Why do people complain about the game being team reliant?

I’m pretty sure there’s an interview out there somewhere that also talks about the game being made specifically for 6 stacks. But their was backlash since so many people wanted to play it solo, so they went ahead and made it possible to play solo, but still kept the game exactly the same, being made for 6 stacks.

I wish i could find that article again.

the community is smart like bacon

but ultra progressive and ultra inclusive

oh wait no that’s blizzard’s opinion of their community

This I also agree with.

I am inclined to agree, this is a good summery!

One of Hitlers biggest marketing points was that he was racist. Things that are bad eventually change. Get use to it.

Relying on 5 other people you can’t control to play well is a recipe for disaster. A “team” game is doomed from the beginning.

there’s a difference between dependence and synergy.

rewarding synergy and working together is fine. but having your capability to do you job as a hero hard gatekept by a teammate’s input is a big practicality issue.

take ashe + mercy synergy. they work well together and reward working together well. but neither are absolutely dependent on each other for them to function.
i.e. you as ashe don’t need a mercy to play specifically to your needs in order to be able to shoot someone or to be able to kill. likewise mercy doesn’t really need ashe to play in a really specific way to let mercy heal her teammates.

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When someone begin to find problems where there’s solutions, it might be because ‘‘play to win’’ stand over ‘‘play for fun’’.

Because in the beginning tanks and supports weren’t so overbearing and unbalanced. Dps used to get alot more solo value, being able to kill people if you were good enough.
But now due to the powercrept healers and tanks, there are what you call “windows of opportunity” now. Only very small windows where you can solo carry if you can land shots and so on.
So yeah, since sustain healing being so strong and offtanks being weaker picks in general, the game has turned into turret mode for dps.
Stand behind shield, shoot, if you flank you die.
Individual dps characters lack different playstyles from one another now, if you want to play effectively, you pretty much play every dps the same way.
Cower behind your tanks, and just go turret mode.
Yeah, fun.

People want to not worry about anything and just kill stuff.

Jeff has literally said him and the team have done everything from the beginning to force team work as much as possible. This is the most “team” team game in the world. And Jeff is now saying he thinks the game would be better if it became a bit more individualistic.

You say ashe doesn’t need a mercy, but dafran never plays ashe without a mercy pocket. This game is tooooo team reliant.

You just can’t have your own playstyle anymore. All dps are played the same, all healers are played the same. Tanks are varied but shields play all the same.
The game becoming team relient has made positioning the most linear its ever been.
You can’t flank, you can barely stand playing aggressively because the other team is playing the same clump style as your team. So you concede and just stand behind your tanks with your team.
You have no individual playstyle as any role.
Remember admiring people’s playstyles? When there were flanker tracers, or protective tracers. When mccree could either be defensive or offensive. When mercy could either play with her team or be aggressive with a flanker dps.
But now everyone plays the same because they HAVE to.
You flank you die.
So stand with your team or lose

Honestly I feel Destiny requires more teamwork than Overwatch.

Did you read my Diary!?!?

Seriously, I have to find a better hiding place!!!


Wrote this on page 3…

You’re talking about Bastion and justice in the sky right?

You’re talking about Widow, Tracer, Reaper, Hanzo, and pretty much most of the flankers and brawlers right?

Except not every player agrees with that, and that’s the problem with the teamwork in this game.

Are you talking about “flanking Deadeye Cree” and “I’m the enemies teams face Death Blossom Reaper”?

I don’t think it’s necessarily an issue of the game itself being team reliant as opposed to those games you get into where the enemy team acts as one well oiled machine against your team of… monkeys?

Team work doesn’t end in linear playstyles, so what happened?
Jeff wants this to be a team game and that has always been the case, and team work isn’t what made this game the linear experience it’s turned into today. Powerful burst healing encourages you not to flank them. Tanks with overloaded kits encourages the same thing since they have a button for every situation.
Dps have stayed the same, its the healers being too strong and the tanks having too many options that have changed the overall game.

If the game wasn’t too team reliant your team acting like monkeys wouldn’t matter.

Never played it. I’ve played league though, and it never made me feel as completely helpless as overwatch does. I don’t even win or lose games. I literally got to gold by just sitting behind a shield shooting the enemy shield. I just sit there, and shoot the shield. When I flank, I die instantly. So I just shoot the shield. And sometimes my team walks over them, sometimes we get walked over. It’s completely what my team and the other team is doing. I’m barely doing anything.

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People think this game was meant to be CS:GO when it’s clearly meant to be more like TF2.

That much has been apparent from the beginning, to the point where people were calling this game TF3 when it was first announced and the devs said they were influenced by TF2.

Of course, that doesn’t mean things can’t change if the market demands it but it does explain a whole heap of the original design choices in this game.

It really doesn’t help when 2/3 roles are team dependent and the largest amount of people are in the independent role.

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Destiny is a little different. Basically you need at least 2 or 5 others with you to do normal content.

The biggest one being Raids like the Leviathan, which requires perfect group coordination.

So if you are in the top 1% of players you can carry but what happens if you are a plat player in silver or a diamond player in gold. Good luck you better get lucky.

Me and my wife both smurfed and jumped from low gold dipping to silver to high plat touching diamond.