Why did they take headshots away from bastion

If it wasn’t an issue they wouldn’t have changed it.

That was also almost one and a half years. It lasted about 3 days on PC before they nerfed it.

Except it doesn’t. It’s “barrier busting” capacity hasn’t changed, but they nerfed his damage by 2x and made it harder to even hit a Reinhardt at about 25 meters and had the audacity to say they made him a tankbuster after that massive damage nerf.

Yes they would have… Having 900 DPS and 35% passive damage resist would be an issue… just 900 DPS (not really even that, that’s only if literally every bullet hits the head, which will never happen) wasn’t.

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ironclad makes healing more efficient so it promotes them even more. Pulse bomb could kill old Bastion.

And he still wasn’t picked because recon and his healing sucked, instead of doing what we asked and fixing those and nothing more they went too far. Lo and behold the issue with Bastion is the sentry change nobody wanted needed or asked for.

Except that hardly happened before, he still wasn’t picked a ton before.

IDK I haven’t had much issue playing him. I pick him when someone goes Tracer so I can hook her.

That was pretty much a meme about how he got PotG. Learn to flank or use barriers. How about you use a barrier for once instead of saying Bastion’s okay because he requires one? (Not you in particular but it makes me annoyed when people make the “he’s fine because he needs a barrier” argument.)

The most liked idea is just to undo all of that.

As funny as this is it’s not enough. Why else do you think Roadhog tends to counter Bastion? Because he can’t kill Roadhog fast enough.

No, the idea is to remove any or all of the sentry buffs to return spread, headshots, bloom, and tankmode’s armor.

He didn’t survive anything either.

He will be objectively worse than before.

Because he didn’t work.

If Bastion could burn through what is probably the most difficult target in the game to kill, what hope would everyone else have?

He wasn’t OP before so he really wasn’t. If it was OP he would have been meta. But he wasn’t.

Blizzard tends to make stupid changes I thought you knew that?

well im just exageratting and it must of been really annoying

Yeah, I’m not saying please do that, I’m saying if they still think he does too much damage. I don’t think he would, but you never know with Blizz…