Why do gold players expect their dps to have GM level aim?

You’re basically throwing, gonna need you to step it up to hang out with the cool Junkers.

But yea, it’s funny when you’ve got Gold elims, damage, and ALL OF THE FINAL BLOWS for an entire match… and your team is like… DPS DIFF GG.

I REALLY wish we had an in-game scoreboard for those moments.

Personally, I don’t expect Diamond to GM level aim from the Gold’s I get stuck with. But if you can’t hit the target sitting right in front of you as McCree or Junk, then maybe that’s a sign you need more practice or should stop trying to queue up for DPS.

I’ve watched McCrees, Soldier76’s, Mei’s, Junk’s, and Echo’s that I was power boosting struggle to hit a Hog not even 10 meters away who has decided they want to mess around with them because they’re no threat since they can not hit him.

If you’re decent and there’s a PharMercy on the other team, sure, I’ll go Mercy for you if I’m not already so I can PB you to deal with it. But if you can’t hit the barn door in front of you, I’m probably going to just top you off and go to someone else.

in all fairness, in a low elo its not exactly hard too heal your team and turn up ingame audio so you dont let X sneak up on you with there 10 tonne boots on.

all 3 roles make mistakes, tanks making the biggest ones imo. but commonly the healers try and over compenstate for the dps’s inability to kill anything (due to the tanks not creating space largely) by focusing on dpsing themselves and as a result it makes it even harder for tanks to make space or dps to pop off as any dmg done to them is borderline permanate. (it also results in the other support being left alone, as your supposed to have a brig/lucio/mercy to peel/heal for your ana/bap…or a zen that just kills everything)

its far less an ask for a player (of any role) to be aware of there surroundings and to focus on there role then too expect someone to play at a top 500/owl level. its not a matter of game sense, its more a matter of turning down the music putting on some cheap headphones and reacting to things that you hear around you.

to be an effective healer in gold or even plat requires 1% of the effort that is required to be a good main tank or dps in the same elo. because right now healing is absolutely busted, you dont get punished near as hard as you used while pushing out crazy high hps.

Oh DPS have always been the punching bag. The whole “nothing is dying” is always blamed on them. it was SO BAD that even a Developer had to make an official post about it.


Yet you’re still only 1 person playing against a 6 player enemy team.

If your supports are following the tanks who are doing nothing, or the tanks are just getting instadeleted because of bad positioning, or the enemy team just plays better, there’s not a whole lot you can do to swing the game without just being at a way higher level than everyone else.

Even if you’re giving 50% to help match the enemy team’s 100%, if your team is only contributing 30% then you’re going to fall flat every time

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The lesson is that the games are rigged, so don’t worry about it. The outcome was pre-determined, so just enjoy the match.

Imagine being gold and not smurfing there for kekws.
Sad to say, but random golden mercy will afk pocket afk tanks, and tanks are carry role of this game, but doing nothing in low elo with all these resources being pumped into them. The way you climb out of gold as dps is by carrying all these dead weight by yourself. And to climb out of gold your skill lvl as dps should be at least diamond, don’t ask me how but it had to be like that. And as one gm said, if you do not expect yourself to be 4.7 hitscan main, don’t you ever touch this speciefic role ffs!
Was boosting some account with my mercy duo partner (booster as well) map kingsrow we won 1st point attack, and went to do stagers at enemy spawn to have free 2nd point push for our team. End up 2v6 killed 4 and escaped. Get all 3 points in the end, switching sides, and some pepega ana at our team be like “mercy, you cant just pocket your soldier/ashe” I was trying to explain to this pepega hardstuck golden border golden rank ana main how this game works, but peanut brain can’t accept this, that is why he is gold. I was wondering is it that hard to see that you’ve been carried hard enough to keep your mouth shout? And then you all have to deal with players like these.
So, if you are gold mercy, reading this wall of text and you want to climb - pocket you freaking hitscan as much as it possible. Do that at least for one round and see if he brings any value, no need to touch him for 3 seconds, and the moment he start trusting you just leave him w/o any info about that, while he start doing a play considering your pocket. Learn to survive being attacked, learn superjumps and map usage to be able to do pocket and avoid enemy focus. Your job as a mercy player becides pocketing hitscan is to keep an eye of your main healer (ana/moira/bap) but stick with dps as much as possible, sometimes you let your tanks die if your dps takes highground, cause advantage it gives more valuable than your afk feedmachienes on tanks who just need healing but don’t know what to do with it. Mercy + hitscan can do more space and damage than any tank in this game.
If you don’t believe watch this vod of mine yesterday climb in openQ from silver to diamond. Twitch

