Why Do You Have A Backbone For The Wrong Reasons? [MEGA-THREAD] (Updated 7/20/18)

Yeah I don’t play Bastion either. I would have talked about him more but I don’t know enough about him. But there’s already a post about how neglected he is.

Definitely agree with all your points about Ana here


It seems like they dont know where to go with their game.


A lot of what you say is interesting… but the fundamental that blizzard doesn’t really admit to is they don’t want balance in a moment of time… they want imbalance in a rotation. Rather than everyone balanced at once, they rotate through who’s the overpowered flavour of the week… the theory being that way everyone is happy with their fav sometimes…

The problem being, people want things to feel good/fair at the given time they are playing.

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I have never been happy with sombra and especially not Torbjörn…

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Well that rotation has been off as well too.

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Thank you dude. You put my thoughts down better than i would have.

The devs, instead of making Tracer’s health an actual weakness they added a hero with the most oppresive ability.

The recent change to Ana just killed the game for me.

I never thought of this, but i came to this conclusion:

Some people on the balancing team are not actually playing the game.

In the sense that, actually playing on ladder and QP to get the actual feel of the game.

What Ana player on the dev team would have agreed to delete the ability to pre-heal? That was a big part of her kit and gameplay.

I honestly think they are not playing the actual game themselves.


I figure they ARE playing the game, but they only ever play it on their own internal test builds and lan servers, and don’t play it out in the smelly wilds with the lower classes. This would actually make a lot of sense.

If there are people who do play certain heroes on the balance team, they don’t play in the way that people do who play for fun, maining certain heroes and roles, but probably play in a more generalised flex/broad fashion.

Actually a couple of the devs have mentioned they play the game a fair bit on live under anonymous accounts, but for sure a lot of the playtime is going to be on internal testing builds. And they do main roles and heroes. And they all have different opinions on balance which is part of why it takes so long to balance the heroes. They’re players too, just like the rest of us.

But what they aren’t, is some “elitist high ranking player base”. They mentioned their interal high skill testing team is a mix of masters and GMs. I’m guessing that by-and-large the devs are just too busy working on the game to get really good at it and no-life grind it to the highest levels of skill. This is why I think sometimes the numbers feel a bit off.


This is an excellent post. I really hope the devs see it… It’s kind of sad to see the hypocrisy that goes on with them… You’d think they’d learn from their mistakes post D.Va / Roadhog nerfs.


I’ve been subtly saying this. When you read what they say, and the videos they give compared to the actual gameplay of the game itself it makes no sense.


Gonna be honest, I could really not be bothered to finish practically half way through the post, but your title does give me an idea of what you’re trying to convey. Sorry if that makes me look like a jerk, but I can’t be held to read an essay THAT long.


Bastion is one of the most broken heroes in the game?

Enough forums for today.

Ah looking at my history, are we? Have fun.


What? I just clicked on one of the top replies to the post and replied to that because I thought it was wrong.

You’re really trying to make me seem in the wrong here, aren’t you? I didn’t even know it was you until you make this snarky comment.

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Just so we’re on the same page, you’re saying that Blizzard is playing favorites with their nerfs/buffs?


Ana was holding a meta up by herself back then that was why she got nerfed hard

Junkrat is in a bad spot since his projectile size nerf paired with fall off and slower tire hurts him pretty bad but you think he’s op because you don’t know how to counter him

Sombra was nerfed because of tank mains complaining that they were getting hacked taking away latency lessened the complaining but introduced unintended bugs she has the potential to be op but with less emp pretty bad spread and a bad hack makes her terrible

They have to since most f tier hero’s nobody likes playing against also the stigma of aim = skill

Regardless, Blizzard should treat all of their “children” equally. It is their own fault, then, for creating an issue such as this.

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I’m pretty sure this is what is happening. I actually said what i mean by “playing the game” in the post.

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