Why do tanks refuse to switch in silver?

I just got told by my tank that counterpicking wasn’t the issue and that I wasn’t good enough at the game at silver for counterpicking to matter.
He was playing JQ against orisa, which is a terrible matchup, and we lost because of that.
Why do people seem to think they can win in a terrible matchup just because it’s silver?
it’s still comp and therefore the team is more important than you learning your hero.

It’s not just silver. You’ll even see people one-trick in GM. There’s basically a bit of pushback coming from some people in the tank community. We all know that counter picking increases your odds of winning. But some of us are so tired of counterwatch that they just aren’t going to anymore.

Along with this is a growing sentiment that people who swap aren’t honorable. You’ll sometimes hear things about taking the ethical tank duel. Meaning play what you want or take the mirror and assert dominance. And if someone swaps to Orisa or Zarya they are “unethical”.

Again, objectively counter picking is the right play. But nobody really wants to and there’s increasing frustration aimed towards people who do because it’s far too effective of a tactic. It’s a game design problem that tank mains are completely fed up with.


Well if you want to truly maximise the potential of your favourite tank hero then you have to learn to play against the counters.

Also I am tired of counterswapping, it’s not fun and boring, and I don’t get to play what I enjoy.


Or you could also help your tank and counter the enemy tank, why do people expect us tanks to do and deal with everything while they stick to their ganji and mercy picks?


As the two said. Coubter swapping is getting extremely old and thank god tanks are stopping because it’s a horrible way to play the game.


This is a good point too. The DPS picks can actually be a much bigger deal than the tank pick. Like Zarya’s biggest counters are heroes like Bastion. Doom’s biggest counter is probably Sombra. If you are playing Genji into Zarya that’s a bad matchup.


This is true, but if your team is not making swaps to give you a decent comp to help against your counter then you are not going to get very far. Once you have a counter to defeat your team comp matters even more.

They probably dont play more than one tank. I only play Lucio and Moria myself, wish I could play bap but it never works


You lost because the other team was better.


Instead of telling your teammate to switch, during a terrible matchups ask yourself: “What can YOU do/switch to help your team win?”

For example, if I (support main) had a “JQ against orisa” matchup, I would switch to Zenyatta (25% discord + 150 dps) to help burst down Orisa through her tanky Fortify.

Remember, just because you have a “terrible matchup” doesn’t mean you’ll automatically lose. I’ve won matches with a Dva vs enemy Zarya.

Also, your teammate might not even know how to play the counter-tank you want.


Well, I’m going to go out on a limb here, but when I start up the game and role queue then I go in thinking ‘today I’ll be playing hero x’. I don’t want to play depending on whatever someone else has picked. Keep that at your esport tournaments.


You can not just check the tank vs tank match up you need to see the full picture of the game.
You can ask once if you want someone to switch its fine but you need to focus on your self and think about yor best option to help yor team.

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Blizzard themselves said being an OTP and not swapping isn’t against the rules. Overwatch’s Game Director Aaron Keller released a Director’s Take, or it was a regular news update mentioning how they’re trying to discourage quick swaps and that hard counters will slowly phase out over time. As for why people don’t swap to counter for an easier chance at winning? Simple, they either don’t know how to counter or don’t enjoy playing that character and as long as Blizzard doesn’t consider it throwing, then it’ll continue for many more years. Do yourself a favor and stop stressing out over artificial ranks in a videogame. Trust me, life is better with less worries.

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They walked that back though unless there’s something recently.

Though one tricks exist in all ranks, i think the major reason is cause, that’s the only hero they know how to play well. My little brother plays pretty much only Dva regardless of composition and i doubt he knows much else

The same reason they do in all other ranks, stubborn and stupid.

Maybe, maybe not but Blizzard’s balance decisions are all over the place given enough time. It’s in their design philosophy to not have a perfectly balanced game. They need to release balance updates and reworks to advertise it as content. New characters getting added for variety shifts the scale even more.

Maybe when Overwatch 2 reaches maintenance mode we will see a well-balanced roster. Or perhaps everyone will get stuck with the last update’s meta and this game will slowly die off like in Overwatch 1. Time will tell but the real question is whether we will be there to see it.

That and counters are not really “hard”, and still have opening that you can exploit depending on the match up.

Like I’ve seen dooms just to do cooldown rotations on orisa’s back line, and dip almost immediately. But in doing so kept her from being able to freely push or hold because her team would have to dip in and out as much as the doom was.

Then once something died just played normally.

In some it’s just you need the team to refocus on something other then the tank. Or like have a ten second crash course how the comp works. Like rolled in flash point with a dive comp one game. And watched a d.va and genji ram into a Mauga with no success, pointed out what their supposed to target (the ana / hanzo). And basically didn’t lose another point. (they did cap with ult spam, but didn’t win the objective as a whole)

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the tank role is the most countered role on the game… many tanks dont swap because is soo bored change heros each team fight and the best tank on the game is a 0 skills hero like orisa.

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This. I played many games where both tanks are switching constantly. Meanwhile, the rest of the roster switched only a handful of times.

LOL I heard this once. The enemy tank got mad because our tank switched. Granted, they were winning the mirror tank duel so our tank knew to switch. So the enemy tank goes on a bit of a rant, calling my tank a coward.

Is this really a growing sentiment? I hope not.

Some people want to win, some just want to have fun.

Tank switching is effective and the right play to win. It sure as heck not fun though. Having to learn the entire tank roster so you can switch to win sounds like a job not a game.