Why did they change the leaving rules?

I wish people would spare me the theactric take of ‘You just ruined 9 other players games’ because that implies that in every single game thats ever been left ever all 9 people considered it ruined. Mathematically alone thats a load of bull.

Because not everyone on YOUR team is going to care to the same level and hell, some of the enemy team are probably happy to one degree or another that you just made their win even easier.

It’s like some people don’t know what community we’re talking about here.

I can play a good 5 games in that time. That’s a measurable change.
Keep it up.


Sure, then why are you so concerned that I leave or not? I keep leaving when I want. and you keep playing your matches.

And this still changes nothing. Even this is better for people who care about XP and leaving.


Yes, yes, this is the point. No one cares about the other nine people, even if you are staying or leaving.

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If overwatch had more features to make leavers not be a issues, like larger team sizes/more people in a single role, Spawning near the team not at spawn, starting with some ult charge, games lasting longer, ect.

Then i would be fine with people coming and going, but OW is not build and designed for people to jump in and out of games.

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Let’s be real. If someone is leaving casual modes so many times in succession, it’s usually the map/game mode/attack vs defense preference. There is nothing to gain otherwise and no one rage quits casual that much.

I would rather plat with a game of throwers, than leavers… I can report throwers i can’t report leavers…

Nah, exactly. My first game on, you think I’m starting my night on defense on Eichenwalde? No thank you, sir.

Then you leave the game then.

You dont get punished if you leave at the start.

Its the people who leave mid game that cause issues

Sir, i can 100% guarantee you that i care less about you getting banned for being a selfish, game leaving baby then you do.

Enjoy those bans bud, ya earned each one of them.

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More often than not I end up with completely different teams till the end of the match. It is a constant stream of ppl leaving and backfilling.

OW is the only game where I see this to such a huge extend. Ppl seems spoiled by the lack of any leaver penalty and leave for the smallest thing.

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Genuinely: Because people have been complaining about leavers in QP for months. Pretty simple, really.

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pretty much everything starts to make sense if you view everything they do through the “what is the cheapest way we can solve this problem that will make the boss that doesn’t know what a video game is happy”


You care enough to replay, to feel you make a point in your argument.

But the truth is, you don’t have an argument.

You are just thinking that because people stay in a match, they will care about you and your way of playing that match.

Well, bad news for you. No one cares about you, about me, or about anyone.

Well, how are the trolls supposed to have fun if you’re allowed to just leave! >:(

I agree with the statement and I believe that 6 players vs 6 players should be a thing.

What makes this really bad is, they want to demonize leavers, when in fact the real villain in the room is every person that sits on the match building team at their offices. They do not want to be called out on it and instead want to bandage the problem instead of fixing it.

I understand that coding a whole new system takes months to do, but they’ve had all of 2017 to 2023 to resolve this, ever since it spiraled out of control since Q1 of 2018.

What they should have did is leave the penalties out of the game until they started to come up with a system which doesn’t generate 80% 1-sided stomps and forced losses through 1:5 bad match-ups on teams.

“matches are fine” - which is a complete gas lantern and lies in itself. The scoreboards are not lying that their system is horribly flawed and if the performances of players averaged out between both teams, even within about a 15% margin of error. I would say their efforts suffice. but when matches are a solid 80% difference between the teams. I call “bs”. They aren’t even trying to build good matches.

Quickplay Open Q needs to be returned to arcade and left alone, since the Overwatch team seams like they are all getting ready for the hand-out of pinkslips by Microsoft, and their goal is very apparent; to self-sabotage the game before they head out the door. But it is what it is. I cannot blame them. But At least they should depart with some dignity and try to keep the house in order , because I’ve been through a couple of company buy-outs in other lines of businesses and all I can say is ‘good luck’ finding a new game studio to work at. because people see what this game has become and they are not going to want to hire people from Blizzard.


I only leave if the game seems unwinnable. I’m a plat level lucio one trick, I have hundreds of hours. I understand its my first post, but I started really playing once Overwatch 2 came out, and do enjoy the gameplay when its actually playable. Recently it hasn’t been. I got kicked for internet and am currently experiencing another 10 minute ban. This isn’t a good solution imo.

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My argument was always that leavers were more than half the issue with bad matches occuring; looks like i won that argument… another L for you.

Like i said, enjoy those leaver bans -no ones going to miss you. Maybe start throwing matches so you can catch a perma ban.

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I have a question for these players who leave on a consistent basis: If you are leaving enough to get an excessive time ban why are you even playing?

I really can’t see an argument against the new penalty. Its working as intended.

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“AcOrDing To my DaTa tHis iS hAlf The iSSue” LOL

Im doing my dailys and weekles. plus if i have to do something more i just alt-f4. i dont care