People’s brains:

Hitscan: exists
Pharah: Guess Ill die.

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Oh spare me. Everything you said is something gold DPS players could do as well. We’re talking about an elo where DPS ignore free kills, even when they’re being called out, just so that they can overcommit to the enemy Moira in her own backline and get killed themselves, and spend their entire respawn flaming their tanks for not shielding them and the healers for not healing them… while they were way too deep in the enemy’s backline.

Whether you think it’s easy or not, clearly a lot of gold players struggle to process the visual and auditory input from FPSes. You saying “just pay attention” is about as helpful to them as anyone else saying “just click on their heads.”

But, regardless of how easy you think it is for these players to improve their awareness, if you’re the typical gold DPS who doesn’t even know if your supports are alive at any given time, let alone keep tabs on where they are and whether they’re available to heal, let alone notice when your tanks and supports need your help, then you have absolutely no business wailing about the things your teammates didn’t notice.

Honestly I think that players shouldn’t play online FPS games, until they got some experience in singleplayer ones. Would save many nerves.

Jokes on u, unless its a godly widow, most hitscans cant win the 2v1 consistently and ask for pockets to get em down.

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As a terrible hitscan player I find Ashe is probably the easiest, dynamite is pretty easy to hit her with and that plus a few bodyshots easily beats out Mercy healing.

Just had a game where the main tank backed away from holding the choke point to cap, instead of just letting the supports or DPS cap it. Of course the enemy team flooded through, killed everyone and capped it themselves 10 seconds later.

The DPS were blamed for not providing enough pressure. And we wonder why players tilt while playing Overwatch. :laughing:

You play vs Masters Pharmercy players though. In gold, many of them don’t use any sort of cover, so even with my dumpster aim I can take down a Pharah if my healers can keep me up for 2 rocket hits. The issue in gold though is the healers turn into DPS when they see Pharmercy, so then the DPS don’t live for 3 seconds to kill her, then get blamed by the healers, who are actually at fault.

Yeah outside of Widow and even then you have to kill the Pharah and in a place where you can take down the Mercy rez…

The higher the rank the worse it gets really. Pharahs start using cover and are a bit more sneaky and the Mercy players have way better movement.


Ana is really helpful for taking down Pharah.

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Because we all need to blame someone in this game

I mean, that’s awesome advice but I don’t think most folks picking up their very first PC game can know what their learning curve will be, and certainly nobody’s thinking “Wow, Overwatch looks really interesting, I’d better buy Fallout 4.”
But Overwatch does have elos, training modes, and arcade modes that are suitable for people who really have no idea what they’re doing.

Also worth noting that there are, for example, fully grown adults who can’t walk down a street without getting everybody’s way and nearly causing a traffic accident. Some of those folks are extremely intelligent when they’re allowed to focus on one thing at a time. Those people will almost certainly never excel at video games, but they’re allowed to like things without being good at them.

Then this game shouldn’t be so team-reliant, so even rookies can be “credit to team”, rather than a dead weight.

Training mods, arcade, etc. simply do not give accurate representation of regular game.

Great doktor is credit to team. Not great doktor is not credit to team. This is the way of things. Making it less team-reliant would make it less… Overwatch.

But, rookies should be placed accurately by matchmaking to play with against people of your own skill level; if they are competing against people just as bad as themselves then they are not dead weight. They just have to come to terms with the fact that their teammates are exactly as bad as they are, not worse.