Why do *you* think DPS gets the most hate?

Yes it’s far more detrimental as in value, which is what I said in the post.

In terms of who people blame for average/substandard performance? It’s the DPS. Because I’m a flex player I notice immediately when I have a substandard healer if I’m on tank or if I’m on another role a tank that does absolutely nothing to make space. I can’t count how many times though the team is doing badly and someone types into chat or says on the mic “DPS kill something”. Even if they’re just playing averagely and being held back by someone else’s glaring faults.

This is no different than the DPS kill something. Also we’re not even talking about in game, you accused me of being elitist even though my post was pretty much fleshed out. The other guy accused me of being a DPS player because I called out their ignorant thinking.

You guys have a hard bias and a hard dislike towards DPS players. There is a circle**** on this forum because it’s mainly support and tank players, that’s why this type of thinking runs wild. It’s why the guy accused Reddit a being a “DPS echo chamber”, the only echo chamber is here.

My main point is anyone who is a critical thinker cannot seriously say that other DPS players didn’t hate Hanzo/Widow, didn’t hate Mei/Reaper/Junkrat or call them trash or unskilled, didn’t hate Doomfist because he could oneshot. There are no individual behaviors or attitudes that are the exact same among 16 different characters and to say so is just stupidity.

A lot of the discussion on the forum is even because a lot of people here are in the lower ranks(Bronze>Plat) and are bad themselves, so the typical DPS player that they see is an obvious let down. It’s easier to see the mistakes of the role you’re expecting to have the most impact than your own.

EXACTLY I literally scrolled down and saw your post as I was typing this.


To the same degree as the other roles? Yeah. I think so.

It is why I am in the dps queue. I have alts, I play them all to the best of my ability.

My dps alts are all very very close in Sr.

My support alts are over a rank apart.

One of these roles has a much better chance of influencing a games outcome.

She was reworked because Mercy mains hid while encouraging their team to die without using ults so that they can wipe them out with an ult advantage

Blizzard said that they don’t like how that played out and they changed it

End of story

There are endless clips demonstrating exactly the aforementioned phenomenon taking place.

No other support actively encourages their team to die. Or stop healing for that matter.

Your denial about this very simple fact is why you have this endless cognitive dissonance about it.

As one poster long time ago said:

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That’s because you are bad at support

That’s your answer.

Given my ranks, obviously not.

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So you are saying it’s more like classism lol…

Let me be clear. DPS haters are nowhere near as bad as racists. Mostly because DPS haters can’t do dps players harm, at least outside of a video game.

But the similarities are there.

OP’s thread was destined to not have a positive outcome. There was no way this was gonna end up in mutual understanding and reconciliation especially when dps haters just chime in to spout more hatred.


If you can’t get your alts to the same SR while playing the same role, then you are likely not actually playing at that SR

They are wildly different. And I can maintain both ranks for the long term.

Supports don’t have the same influence in a game.

Then you don’t actually belong at that rank, simple as that.

Which one of the two? Or three in this case?

I love the DPS role. However, there are a ton of arrogant DPS players out there. There’s a reason why a lot of people dislike DPS players. As a previous flex player, I did my fair share of soft-throwing because I couldn’t get into the rhythm. But if I was having a particularly bad game, it was annoying hearing the DPS-OTPs complaining about the other players when they picked the 4th or 5th DPS. (Before Role-Q)

the high ones, you simply got carried there and you are not playing sufficiently to actually drop down

that’s why decay was a good thing

List the heroes and SRs? Back in the day when you used to argue with people you were a Gold/Silver Zen main. That was a long time ago so I would be curious to have an update.

Two diamond, one gold. I play all supports on all three.

Yeah, you see this kind of kill-kill-kill mentality in quite a few games. It’s very noticable in team games. Like in R6 Siege, the amount of times I’ve ended games with 2-3 kills as Monty, but getting like 3-4 bombs planted only to still get grilled by the Ash one-trick who just runs in and gets lucky kills on on unprepared enemies.

Which ones are which. And congrats on the improvement.

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Just like how support haters just chime in to spout more hatred in support threads.

Each role has their arrogant players that spoil the whole bunch, there’s just more rotten apples in the DPS catagory. That’s just how it is.

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Thanks, my gold is my oldest account.

I am ONLY just in diamond. On the others.

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Because they make 20 new “moira is an unkillable goddess” threads a day :smiling_imp:

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Ohh okay I gotcha I think I misunderstood. I thought you meant that you had accounts dedicated to individual supports.