Why did you Nerf The Skill part of Symm?

I mean, if you were gonna nerf her… why didn’t you nerf her turret damage instead? lmao

All the aim bbs hate the turrets. Why nerf the part of her kit that allows non symm players to play her? lol

Why not nerf the tp health now that’s its permanent?

Why did you nerf, the literal primary fire… on a dps?? lmao


she also is one of the lowest dmg dps heroes in the game :clown_face:


Symmetra starts being a little bit viable:

Overwatch Developers:


And needs to charge up her primary to reach that exalted level of…one of the lowest damage DPS heroes in the game!

Does anyone who isn’t a salty weeb DPS player or one of those players who brainlessly straight-line at the enemy supports even have any confidence left in the devs? I sure as hell don’t.

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She also has more utility than most dps heroes in the game. But she was the 6th lowest out of 16 before the beam bug fix, we have no idea how much more dmg on average she was doing since then. Must have a been a fair bit more for a dmg nerf as well as cutting the hitbox size in half.

Honestly, they know better than we do, and we still knew it was too much. You know it. They might do some other stuff, we don’t know. We don’t have their stats.


Symmetra being trash tier for 3 years and SHE WAS FINE like they said, but she became viable for 1 WEEK and she gets nerfed.

THEY KNOW BETTER RIGHT? like the 2 failed reworks RIGHT?


…probably because having a hero with the potential to do 185 BASE unblockable dps off of a stray sigma shield is a bit too overbearing? She’s able to do 93-277 dps when comboed with either nano boost or orisa drum, which is absolutely bonkers for a beam hero

lol all the brig mains where hoping sym would be their new free sr ticket. feelsbadman

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How do you figure? Teleporter is about it. Her ult is very rarely any kind of deciding factor, unlike every other DPS ult. She has no defensive options and her teleporter is obvious, slow, and easily destroyed. I guess maybe the turrets can cover alternate approaches? I don’t know. I’d still rather have on-demand mobility, or stuns, or wallhacks, or literally any of the utility that other DPS heroes get.

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It’s probably a check to both ramp-beam heroes to ensure that pseudo-goats doesn’t come back again. Right now it’s sym sitting behind a sigma shield, shooting the enemy sigma shield, and running over the enemy team due to the nature of both high-charge zarya and symm

Her ult is way more impactful on a fight than many dps ults, especially ones like pulse bomb, visor, high noon, etc. It would be silly to not count a 5k barrier that splits the map as utility, so that, tp, and the slow/distraction turrets provide.

She is a glass cannon. Isn’t that exactly her niche?

cool… so nerf was deserved and the part that they they chose… wasnt the auto aim turret

what… why? she CANNOT headshot???

I honestly feel like this was done for lower ranks because Sym does crush down there, especially with the bug fix to her beam. And Zarya got the same treatment so I think it’s to compensate for the big fix to their beams because they are pumping out a lot more damage. I don’t mind the nerf to their damage since it’s more consent now but the beam width might be slight overkill imo but we’ll just have to see. I really don’t think the devs were just like “lol we’re bored let’s nerf this character just because”

I really wish the devs would release information sometimes with the changes.

I know those beam changes had a huge impact on how much damage sym was doing- but exactly HOW much? Id like to have seen. 5% increase on average? 10%? 20%?

“Hey guys after the beam mechanic update, we noticed sym was doing 15% more damage on average with her primary! We intended for it to be about 10~ percent, so were adjusting her to where we intended to buff her to”

I have no doubt in my mind that this “nerf”, is still a BUFF over the previous level of play- Id just like to know by how much. All said and done, is still only going ot take about what? 1.1 seconds instead of 1.01 to kill a 200~ hp target once youre ramped up?

Im sure shell still be effective and that most people honestly wont really notice this change. Id just like to have seen the numbers out of curiosity.

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I don’t ever have any trouble with the ult. I’ve never once seen it swing a game that was in doubt. In my experience, it’s very lackluster.

Compare Symmetra to, say, Ashe. I’d rather have the mobility and/or knockback of Coach Gun (I singlehandedly kept a Winston off our team all round with it). She does as much DPS at a better range without needing charging up. Including significant AoE damage. And I’d take BOB any day over Symm’s ult, especially for swinging a team fight or a critical game-deciding moment.

Purely in my experiences, at least. I can’t necessarily speak to yours, but I don’t think Symm’s utility makes up for her drawbacks, or justifies any kind of nerf.

The turrets aren’t that bad unless you literally keep walking into a choke with all three. And even then a Winston, Junk, Hog can delete them all. She used to have six… imagine still dealing with twice as many.
That got nerfed, now her beam, one of the actually useful things against the shield meta gets nerfed. They really just don’t like her lol
Just bring back “I think they have a shieeeeeld generator”!

Is her beam the skill part?