Why did they change the leaving rules?

Genuinely, the last 2 nights I have gone to queue and gotten stuck at around 3 games because players on my team are purposefully throwing. I have to sit there and deal with it, because if I leave I get temporarily banned. You are making me switch to other games, and I wish it wasn’t like this. Open queue is unplayable, I get stuck with a mercy who refuses to heal anyone but their duo tonight, ask for heals and they stay with the one player. Then I leave and get banned. Last night, had a lifeweaver purposefully throwing by pulling me and other teammates, directly impeding our progress. Then I leave and get banned. Like I’m just playing more Valorant now, and I think you should switch it back or delete these throwing accounts so people can enjoy your game.


Yep, that was the logical conclusion. I have no clue why they believed this was a viable solution, but… You just roll with the punches. I do not understand almost ANYTHING they do. They are just on another plane of existence.


People not throwing outnumber those throwing. So in theory, you should be fine being forced to stay in a game because the majority are just populated by normal players.
In those instances where you have a legit thrower, yeah it sucks being forced to play with them, but :

A) It’s quickplay and you only have to tolerate them for a maximum of 10 minutes.

B) The reporting system recently became a lot harsher. Reporting someone for throwing sees them get a ban much quicker.


The devs cant look past their own noses and the cliff will come fast


If you are leaving so many times to get banned you aren’t really playing the game anyway.


Because people whined about leavers supposedly ‘killing’ their games-even though this mode was supposed to be the more chill one but let’s not let reality get in the way of peoples BS-so in typical fashion they crafted a shotgun response.

At this point, if this is what they want, they need to go ahead and add rank restrictions into QP too then.

Ah, but see, people don’t like that, do they? Well tough ****. We didn’t like the idea of adding leaver punishments in, but you wanted it to be more like comp right? So go all the way with it. Might as well.


If it’s so chill then why worry about throwers either right?


Because try hards wanted a competitive game, but are afraid to log into comp, so they’re forcing QP to be more competitive, which drives casual players out


This is an anomaly. This is not the norm.

Since the change I have seen a decrease in both leavers and throwers.

This is not new news. Open queue has always been garbage.

Yup, that’s normal behavior for entitled mercy’s in a duo. Has nothing to do with the new system nor is it defined as throwing.

Yup this has been a thing since the hero launched, we knew it was going to be a problem. It’s childish trolling and mildly toxic but I wouldn’t call it straight up throwing as long as they are playing the game properly otherwise.

It sounds like you are looking specifically for things to get mad about. Normal things that players have been dealing with for years.


People say report afkers or throwers, but as I see ban system only working on smurfs and toxic language. Like window popping out next day “thnks for your report blah blah” only appears after I reported those.
If I already have window saying suspention after leave - i just pick random hero and do minimum activity or stay on spawn as we are spawncamped, and still no suspension or ban after doing so.

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Well, you don’t leave just once and start getting bans. So, you’re telling your side of the story wrong.
And they made it a steeper penalty because before, you didn’t have to wait any time at all for leaving hand fulls of matches. So some people would leave several matches in a row before they decide this lobby is good enough for them.
There were several posts about “leaver penalty is bad, it’s not stopping me from leaving lolol”. Those people are now crying they can’t lobby shop.
Sad days? Not really. I’ve noticed the better lobbies.


Because it was like 1/10 games where there wasn’t a leaver. Game had a massive leaver problem, and while this should help reduce some of them, we also need some matchmaking improvements.


I’m guessing it’s because there can sometimes be several leavers in unranked modes making the match lopsided.

I’ve played my fair share of QP games where the game is essentially at a standstill for a minute or two while people drop in/drop out, and a minute or two can sometimes be half of the match/map depending on the mode. That’s not fun.


Outside of Competitive Play, we strive to reasonably accommodate anyone who needs to exit a match for reasons outside their control. We certainly don’t want you to stay if you are uncomfortable with a disruptive teammate or opponent (please be sure to report that disruptive player). Or perhaps you may have to attend to things away from the computer at a moment’s notice (hi, new parents). Maybe you encounter technical issues, in which case we encourage you to stick to casual game modes while troubleshooting to avoid disruptive actions if you disconnect. You may often need to pull away from your current game because a group request from your friends just came in. Leaving on such occasions is generally okay because you will not likely disrupt the next match you queue for.

The problem comes when someone actively chooses to leave just to be disruptive and immediately queues for another game. When your team is down a teammate, it can feel like every team fight is lost before it starts. We backfill the missing player quickly in most causal game modes like Quick Play. However, the newly added teammate has to start fresh with no Ultimate charge, which can lead to an unsatisfactory experience. This is why we want to discourage players from repeatedly leaving games, especially with the intention to disrupt the experience of others.

I mean they said it themselves…they don’t want people constantly leaving games cause it creates an unsatisfactory experience for everybody else playing (later in article they said ruin instead)


To answer the question as to “why” they changed it, it’s simple. Leaving had become a massive problem. In OW1, you had leavers but not every match. In OW2, it had gotten to the point where I couldn’t even finish a game without multiple leavers. And it wasn’t just people leaving at the start of the match. People leaving half-way through, people leaving in the last 30 seconds. It was super frustrating.

If people didn’t actually leave then they wouldn’t have to implement a penalty. I wouldn’t even mind if they let you leave all the way up until the spawn doors open. But once the game is going, you should finish it!

The amount and frequency of leavers was ruining the game and frankly exacerbating the “matchmaker is bad” thing. Because it’s exponentially more difficult for the matchmaker to constantly backfill than to create balanced matches in the first place. I’m not saying they can’t improve the matchmaker, but I am saying they can’t improve it if everyone is leaving all the time.


this was only done to cater to the select few, that believe there is no life outside of their 8x8 room and gaming PC.

They do not understand how the rest of the real-world works, and because of their social skills differences they become mad that people dont want to play against their 10,000th smurff account that they had to obtain due to cheating or their toxic rants in chat.

In competitive mode it makes sense. But as for any mode that isn’t about receiving rewards and ratings. This is the classic case of the schoolyard bully that is mad nobody wants to play ball with them anymore and demands the schoolboard make it mandatory for everyone to have to play ball during recess.

I went to a private school for a few years, and this is literally what a staff board did, because some rich person’s family had a kid that was a (rude) to everyone and their parents were infuriated nobody wanted to play 4-square with their kid. I was happy to go to public school after this, sure the education wasn’t as great. But it was still much more fun.

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First off your whole post is confusting

Also this caters to the people who dont quite and actually play the game.

With your example of 4 square think of it this way.

You have a person who will just leave a match at any point, doesnt matter when just whenever they feel like it. That makes the other people have to restart the round and have a new person join in. Eventually if he does it frequently enough people will stop playing 4 square with the leaver as he makes the game unfun for everyone else.

Actions have consequences.


The problem with this is the choice you have to make in that situation. 10 minutes of stressful, bad game or 10 minutes ban, chill out and go make a sandwich?


OW created this problem of massive leavers themselves, F2P is to blame, quality of players went to crap along with the quality of the game. I rather have leavers than throwers holding the game hostage, have fun with that tho :slight_smile:


Why do you think the quality of F2P players is worse? Because they cant afford to buy a game?