Reference included for you.
It would NOT be a ‘few games at the start of the season’ it would be a problem that exists for MONTHS.
I never said you could go from Bronze to GM in placements? First off, they are only ten games to give the game a rough idea of how well you played. Ten games is nothing.
Second, you played with someone that was much lower than you. Even though your opponents were a lower rank and you were ‘better’ than them, it’s very well possible that the matchmaker still decided you had a less than 50% chance of winning those games anyway and thus doesn’t punish you as hard when you do lose. There is a LOT that goes into matchmaking and deciding how much SR you win or lose. It isn’t just “I’m a higher rank so I’ll drop like a sack of potatoes”
Then stop calling it a bloody reset. Call it something else for all I care. Call it a rank drop, call it an Artificial Waste of Time to Make Me Feel Better. But any kind of ‘real’ reset, whether it artificially drops you 500 SR or completely deletes your MMR will have absolutely no bearing on where you place.
Again, I refer you to Kawuumba’s post and the number of references he includes in there where the devs explain how the system actually works and why a reset of ANY kind is a waste of time for both programming and the players in the question. Here is the link again in case you conveniently skipped over it the first time.
Just because you don’t like the system we have doesn’t make it a bad system. I’m sorry, I have to stick with the devs on this issue. For one, they know far more about how the system works and how accurate it is than either you or me.
A reset in any game has never done anything to actually allow people to climb. It just gives them the warm and fuzzy feeling of seeing their SR or rank or whatever else its called climb back up to where they were previously.