Why Do You Have A Backbone For The Wrong Reasons? [MEGA-THREAD] (Updated 7/20/18)

Sombra unlike brigitte has the best CC in the game if it fully goes through, brigitte is limited in range with sb, and pro players are wrong a lot, but i can say this as an ex tank main, if the strongest CC in the game stayed the same when brigitte also got into the meta, tanks would be worthless due to the severe lack of anti CC.

We still don’t even know after the nerfs for Sombra because she’s buggy. Once the bugs are gone then what? Also Sombra right now has nothing and being a tank player in general in this game takes courage because tanks get bullied all the time in this game and Zenyatta makes tanks squishy.


Absolutely beautiful post. Wish it had more views.


Nice detail on the post, I don’t 100% agree but still good detail.

Some possible factors that may be causing some of it:

A portion of Blizzard’s Internal Testing may have significantly higher levels of coordination than your average match does.

Many of the staff potentially have 1,000 hours + of play time with the same people.

Ana and Sombra both benefit from more coordinated play. It’s possible that both of them do better in internal testing than they do on live.

Another possibility is that the developers like and believe in certain hero designs and don’t necessarily care as much about others. This would lead to a variance in character treatment as you’d try to avoid favoring the designs you liked too much and you’d be less supportive of major changes. On the other hand hero designs that you disliked would be more likely to hit major changes and you might favor them slightly to avoid letting your bias potentially lead to them being in unfair positions.

It’s also possible that some of the intended weakness aren’t what people myself included would like to think they are. It’s possible that the 150 hp heros have is designed to make them weaker to repeated low damage attacks rather than high damage attacks.


Wondering what this big long wall of text is about…

Types in Mercy

“Ah- there we go.”

This is headed straight to the Megathread.

Could’ve sworn it was against ToS to target Blizzard in a post, or make one about them. I dunno.

You’re allowed to but it depends on what you say. I said “you guys” and they which doesn’t go against the rules. Also why do you think this post is about Mercy?


This is the single best thread i have ever seen on the Forums about balancing and the how the Devs crumble at the hands of the minority with the loudest voice. Its just stupid to run the game like that. Listen to the community, but not to the point where they almost control you. The Hanzo nerfs hit me hard, i really enjoy Hanzo, and for them to put him in a good state, and then quickly nerf him, it just feels bad. They need to make it 75 dmg, no more 1 shots with Mercy boost on 200hp heroes, but keeps Tracer and D.Va in their place.


Beautiful post! Your section on Ana and Sombra in particular really spoke to me (as someone who’s recently gotten back on latter on my Sombra account). I completely agree with what this post says! I’m seeing some people replying to individual comments you’ve made on Heroes, but that’s not the point of this post. This is a post about Blizzard’s philosophy and how they pick favourites on which Heroes they have a backbone on and which ones they don’t.

With that in mind, I think there needs to be a response to this post, and a response to the community about the Heroes you’ve mentioned (Ana/Sombra, etc). This post needs more attention. Thank you for writing.


I’m glad you realized what this post was more about their decision making and philosophy and not the characters. I really do appreciate it!:grin:


I agree with the majority of your post. Weird seeing an actual good post on these forums.


:clap: THIS :clap: IS :clap: GOLDEN :clap:


:clap: :clap: agree 100%

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I don’t think it’s about Mercy, I was just curious and thought it was funny (to me).

I’ve seen a bunch of complaints about Mercy, with the title or post saying “*(Company Name) IS TOO STUBBORN AND DOESN’T WANT TO ADMIT THEY’RE WRONG ABOUT MERCY- FIX HER NOW!!111!”

Obviously not in that way, usually. But I’ve seen them before and was curious, it was midnight so there was no way I was going to read the entire post. Just wanted to crack a joke, but it appears it didn’t affect the rest of you. Sorry about that if it came off as -uh what’s the word again?- oh yeah, insensitive.

Now that I’m properly awake, yeah it’s a good post.


I Support your Statement. Team BUFF ANA!

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I don’t really understand your point here. It seems like you’re doing the same thing you’re upset at other people for, whereas you expect action on specific aspects of the game that you feel are problematic just because you think they are. It seems silly to call out the developers for “not having the backbone” to make changes that many feel aren’t necessary in the first place.

They wanted Hanzo to not be a joke-tier character.

But they went too far.


How can you not understand? They contradict themselves over and over again. You can’t tell me you wouldn’t be upset if somebody kept telling you one thing but do another over and over again. Say if it was a friend…

Would you continue to trust your friend and wouldn’t you be upset if they kept saying one thing but doing another?


I don’t believe that they are doing one thing and saying another, though. I think they’ve stayed dedicated to their stated goals and are pretty transparent about their process when it comes to changes.

Oh about Bastion he was nerf because playing around him was too strong which I get it was. The same for Sombra to have coordination to use her health packs to bring out her niche.

Well didn’t they nerf both of them because of that reason and now want teams to play around Ana? I get that it isn’t as OP but you see where I’m going with this right?

ya. i just wish you could play heroes without having to play around them. If bastion was changed to where his damage in turret form did 2x to barriers and didnt hurt players, it would be really fun imo. You play like soldier normally, turn to turret to burn barriers, making yourself vulnerable, then go back to sentry. Wouldn’t pocket him in pirate ships, he’d be a niche pick that viable against orisa comps. IDK, i don’t play bastion, thats probably a terrible idea, but i’d like to see reworks that make heroes more independent.