Why do I have to manually report someone for calling me the n-word?

That’s not what I meant I’m sorry if I wasn’t clear. What I meant was say you typed a word like the f word and hit enter. Instead of it bleeping out the word it should simply not send any message into chat. The advantage of this is that it would save people the trouble of reporting it and Blizzard the trouble of investigating it.


It says this is from 2 years ago? I haven’t seen any positive developments in that time besides the fact that the endorsement rating tells me WHO on my team is about to call me a slur.

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In terms of being offended no… but if it blocked every word that hit the filter and banned people for using them. You could be banned for saying some thing like hot dog if the filter blocked it.

It would be very risky to have some insta-ban system in place in the actual game. Imagine playing a game only for someone to say an inappropriate word, get kicked immediately, and you’re just stuck in a 5v6 match. That would be awful.

Furthermore, there is a strike system. You mess up once, you get warned. Twice, silenced. Thrice, suspended and so on.

Granted, the team is crap at responding to reports. Really, really slack. If the team was better at checking and actioning reports, the system would actually be quite good. But alas…


This is a fuqqing good solution for this problem and will 100% work :woman_shrugging:

If people want to be toxic or mean they will find a way.

The game has a profanity filter and you can mute whoever you want.
If that is not enough for some people, they can use the report function.


I’m on console so I’m free from text chat but not dumb people.

This is an issue either way though, I only get it in voice chat but text chat is so easily moderated they should start there.

Maybe do what siege did with slurs?
Maybe a bit lighter of a punishment because bans are a bit too much IMO.
but yeah blizzard need to start there.

Censoring it should be automatic but you also need to punish the player who said it because they could go onto be like that on voice chat.

Certain phrases should also be banned like “Get back in the kitchen”, obviously Overwatch would have to blacklist many variation of that phrase.
They should then do it with other phrases until chat is cleaned up a bit

You might not like or agree with it, but there are contexts where using these words is not offensive. Talking with your friends for example.

It’s a good thing professionals exist who can build these systems without making ridiculous mistakes like that.

Unfortunately because of the way the system is that doesn’t matter. All Blizzard see’s is you saying a curse word and they will uphold any suspension based on that no matter the context.

That’s a fair point. I’m just stating an argument for why phrases shouldn’t be automatically flagged, but I guess if Blizz doesn’t care about context there’s not really any reason not to

This is apparently Blizzard’s key demographic right here.

Blizzard prefers the easy way with as little moderation as possible. I guess that’s why they have an automated system now for dealing with offenders.

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If you are just playing with your friends, type that in discord or something. If you’re playing in a game with strangers and you think it’s funny to call each other slurs then that’s harmful.

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I assume you’re on the American servers. Well it’s because of that stupid country you live in where everyone is awful like that. My friend went to America and said the people aren’t as nice there. I’m Asutralian btw and you only occassionally get someone who is like that on the Australia / New Zealand sevrers

If you’re playing in a group with friends there is nothing wrong with calling each other slurs as long as its mutual.

It is obviously different to saying them amongst strangers. Hence why I mentioned context.

Please don’t tarnish the Australian reputation with your racism


WTF dude. When was I racist wtf.

It is really cringeworthy to see people make these sweeping generalizations about countries full of millions and millions of people.


I quoted it in my comment if you notice :slight_smile:

Americans aren’t a race. Get it right

Okay… Call it prejudice then.

My comment still applies :+1: