Why do tanks have 10 billion hp and armor?

because blizzard is trying to do everything they can to not admit that going to 5v5 was a terrible idea.

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The current dev team is comprised of the second of or co command of the first dev team. We had two major writers and lead designers/proggrammers. And we lost most of the original first in commands.

Keep in mind that was a power shift, she lost 13 dps, 200 armor for hp, and half her DM for that ability. (over two patches)

And that was to break her synergy up with winston. Who very much liked the DM peeling off all the reapers/torbs/hogs that would entre the bubble to shot fun his fat forward facing head. That and it was up longer then rien barrier in point blank fights at times.

I just like the fact you finally stopped blaming your imaginary y’all and concede that the devs are responsible.

It took you some extra steps, but you finally finished the race and stopped arguing


Devs respond to the community.

These changes are made to work around things large chunk of the player base doesn’t like.

If the general conscious was dive was exactly what everyone or most wanted. We would see over heroes be reworked to play in such.

As in the game to be made around this style of play.

And even tho their were people that liked it. Their were a lot that didn’t and so they moved away from it.

Sounds like you are confused and arguing your own point.

It’s the community’s fault or the devs blame for the decisions for the state of the game.
I mean, you can continue to argue against yourself.

Although you already conceded to the point that it was the devs decision. Take a few more rounds trying to find some way to pin this on some imaginary person in this community that wanted Dva to be in her current megazord form.

I never asked for it.

But you keep arguing, you may unmask this Scooby Doo villain soon

I never pushed the latter.

I’ts mostly the former.

And the devs patches are in response to the community feelings at a given time.

Don’t you are one step closer to solving your Phantom Menace.

Here I’ll make simple for you.

Who gets credit for making Ow 2?

People behind a computer screen that type opinions, OR the people that work for the company that has to put in long hours and crunch time to see their product sell millions?

Now, stay with me…

IF, you don’t think anyone in this forum should be granted credit for the hard work it took to make OW and OW 2, then Scooby, who does that leave to take the responsibility for when things go wrong?

You have one life line left if you can’t solve this

If you weaken the single tank,

you either create a 3rd DPS or a 3rd support,

or you create a guy that gets in your way but dies bit slower than the other guys.

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In my experience?

Because your DPS can’t aim.

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tanks die in seconds under coordinated defensive effort so idk what u mean

Because they have 5 people on the other team all focus firing them and without that they get melted like icecream on a hot day.

It fits the tank fantasy of being a giant beefcake. It seems to be working. More people are playing tank.

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