Why do so many Mercy threads get locked?

You read it all the time, they always talk changes over with the pro market. Why they even bother running a PTR service for everyone is beyond me, waste of money.

The day when Blizzard cared about their players is long gone, and went away when they teamed up with Activision. Now it’s a company like EA and Ubisoft, made to make a ton of money by any means necessary.

Seems like the game will crash and burn sooner or later at that rate.

Mods totally doing the right thing
(abusing power)

Doubt it, there is no depth too deep for them to sink in order to earn some money, and there’s plenty of people who buy their lootboxes, so they have enough money to go around, along with the E-Sports filth they ram down everyone’s throat.

Most that get locked are because people get off topic and start getting toxic at each others. The others that get locked are just not generally OW related this not for these forums.

hopefully lootbox laws will change that so we can get decent microtransactions, it’s not like they can’t survive without it

This seems a little extreme and untrue…

There’s a cult present here on the forums, but not the one you think…

My loyal followers are converting forumers as we speak. Prepare for the abuncalypse.

There’s a little rumor going around that PTR doesn’t stand for “public testing region”, but rather
“Pro-gamer Testing Region.”

I’m beginning to think that the rumor is becoming more and more true these days.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

It’s true…

Simple - they are spamming the forums, they need to be blocked. “Honest feedback” is not a cover for a practice that is tantamount to blocking the forums enjoyment for any other topic.

Direct simple response to OP

Why do so many Mercy threads get made?

We know…blizz knows…neither needs to hear it every 5 minutes

Because Blizzard enjoys censoring their community.


  • They are actually the same thing over and over again every single day
  • The threads always ends in fights
  • If you dont agree with the “Mercy needs a revert” or that mercy should be the only viable healer, you are the worst person in the world
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