Why do dps players hate Mercy?

This makes sense if the mercy/DPS are already on diamond or up. In metal ranks, it’s almost impossible to climb as mercy. It’s the damage orientated supports that actually help people get out of metal ranks. From my perspective, players that rage about not being able to kill mercy have skill issues, she barely fights back. And if she does fight back and hit her blaster shots, that’s a good mercy. Gl next :stuck_out_tongue:

The strong dps you mentioned don’t exist in metal ranks where DPS can’t consistently hit Thier dmg and apply 0 pressure. What exactly am I supposed to boost? Nothing, picked up Kiri and ana simply because they provide so much more than mercy because they don’t rely on teammates as heavily as mercy.

We healbot the tank because DPS can’t hit anything. Healbotting is excruciatingly actually an optimal playstyle if you have bad teammates. It sucks because the high end of competitive is completely different. Blizzard can’t balance the game where both ends of the competitive ladder feel fair, so there’s just massive confusion over the fact that your playstyle will be vastly different to someone who is at least 2 ranks above or below you.

Yes it’s his birthday wuhuuuu :partying_face:

I already had this distaste for the enemy team’s Mercy, but now I don’t mind it anymore. But it was because of her mobility.

Because she’s skinny and evasive, and a lot of DPS players actually kind of suck at the game. That’s why they play DPS.

It’s hard to get your free Sombra virus hack kill, or cross map widow headshot on a skinny evasive character.

I find it odd that people complain about Mercy’s pocket but blatantly ignore that literally every support can and does pocket, it is just with Mercy, with all the nerfs that she got with GA, she is forced to pocket as that is all she can do, whereas other supports can pocket and still dish out damage at the same time.

So the question is what is the difference between Mercy’s pocket vs other support’s pocket, besides the consistency of per say heal beam?

Most likely it is the “no aim bad player blah blah blah”
Cringy self-claimed digital chad

Seriously I think some tank players hate them as well, as they don’t being a lot of functionality beside REZ (annoying for enemy team)


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It’s pretty well established that people don’t like Necro threads. Maybe you just haven’t been around long enough yet to see it. My opinion on them is pretty run of the mill.

Actually it isn’t. 12 months ago Mercy was an A-tier pick. Currently she’s a D-tier pick. 12 months ago you could make a legitimate case she might have needed nerfs. Now if you have problems with her it’s just a skill issue and you are bad at the game.


Honest question…Is that with the DPS healing debuff applied? And if not, what is the HPS if someone is actually hitting their target?

It’s not against any sort of policy to post in a 12 month old thread found by google. Otherwise they would’ve made sure to put that specifically in their forum policy list.

Actually it is. 12 months ago, Mercy was a throw pick in most high ranks just like she is now, but in lower ranks, she’s the most oppressive support hero because of how she enable already oppressive dps heroes and tanks to be even more oppressive.

Her flight animations have been the same for years and to anyone trying to kill her while she rubber band from left to right, up and down, it’s a nightmare.

Not sure where you get off telling me i’m a bad player when even a lot of top level players and streamers have stated what i’m stating. Guess you need to go tell them they’re bad as well, eh?

It is in the list. Read the part on bumping.

If you can’t deal with Mercy in her current D-tier state then you are bad. She’s objectively bad so if you can’t outplay a bad hero then I don’t know what to tell you.

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Clearly you need to learn how to read properly. Let me enlighten you.

“For no reason”. They had a reason for posting and did so. Thus they haven’t bumped the thread for no reason.

You must be a part of the Mercy mafia. I get it now. No wonder you’re being so dramatically toxic about it.

No, i am a pretty decent player with decent aim, but with her janky hitbox and her rubberbanding animations while flying, it is a nightmare to hit her. As i said, top level players and streamers have even gone out and said she’s horrible to play against.

There’s no reason to bump a year old thread.

I’m a D.Va main. And for support, I main Kiriko. So, wrong again.

You not liking a hero has nothing to do with their power level. Accept that you are just ad if you actually can’t deal with her vs just not liking her.

The reason was already explained, if you had bothered taking your time reading.

You keep calling me bad, but ignore the fact that a lot of the top players have complained about her flight animations making her look like she’s rubber banding all over the place and that her hit box is way too small.

I don’t like the hero because her flight animations (including her hitbox) are OBJECTIVELY poorly implemented and visually translated it looks like crap from a third person’s perspective and harder to hit than she should be.

Good for you. I’m a tank main and flex dps, now go sit down and stop being such an elitist who can’t accept other’s opinions unless they align with your own.

The reason is invalid.

People get frustrated but they know she’s not overpowered. Most top players don’t think she’s very good right now. If someone legitimately thinks she’s overpowered right now there’s two explanations, either they are bad or they are dumb.

Add 1-2 more seconds to her resurrection cast time and she is fine, with the health increase you can camp corpses and she can still pull the rez off.

pocketing can be no brained but when youre chasing mercy, it can be hard to pocket. try pocketing sometime yourself

Either rework her so that she isn’t best played pocketing someone. Or take away her insane mobility so you can actually punish her when she decides to boost someone in a dangerous position.

Right now her mobility is far too forgiving to be fun. She’s not even strong, she’s just straight up an annoying character to deal with. When I am playing DPS I also don’t want a Mercy pocket on me. I want to feel like I am playing a challenging game, not one where my shots hit harder cause of some blue boom attached to me.

I will actively swap to a hero that has bad synergy when I get a Mercy on my team. Don’t care if that loses us the game, I am not going to make this whole boosting business any worse. They got a comp that requires hitscan? Well better hope our Mercy swaps so I can play one of those heroes.

imo none of the characters are in need of a rework

Further, I always find it sad when someone recommends a rework while already knowing how horrendous the history of reworks in this game has been. No one imo should be wishing a rework onto a beloved character

First, her mobility has been severely nrfed in the past year

Second, I don’t see anything whatsoever about it that could reasonably be labeled as “insane”

this is an opinion stated as if it were fact, when it isnt fact

many players, myself included, do not find her to be annoying in the least

I am unsure why in a team-based game a player would eschew teamwork

again, this seems like the opposite of teamwork