple accounts every time there is a reset just makes it unproductive. Another reason you want more periodic resets - to encourage maining an account and make maintaining a bunch of burners a huge risk/chore.

In current system mmr is never far away from sr. You have said so yourself, that itā€™s impossible to have a 600sr player with 1400mmr. Now, if youā€™re talking about KSR then that might be different. The only reason a KSR wouldnā€™t budge is because of rigging. And you said so yourself there is no rigging.

In a no-mmr (ksr) system, your rank is your payout. If youā€™re low SR, you go with/against people who donā€™t win. If you stomp them, you shoot up with more pbsr. But youā€™re never expected to contribute more/less then your 16% share of the team. In fact, no bets are placed on your contribution. You play the odds against a random backdrop for your rank.

There is no reason to be scored, matched, ranked, paid-out and/or analyzed on anything but the final number you see: SR.

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I want an MMR reset so all the hard-stuckā€™s will end up hard-stuck (again) and have nothing left to blame except accepting the fact that they just arenā€™t as good as they think they areā€¦


I donā€™t want an MMR reset and I donā€™t think it would change anything.
Although I do think it would be hilarious to see the chaos when people from bronze all the way to GM would be in same games at the beginning of each season if they did seasonal resets.

Top comment upvote!!


But thatā€™s how you get handicapped matchesā€¦

2500 player leaves 10 games and drops to 2000 (notwithstanding heā€™d be banned by that pointā€¦)

With mmr handicapping he gets given 1500 mmr player on his team to ā€œeven it outā€.

Either he loses and stats lower than he should, or the 1500 mmr player gets Boosted.

Big reason why comp is such a crap show.

Seen this first hand duo with my gm friend on gold smurf. We either faced other smurfs or got bronze tier dead weight team mates to drag us down.

He told me his gm games were less sweaty than trying to carry his gold games.

Not right.

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Leaving doesnt affect the MMR.


Thatā€™s not how it works. In that situation he wouldnā€™t be give a lower mmr player to ā€œeven it outā€. Theyā€™d be put in a lobby with other players at or as near as possible to their MMR.

The only time there will be players drastically off of the MMR average of the lobby is when there are people grouped together who are drastically apart of each other.


Sorry, meant 2000 sr. He then gets a 1500 mmr, 2000 sr player to drag him down.

Also, see my gm friend example above.

One gold game he got 95 elims. He told me he lost that one. Handicapped matchmaker dragging him down.

End if the day leads to an utter crap show.

Eg, I see a bronze Hog using cover, corner peeking, landing great hooks, etc.

I see a gold Hog just feed constantly.

Thereā€™s even Stylosa and Your Overwatch saying sr is meaningless right now.

(not really true. I know Iā€™d get murdered in a plat+ game. But I also see bronzes as gold and golds as bronzes).

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Exactly right, it has to be removed. ā€œResettingā€ MMR would have practically no effect whatsoever. Within the first few matches for each player, MMR would have all the data it needs to handicap subsequent matches. Removing the MMR system, making competitive play solo-queue only, and resetting SR is what we need.

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See my gm example.

We either faced another smurf, or got wood tier team mates.

Thereā€™s an issue when my gm friend finds gold matches harder than gm.

(not that it matters to him. He got fed up with ow bull crap and left for Apex ages ago).

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Or your gm friend canā€™t stand losing in gold or dying to anything other than another smurf so they justify it to make themselves feel better.

Not saying that they never faced another smurf or got a bad teammate but I doubt it was as frequent as they thought.

People have games where they have a bad performance and underperform their rating. People have games where they have a great performance and over-perform their rating. It happens. People like your friend often have the attitude of not respecting their opponentā€™s ability to punish their mistakes unless theyā€™re a smurf because ā€œIā€™m the smurf on my teamā€. They have the attitude of expecting their random teammates to follow and play around what they do no matter what because ā€œIā€™m the smurf do what I sayā€, if theyā€™re that good they should be able to play around what their team does without playing the dictator for the team. After all, how often do you hear ā€œpocket me Iā€™m gm on my mainā€ or ā€œitā€™s not my fault we lost Iā€™m gm on my mainā€ 90% of the time itā€™s just a lie to divert blame from themselves for sake of their ego.


