Why do some Mercy mains exaggerate the amount of nerfs Mercy got?

It’s a question that has been on my mind for quite some time now. But I remember when the 50hps nerf came on the PTR and people claimed it was the 11th nerf, and now that it’s live, I see some people claim it’s the 14th.
I agree that Mercy’s situation is problematic, but exaggerating is not the solution.

And so, I checked every patchnote since September 19th 2017 to count the amount of nerfs Mercy actually got. I will not count bugfixes, but I will do count the damage boost nerf from last month, as the devs stated it themselves, it wasn’t technically a bug but rather something unintended.

Without further ado, here are the results :

October 17th 2017

  • Guardian Angel : cooldown no longer resets when Resurrect is activated
  • Valkyrie : no longer resets Resurrect’s cooldown
  • Valkyrie : no longer reduces Resurrect’s cooldown

November 16th 2017

  • Resurrect : cast time increased from 0 seconds to 1.75 seconds
  • Resurrect : movement speed reduced by 75% while casting
  • Resurrect : can now be interrupted when knocked back, stunned, or hacked

January 30th 2018 :

  • Valkyrie : no longer makes Resurrect instant
  • Valkyrie : no longer grants a bonus Resurrect charge
  • Valkyrie : the speed bonus Guardian Angel receives has been decreased by 50%
  • Valkyrie : duration reduced from 20 seconds to 15 seconds

July 24th 2018 :

  • Caduceus Staff : can no longer damage boost certain abilities (e.g. Hanzo’s Dragonstrike, D.Va’s Self-Destruct, and Junkrat’s Steel Trap)

August 9th 2018 :

  • Caduceus Staff : healing beam reduced from 60 to 50hps

Total : 12 nerfs

So, if you want to talk about Mercy’s past nerfs, please say she received 12, not more. Thank you.


You say 12 as if it makes it any less comical lol


Its hard to keep track to be perfectly honest.

All I know is, its exhausting and really depressing at this point that a hero I invested so much time into and that I love a lot is just being butchered over and over because someone at blizzard just can’t admit “you know what, rez on E is a bad idea its an ultimate that was an ultimate for a reason.”


Yep, it’s still a joke, but at least it’s now accurate.

Looking at the list of nerfs laid out like that, it really is such a joke.

They nerfed the reworked parts of her kit into the ground, then moved onto her base kit instead of admitting the reworked parts of her are the problem.


The only joke here is that it took over 1 year and 12 nerfs to stop her from being a must pick.


Actually it is 14 nerfs because there was one nerf before the rework went live and most consider the “bug fix” a nerf.

14 nerfs in total. Take it or lose it.


And we don’t even know if it worked.

Mercy’s pickrate and winrate have decreased while Ana’s has increased, but it’s only been a week since the patch, so we don’t if it actually worked or if it’s just because of the hype.


14 is including the nerfs from the initial PTR, I believe. Regardless, when there’s so many that you can’t even keep track of them, it’s a sign that maybe something is wrnog.


And the “bug fixes” :stuck_out_tongue:

If her stats don’t improve, she’s UP now, if they DO, rez is the problem, but they’ll nerf something irrelevant again :man_shrugging:


I’m talking about the post-rework nerfs, so I won’t count the nerf you’re talking about, and I counted the “bugfix” in the total. So… 12 nerfs.

My bad. But it is 14 nerfs altogether. Whether you acknowledge it or not does not change the fact that it was nerfs. Also, OP you didn’t originally specify whether you are talking about post-rework nerfs or not. With that in mind, we are very much even more so correct.

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“Darn you Mercy mains! If you’re gonna express how Mercy is the most nerfed hero! At least get the exact number! It’s 12 nerfs! Even though we don’t want to include the 2 in the PTR that made it… And it still means that she’s the most nerfed hero by far… Gah… You mercy mains just LOVE to exaggerate!!!”


I mean… Not like a lot of people weren’t saying this over and over… :joy:.
But yeah… The only bad thing about it all is us “spamming” forums.

This forum is the only one I can think of that has people literally keeping track of every forum thread being posted, just to exclaim when a specific topic becomes popular and call it out as “spamming.” It’s like those particular people have nothing better to do.

Yeah… Sitting in front of the computer, all greasy from not being able to eat properly and severe lack of showers in past few weeks, slurping that Monster energy drink, while feeling smart af.



The leaps in logic are what get me

You have to understand that this nerf is literally a nerf to almost her entire kit. Maybe this is why people are saying a higher number than 12? Let’s look at her kit now.

Healing: 17% less healing. This means it is harder to keep a team topped up, especially tanks.

Damage Boost: Slower healing output means Mercies have to use left click far more. There are now fewer opportunities to use right click because you can’t risk your teammate taking damage while they’re being damage boosted. You might not be able to heal the damage they took in time before they die.

Guardian Angel: Not affected

Resurrect: There are now far less opportunities to use this ability which isn’t a bad thing in itself because I hate resurrect on a 30 second cooldown but still, I’ll go into how it’s more difficult to use this ability now. Using this ability means you’re unable to heal any teammate for around two seconds. Before the healing nerf this wasn’t so bad because you could heal your teammates quicker after ressing, but now if you see teammates on half health it is definitely a lot riskier to resurrect because you risk one of them dying while you’re doing it far more.
Additionally it’s definitely a lot harder to keep tanks alive with these nerfs and tanks are essential to protecting Mercy while she resses. If both tanks or more are dead because of these healing nerfs (more likely) Mercy can’t res.

Ultimate: Ultimate now charges slower due to less charge being given by damage boosting teammates and slower healing of course means the ultimate charges more slowly. 50HP/s during Valkyrie is pretty much useless, it can’t heal through any enemy ultimates. It couldn’t before and it certainly can’t now. The only way I use Valkyrie now is to damage boost my entire team but this can literally be done by an Orisa ultimate so…

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thanks for counting. 12 it is, then. i thought it is still 11. my bad.