Why do people use melee so much

How can it be faster?
I thought melle punch cancels reload.

You have never seen me try to finish people off…


because I’m on Rein and don’t have a choice

if you played Winston, Dva, Genji, Tracer, Doomfist, Hammond, Reaper, and I’ll wager even Echo or Sombra enough you’ll understand. Winston and Genji in particular are damn near unplayable without using quick melees.

Imagine if rein could do a fast melee as an option instead of only swinging hammer

Welp, dont know how higher ranks, but its seem as a faster finisher than reload then shoot animation.
When playing for example winston i used a lot of melee myself.

Because their kits require more swaggy moves😎

That’d be great, like a pommel strike or something :thinking:

how does one gather so much skill? A WITCH, you must be

As Lucio boop + punch is quick burst. Also after shooting your 4 round burst it’s quicker if you just melee rather then wait for the next bullets to come up