Why do so many Mercy threads get locked?

I came here to the forums to look over topics and see if some of the things I heard were true. Now after seeing it boy am I shook. I thought some of the stuff I heard was people getting their britches in a twist but dang it’s kinda almost scary to see the amount of locked threads and the whole mind view of a lot of players.

I don’t understand why the toxicity seems to go unchecked but when someone gives honest feedback it gets locked. When people try to come together and make great ideas for things it get locked away with a giant we don’t actually care about you kinda feel to it. That really hurts to see.

Anyways I ended up writing like six more paragraphs on here but I didn’t want to get a massive you are banned for having an opinion slapped on me. So I’d love to hear what you think. What can we do to see some positive change? Something constructive and positive would be a welcome change instead of the toxic stuff.


They want to silence us. We call them out for what they do and in return we get banned. Look up Aria Rose and you’ll see the mistreatment of forum goers.

A person was banned for being passive aggressive but the people who called her hitler wasn’t.

Ignore the Mercy videos due to their controversial nature and pay attention to the Titanium video and her own video.


Maybe it’s because the forum is literally S-P-A-M-M-E-D with extremely passive aggressive, even flatout aggressive threads about how Blizzard is terrible, ruining the game, killing the game, being terrible, how they suck at everything, and bunch of BIASED Mercy mains acting like children and like a this big awful thing has been done to them as if it was an attack.

With how much of it is negative-toned, spam and not very fruitful, yes things get locked and people get banned. Too bad.


Because it is just the same people saying the same thing. The forum was being spammed by people who where unhappy with how impactful Mercy is.

I don’t think Mercy is in a great spot but her being weaker than before has made every other support viable in their own way which is much better for the game. Mercy is only viable in her own ways which is more balanced than before.

Mercy mains just need to suck it up, take it from a Roadhog main just because your character is not a must pick doesn’t mean they are garbage.

I actually came here from Aria Rose’s videos and I was a tad skeptical about how bad it could be but wow was I wrong. Now I’m not a mercy main but I am an avid support player and seeing how she’s treated is kinda scary.

It also is very scary to see how toxic the self proclaimed dps players are sometimes. Seeing them get honest sway in this game while tanks and supports get ignored it quite scary to see in such a popular game.

But I appreciate the comment non the less


Likely because there are enough threads to respond to than making a new ones all the time.

‘’ how toxic the self proclaimed dps players are sometimes ‘’

This self-victimization is obnoxious. Mercy mains, support mains aren’t better people and less prone to toxicity.

Please don’t take what I am saying out of context. I am saying is that a big pool I happen to see are people who claim to be dps mains. I see a lot of hate all around but it does seem to have an impact on how people react to the situations.

I’m here because I wanted to see what everyone was so angry about and I hate saying that a lot of the anger I see was justified. People are allowed to be angry but it seems to be getting out of hands on both sides

No, no. It’s spelled “misinformation” not “mistreatment”

We all make mistakes

Well, it’s not a particular vendetta against Mercy in particular. It’s just that she was getting a lot of posts posting the same information, getting bumped up by people arguing the same points with nobody willing to change their minds. It happened with D.Va before too.

If we didn’t have that dedicated base of spam, it probably wouldn’t have gotten to the point where random posters can’t really share their opinion.

I understand. I just hope that opinions can be shared in a more positive light. It seems that a lot toxic comments fill up the threads quite fast.

I believe you need to take a step back and look at it from a Mercy mains POV.

We got a rework we didn’t want, was ignored for a year straight, called cultists and Nasis, been harassed not only by the community, but also by OWL, been banned for talking about the mistreatment of forum goers, told all we want is a revert when I personally wouldn’t mind res being removed.

This won’t chnage your mind and you’ll still call us whiny and self victimized, but all we want is for our hero to be fun and to be listened to by the devs. We are not the only ones being ignored. Our most recent fight is for Bastion mains. I hope you will help us help them so they can enjoy playing the game a little more.

This is the second time today I see a profile without big post history talking about silenced players and threads and that they come from this girl’s videos or some sort.

All within the span of half an hour.

I still wonder if there is a discord group where people hang out and decide to post about the specific topic over and over as if some kind of cult.

What would you suggest? Is there a solution to the current situation where the most dedicated posters are also the most polarised and least willing to change their minds?

That seems a little extreme to be honest but what you see if perfectly reasonable. I honestly came cause I had no idea what to expect. But I’m not here for a fight I just want to have an honest discussion and what not.

it’s simple. fps games are meant to shoot. it’s first person SHOOTING.

Please do not call anyone a cult for it is rude and immature. Mercy mains were called terrible things the past few weeks along with Sombra and Brig mains.

Aria Rose was treated as if she was Hitler and called Hitler even though she was sharing an opinion that didn’t hurt anyone.

I am not going to white knight her. I disagree with her bitterness towards DPS players, but she does have a point and I believe I need to listen to every side of a story instead of being ignorant to one sides views

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And the thing is, I have also encountered profiles making topics of the same ‘issue’ with little to no post history.

I mean, I have over 2,5k comments so I have seen things. Seeing people with no history similar of my own, or over 100 of posts even, talking about old and ongoing issues is just far too sketchy.

A lot Mercy threads are passive aggressive and in general insulting to the developers.

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I think both sides to take a chill pill first and foremost. It seems the louder people yell the worse it gets. the trolls get the bait and get to go ham.

I’m no mod or anything but I’d like to hear what people think. I want to see some positive change and disccusion. I don’t want to go on a thread that quickly becomes a giant screw you or haha you are a this or that cause you have an opinion. The point is to sit down and hear what people’s thought are in a constructive light.

Just wanted to see something good and not horrid.