Why do you think Brig is balanced?

She has a 6m range. Most heroes in the game can either stay out of her range or possess the capability to overpower her in her range, especially with support.

The high mobility characters she is designed to counter can even just choose an alternate route as they have full control over how, when, and where they engage.

Lol rank shaming and asking for opinions on something you will automatically disagree with.

Wheres Moira when you need her :popcorn:

Dont bully reaper mains ): Hes such a terrible hero

i ate it all…

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Rank/Platform shaming how nice. Funny thing is a got higher rank on PC than Console lol.

Hmm acording to Jeff around season nine Diamond was 10% what percentage are you on

Sorry for breaking the rule i am only a mere Gold i Just had to post this

i do not see your console profile… sorry

Dang it I guess I’ll just have to borrow some of D.vas “Doritos”

I went with a low number as diamond is a fraction at the top…
regardless saying 10% only can comment on the game; surely you see the issue in that.

Different platform different account buddy. 3 profiles on PC and 15 accounts on console. So?

You guys, he’s a a Reaper main. Ignore it. 119 hours in QP and maining him again this season of Competitive.

Plus, he’s a jerk.

Flag and move on.

i don’t lmao

as busted as junkrat is even he is more balanced than the low elo dive killer

Because she also has counters such as Pharah, Junkrat, Hanzo, Orisa, Roadhog, etc.

i’m not your buddy… but thank you for that info… now i def know what kind of player you are.

I don’t care what you think me and I know a lot you as well. Being toxic overall.

Under diamond here, I’m against the whole elitist nature of using ranks as an argument but anyway.

Brig is fairly balanced on her own but her synergy with Hanzo is what makes her OP. Hanzo has so few counters to begin with and Brig cancels those ones out.

If you want to nerf Brig, make Hanzo more vulnerable.

Yeah it is an issue but sometime you want to know the opinion of higher rank players or even lower rank players for example roadhog before his nerf, alot of people in higher ranks say he’s a pain but not a issues ask people in plat and below a lot of people hated him. Sometimes you’ll need to see character impacts in different ranks.


And here’s a crazy idea

We can include all reasonable players, as they should have a voice if they’re putting time into the game, regardless of platform

Defeats the purpose of a public forum. And it’s incredibly condescending. Anyone can have an opinion and you can check their profile to see where they stand.

Well, OP, I personally think Brigitte is balanced for a variety of reasons, including–


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