Why do we keep asking for these things

Things they have just about resolutely shut the door on:

  • deleting heroes (ANY hero)
  • allowing hero bans
  • map banning
  • SR/MMR resets

The other 2 that I keep seeing on here:

  • going back to public privates (they did it for a reason)
  • reverting a certain hero (this is not a thread for THAT discussion)

Like I know people may not like some of these things…but they (the devs) have specifically talked about these things on more than one occasion…they are NOT happening people…

Feel free to add to list if you like

Note - I did not forget role queue…purposely left it off

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I see what you mean. And honestly the devs Are trying to address the mercy problem but like we’ve all seen lashing out on the devs doesn’t solve the problems we see or want fixed. Yes I want every hero to be viable but even if they’re weak in the meta I still play them. So even though mercy players aren’t going to try it I will and will always play mercy why? Cause shes my top healer since season 3

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But I do agree with you

Like I would understand if there hadn’t already been responses…but you ‘ow people just ignore them if they don’t like the answer…

Maybe I just grew up differently…but after the 2nd “No” i usually stop asking for something…:man_shrugging:t2:

ngl private profiles have ONLY stopped me from being toxic af
ie: someone being rude
only comeback i can think of is bashing their rank
profile private guess i just wont contribute to the fire

I just hate doomfist ok? geeeeeeeeeeeez

Hero banning actually has some merit to it that the developers don’t seem to realize. You can worry less about balancing perfectly across the board when you allow a few heroes to be banned.

For example, Pharah undeniably needs a buff at the high end - where she’s mediocre at best. But Pharah dominates the low tiers, so you can’t buff her without her dominating the low ranks even harder. Hero bans allows you to buff Pharah, while letting low level players ban her from the game so she doesn’t take it over.

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It would be cool to have bans. It would make games different and tell devs what hereos are really bad.

They have the right and ability to complain and so they shall

Yeah, that’s another overlooked aspect of hero bans. Actual community feedback on balance based on what people really find unfair in their games.

Which would be much more reliable than forums where only people with strong opinions come to post.

Complain wold be one thing…but asking (repeatedly) when you already know the answer?

Not with such a limited roster.

Hm… I definitely disagree completely.
Team A bans soldier + McCree
Team B does not ban Pharah

Team A goes Pharah
Team B has someone who can play soldier… oh wait…
What about McCree… oh yea…
What if they don’t have someone who plays widow?

It will allow the game to be decided (in some cases) by what bans happen.

How does that help when they get to the higher tiers and need to fight against Pharah?
Hey guys, just got diamond as hit-scan since I don’t have to worry about Pharah.
Que Pharah in every game.

Unfortunately rational thought is not a requirement before posting in these forums.

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Short of deleting, generally because it’d improve the game as a competitive game.

There has never been a shooter where every element was good enough for competitive. Sometimes things kinda suck. How many people want to play anubis over king’s row in GM play? Not too many I reckon. About as many people who want to play de_vertigo over de_dust2 in CSGO perhaps.

I know it’s clear it’s not happening, but this is a situation where they’ve made the devs made the wrong decision.

About what specifically?

Not allowing users to have any say over what they get in their competitive games.

Pharah is countered by more than just McCree and Soldier. Other good picks against Pharah are Widow, Ana, D.Va, Bastion, and soon Ashe.

Zen/Tracer/Sombra/Hanzo can also help the team deal with her quite a bit.

I don’t think there’s a single match-up where banning 2 characters would make one character OP - and even if there was such a scenario, it would show there’s a balancing problem with the character.

Map-wise I agree. Character-wise I disagree. I think prioritizing some maps could be okay, perhaps, but I cannot get behind a hero ban system. (if that’s what you’re talking about)

My point is what if they only two counters that your team knows how to play are banned? Pharah would never be an issue if it was as simple as “go widow” “go ana” or “go dva”

Or it’s a problem with the character pools each team has. If there was better matchmaking and if people flexed more this would be okay, but that’s not the reality. Should a (randomly selected) team be punished because they have overlap?

I wouldn’t go so far as to say a hero ban system but… there should be something. Like we lived with scatter arrow being in top end gameplay despite it being absolutely awful in terms of competitive game design, and it only went away when blizz themselves deleted it. It was ok in casual but in competitive when it was used it was just stupid.

In many shooters the competitive community themselves ban bad game design, if things are buggy or super imbalanced or bad concepts. Things would be better, for instance, if we hadn’t had to live with OPAF Mercy for so long.

I agree with most, especially when people ask that a hero be deleted. I seriously doubt a developer who spent months working on a hero (skins, animations, etc) would delete their creation just to make a segment of the player base happy.

Does Blizzard have any plans to retire characters in Overwatch ?

Goodman : We don’t have any plans to do that right now, but it’s certainly on the table. It’s mostly if we feel that it’s overwhelming, or we feel that the game would be better if people had a different meta going on.

We’ve talked about a rotating thing, or seasonally, but we don’t have any plans. We don’t have enough heroes where it’s there yet.

Mercer : It is something where, with Torbjorn and Symettra, we reworked them. We look at the characters every so often and ask if there’s something we need to do with a character, or with the competitive meta. We’re really close with all these characters so retiring them would be like, how do we do that?

Exactly! But that’s why it’s a concern of players.

Mercer : Well, if there is an issue like with Symettra or Torbjorn, we want to address that. Can we address that, refresh the characters, keep everything people really love about it? We try to bring these new things to them.