Why do people in this forum think every game is unwinnable?

I don’t mean everyone when I say this, but a good chunk of the people on here never cease to amaze me. Lot’s of people acting as if they can’t win any games because something goes wrong in every game. Smurfs? The enemy team always has them, never me. Throwers? I always have them, never the enemy. Trash teammates? I always have them, nobody else.

It’s incredible that people are so closed minded and emotional about their skill level in this game that they’d make so many excuses and defend those excuses instead of just trying to get better.

No real point to this thread, just sorta wanted to get some discussion, I guess.


Not every game is unwinnable but a lot of them are. What I don’t understand is that when I get unwinnable games I always seem to get like 10 of them in a row. Same thing when I’m getting unloseable games.

Usually it starts with a random hard thrower on your team and you still barely lose. And the game thinks you’re trash now because the MMR bookies had you pegged at a 90% chance to win that game. So here’s more throwers and bot teammates for 10 more games as punishment. Only way to stop the bleeding is by hard carrying a game after you’ve already dropped 300+ SR.


I think there are two problems.

One problem is that a new account will be placed at the median SR, which is about 2350sr. So 25% of those people will fall to about 1750sr or lower. This feels bad, and brings people to the forums to post about it.

Secondly, I think a lot of the posts that complain about loosing in competitive don’t play enough games. Like someone will only play about 10 games per month. Well they leave for a week and come back and lose their first three games in a row. Has nothing to do with SR, just luck. And then they post on the forums.

I think this accounts for about 95% of the posts complaining about unfair matchmaking.

Try a silver 5 DPS team

Imo unwinnable games do not exist. Every game I lose Dafran would have won while looking at chat 90% of the match.


I don’t personaly mind losing games and sr. I’m kinda bummed when i fall into gold from plat, since games then become more boring, and nobody checks their flanks, and everyone dies to complete bs (honestly i almost never die in that rank) And more often i find games unwnnable, due to sometimes getting groups that for the love of all gods cannot regroup even once…
Other than that i currently hate the matchmaker for forcing me to play MT even though i hate that role and am no good at it, but i choose to fill, only for the next game to give me MT roles for filling in that game, and them i’m like…yeah…

People always overestimate how good they are and come here to complain. Sure, losing games due to factors out of your control is frustrating, but they like to ignore whenever they win easy games. It’s just negativity bias really.

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well since he has the best tracking aim out there he can basically win just by aiming so i dont think the comparison is valid in that scenario

That’s my point, he is better so he wins the game. If I were better I would win more games, getting good is something you can learn.


Even GMs can lose games while smurfing in plat and below sometimes without any leavers. I saw a 4.2k DPS main playing in plat do 40k damage with Hanzo and still lost.

Yes they usually win like 95% of the other games though. Anyway It’s just my personal opinion and more of a mindset thing.

This right here is the true struggle. I don’t understand this either. When you start to play competitive a lot, and I mean like 10-20 games a day, that’s when you really start to notice the invisible hand pulling the strings on your games. You’ll randomly get a really bad game with some pretty crippling disadvantages right off the bat (leavers, griefers, that one random Hanzo who is 500 SR above everybody else but somehow manages to be the worst on the team) then BOOM out of nowhere the next 10 games are the exact same. Sometimes the other team ends up in that position resulting in yet again, another complete-steamroll-waste-of-time-no-fun-game of competitive OW. In the end, though, it doesn’t matter. When I noticed this happen every time I got near 1950-1999 SR I realized there are about a thousand better things I could be doing with my time than spending the next 2 days grinding from 1600 back to 1950 for the thousandth f*cking time lol. It’s not fun and it never will be, so now I just play QP and a competitive game or two every once in a while and try not to stress over it.

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Its just a handful of players on this board really. I find extremely easy to win games.
There are a LOT of bad players though in every game so half the battle is being able to spot them in both sides to figure out where the carry is needed and who to exploit on the other team.

You cant play 20 comp games in one session and expect consistent success.

After 3-5 games youre going to start playing at a less than optimal rate. You have to have luck on your side to make a 20 game session beneficial to your sr on a consistent basis.

I play in my alts, serious games on one… mess around looser games on other. On my main i pick my comp games very delicately.

Ie, what time of day,is it… what type of players are on at this time, am i tired, am i too excited, am i playing well, etc etc

Whenever I win a stupid easy steamroll game it just reinforces in my mind the fact that OW is a broken game with a broken system and will never accurately depict anyone’s skill. Honestly how can anyone expect it to when so many factors go into the outcome of a match?

If you want to climb, you straight up just have to be at least 2 or 3 tiers in raw mechanical skill above where you are at if you want to hard carry.


Yes my friend but think on this:

If you are running a race and everyone else is given a head start by let us say, 40 yards and you lose, could you say “well if I were to be Usain Bolt then I would have won so I need to get better”…ok that is true statement but still it is unfair and you deserve to be placed at the same line as everyone else.

What I am to be saying is that just because Dafran would have won a match does not mean that it is a players fault he lost, it could be that he was placed in unfair circumstance.

Let me ask you a question my friend, did you get to your rank with solo queue or do you group? Can you get any account into Master or have you only played one account?

thank you for reading

Not how it works. Every game uses only your SR (or maybe MMR based on how old the information is, and MMR and SR go up and down together except for decay and disconnect penalties) to determine who you should play against. Your streaks are far more likely to be psychological.

There is no rigging.

There are no enforced wins or losses.

The only thing win / loss chance is used for is SR adjustment. If you win a game that was in your favor, you gain a little less SR. If you lose a game you should have won, you lose a little more SR than normal. Normal is 24 SR.

Because over time, the only constant is you. If you play a large enough number of matches, you will reach where you deserve to be (close to 100 in my opinion or 20 hours). Skill is contingent on multiple factors but the most important one is to do what is necessary to win. In order to do that you need to know how to work with and counter compositions and ults (gamesense), know how to do your job effectively and when without dying (positioning) and be physically able to (mechanics). As you play, you will have games that are solely dependent on your performance. If you win more than 50% of these, your climb is guaranteed.

I’m a low masters player and I can easily climb to and maintain high diamond+ on any account. According to your statement, I would need to be GM simply to climb into masters. Not true.

Something does go wrong in every game. Everyone, even pros, make mistakes. The question is if your team has more go wrong than the enemy team does.

But yeah, more people need to own their ranking.