How do you know it was the reason for smurfs being there. I did hear that consoles in gold is filled with smurfs. You can be possibly rsure it was reason to face smurfs and have bad players. Do you not have bad players on your team even without playing with smurfing GM friend? Do you not see smurfs? If so, you would easily climb.

I am documenting a lot my games even when I was smurfing/playing on alt(depens how you see it :smiley: ) and I didnt experienced higher number of bad players or smurfs on enemy teams. Number of bad players or smurf isnt affected by your performance based on hundreds games I documented.

What does that exactly mean?

Also there is one thing I would like to point out. You play on console right? I doubt there is so much big difference in mechanical skill between high ranked console player and gold ranked player. Mainly because of usage of controller instead of keyboard and mouse. I might be wrong, but I would say that PC smurf can carry a lot harder than console smurf.

I am kind of confused with what you have said. there is nothing to even out unless your friend is in group with someone with very different MMR.

If you GM friend is smurfing in gold, he has for example 2200 MMR right? There is nothing to even out. He has 2200 MMR so he will be placed in games around that number, sometimes being higest MMR player on team, sometimes lowest, on average he will be in 2200 MMR team. So I dont udnerstand where do you see handicapping.

Just because he lost match doesnt mean he was handicapped by system. System does see 2200 player. It doesnt see 2200 smurf and think like, lets place another 2200 smurf on enemy team. It can happen that one of 2200 players will be smurf too. Or not. 95 elims is nice, probably very long match. Number does seem crazy, but not if you have multiple rounds of payload where teams make it to end.

In the end its still anecdotal evidence, do you play with your friend all the time to confirm his words without actualy being biased with already having opinion about handocapping?

Just because they something, doesnt make it true :), stylosa doesnt know a lot about how rankings works based on what I many times saw on his channel. Just saying. About SR being meaningless, its only true if you dont care about it :slight_smile:

SR is showing your achievements, MMR is not so I would say majority of player base take SR as more important.

Your solution is to have chaos :slight_smile: to place players in games randomly am I right? Removing MMR will do nothing to you, based on what I read in your topic, SR only system would be handicapping just like MMR system by your standards.


You donā€™t know what the system sees. The devs donā€™t tell us how it works.

Was only a 5 game sample, to be fair. First game was okay. We won.

Then we got smashed by a smurf. Then games with wood tier team mates.

Gold may be bad, but a ā€œgoldā€ Zen that never uses orbs?

As to mechanics, massive difference just due to reflexes or practice.

Also pretty much every masters plus console player uses m&k. One reason theyā€™re masters plus. (according to my gm chum at least. He admitted to using m&k).

Whatā€™s even the point of mmr? Close games? Nope, plenty of stomps.
Getting smurfs up faster? Nope. Smurfs get handicapped or can just throw (posted on here about a dps smurf on 33% win rate, but top 1% of every metric on Overbuff. I got forum suspended for a week. Nothing happened to them).

And console pretty chaotic anyway. Youā€™ve got 1000 sr spread some games.

If the 2400 player is on tank or dps and support is 1400, youā€™re in good shape.
If tank or dps is 1400 and support is 2400, youā€™re in trouble.

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Peopleā€™s skills grow through time, so if they donā€™t want to waste time in grinding SR, they need to buy new accounts.
A reset would prevent buying a new account for that reason.

A friend of mine was in Diamond, but he reached GM very easily on a new account and remained there for seasons.

Why chaos? The system more or less knows your skill level. If not, they could let you play more matches before assigning you a rank.
I guess we donā€™t need an MMR reset, but a ā€œstart from last season SRā€ reset.
At least once every year (e.g. 1 year later you bought the game).

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