Why do people wanna erase Sym?

I see so many buff suggestions about her damage or about how her gun works or even things like removing tp so she gets better flanking options? What?

Ok, you guys need to understand. Fans and non fans. Symmetra isn’t a flanker she’s not a sniper shes not an assassin hero. She’s still a support utility hero and should be buffed as such.

That makes her more niche and people seem to want to make her more broad. Ok but understand that broadening her will make her less unique. Her nicheness is what made her stand out in the first place. Sure make her a flanker or whatever but you’re just erasing the whole reason for her existence.


Her “nicheness” is going to prevent her from receiving meaningful buffs.

So there’s two possibilities for Sym

Accept that her current play style holds her back-

Or accept that if you want her to get buffed to an appreciable degree she’ll need changes

Honestly- neither view point really bothers me. But by and large, I largely believe it will be one of these two things.


Why have a support hero that’s really only used for 1 thing and that’s teleporter? It’s better to just not use her and pick someone that can do damage.

Also you need to realize, she’s close range combat and this game favors long range that are hitscan over all other types of damage.

In short she’s picked for extreme small situations and 99% of the time once the other team knows you have a Symm the know what to look for.

She’s just over all not that good unless you’re playing with 5 other players that all practice together and communicate. It’s become a running joke that Blizzard will nerf her kit whenever they see her being played at the pro level.


She needs that extra 50hp and bring back Symm 2.0 or 1.0 I don’t mind and I’ll be the happiest person alive



Sym means vastly different things to different people. Of the mains that are both well represented and care to make it known, Sym mains are probably the least likely to agree on something.


This is true and to be expected with the most drastic rework a hero has ever received

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Well I’ll always advocate for her original design philosophy. But she’s had so many tweaks because Blizzard doesn’t know what to do with her.

i don’t want to erase sym. i want to erase her dumb ult. it should be on a tank, not a dps, and it contributed to doubleshield feeling so bad because if you tried to play dva they would add sym for the beam AND third shield.

Why not? She a utility hero not so much a real dps

One could then say that Sym should be a tank, and not a DPS. I do actually want the devs to seriously try it.

Tbh symmetry is super out of place in this game!

Fast pace game with chaos happening left and right and they dicided to add a super slow hero with 99% of the kit riddled with downtime/chargeup/windup and they expect that it will work? lol

Three reworks and still coudnt be bother to change the gleaming problem that plagued this hero.

There’s three, actually.

Rework her into a healer. Support players play Symmetra, not DPS players.


Honestly- I feel that falls under the purview of the first point, her current play style is holding her back. Changing her to a support would absolutely address her current playstyle.


she is definitely a flanker hero. she is a shorter ranged squishy hero that aims to control space whether that may be claimining enemy territory, reinforcing current areas or to go out and getting picks.

For a shorter ranged squishy hero to function, they will need to prescribe to a “get in get out” gameplay (i.e. a flanker). ESPECIALLY when it comes to claiming enemy space. Like she’s no rein or orisa who have high sustain to walk up and threaten space to grab it. nor is she a sniper to be able to threaten long sightlines with range. She has to go sneaking around with her lower range to claim it. If that doesn’t sound like a flanker, idk what does. Heck even her comic shows sym flanking to get what she wants.

how do manage to make every thread somehow about dva…
ur like me talking about sym

uh… yea
so she can be… used…


this is such an edgy teenager view on balance

if you’re unique and bad, you’re still bad

no hero should struggle to grasp for oxygen just to balance between “unique” and “good”

she’s still a literal lightbender

she’ll still be “unique” no matter what, and will still have her own mechanics

I take exception to this

Well no the ideal scenario is you’re good in your niche.

I just hate her turrets, but only the slow.

… Along with all of the fundamental design problems that led to the rightful 3.0 rework in the first place (which by the way fixed most of said issues as well)?..

Let’s not go through all that again…