Why Do So Many People Like Mercy?

Title. She’s what, the second or first most popular hero in the game? Anyone know why?


First main healer, accessible, easy to learn.
I assume.

  • Easy to pick up
  • Doesn’t rely on aim or any other mechanically advanced skills, perfect for people who have never played a shooter game before
  • Cool lore I guess?

Idk, for me she is just has the style of play that I prefer and I like her as a character.


Only healer that doesn’t damage by default and beautiful design. Resonates with a lot of people.


She’s a blonde white girl with blue eyes nice body and provides healing and pewpew advancement

What’s not to like?


She’s one of the characters that really goes against the traditional FPS format (The other poster child of this being Reinhardt), so people who may not like a traditional FPS enjoy her.

Also her visual design and lore is pretty sick.


A lady support hero with wings and the only hero that fits the Priestess role.

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I always like playing the role of a support that can’t do anything but support their team. It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling especially when people compliment or thank you. Plus Mass Rez gave you that spotlight moment DPS ultimates give them.

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“traditional” healer archetype.

And mechanically, she was designed to attract people who wouldn’t normally play an FPS, so her playstyle isn’t fully transferable to any other hero

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She’s relaxing to play and flying around and rezzing feel fun.

Not everyone is trying to pretend to be a God tier FPS player, some people want to chill and forget about real life.

Not everything has to be a white knuckle ride (cue someone being offended by the word white, lol).


That’s actually one of the reasons I like playing Mercy, the cat and mouse game while still supporting your team

  • Easy.
  • Reliable kit.
  • Is a healer.
  • Character design.
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  • Because she’s relatively easy/consistent
  • Has great self sustain
  • Since the beginning of the game up until 50hps you could play her on every map, every comp, and all but the very highest skill tiers and be fine.
  • For a 1-2 years it was “Pick Mercy or we lose”.
  • She’s got a selfless pretty-girl literal angel aesthetic which a lot of people like.
  • Mercy players are usually much more attentive to healing teammates than heroes that get distracted by DPSing, which makes them usually appreciated.
  • Except for the rare times she was considered too weak (even when she wasn’t after January 2017), you’d get almost no complaints for picking Mercy.

I mean I picked up Mercy because of her general design of easy to pick up, consistent healer. Her visuals are pretty good too, the wings specifically.

The role, voice acting, character design, playstyle, and accessible base kit.

She used to be the most popular hero in the game, in both Quickplay and Competitive. Now she’s 6th in Quickplay and Competitive.


I’m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
Life in plastic, it’s fantastic!


To be fair, the vast majority of people picked her because she was considered the most effective healer for their skill tier.

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Going back to season 3?

I don’t think so.

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