Why did they change the leaving rules?

Yet i still wouldnt say our ideas are any better.

Reading the responses here on the forum and listing to other CC have only cemented my belief that players mainly only have their interest in mind and not the games interest in mind.

Just becuase we are players doesnt mean we know what is good for the game overall.

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Well, congrats! This game is doomed if players don’t know and developers don’t know, and everyone says that the game is trash.

Because they suck at making game modes balanced and fun. Nearly every new mode be it push or what ever has people leave maps in droves as they are curb stomp maps.

The dev’s answer is to force people to play a game they don’t enjoy or punish them. While I can understand it sucks to have your team leave and possibly cancel a match.

The solution is not to try and force people to play a game mode/map they don’t find fun.

We have been sayings its been doomed since OW1 Season 1 about various things.

Other games communities say the same thing all the time.

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To be fair players really owe a game nothing. It is a form of entertainment, it’s mean to be fun. It’s not a job to grind out on a daily basis or something you have to force yourself to sit through when you don’t enjoy it for the “good of others”.

While I admit constantly leaving matches is bad, and most people should just stop playing the game if they find it that bad. It’s not really a solution to force people to play.

Thats like taking a kid who can’t read and hates school and chaining them to a desk.

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These 2 instances where they explained why leavers ruined games and matchmaking.

People didn’t listen and hypocritically complained matchmaking is bad while still leaving games.

So now they adjusted leaver penalties.

It’s only fair they restrict your ability to leave games as what your doing makes the game worse for everyone. It’s called making you responsible for your actions.


Correct, and thats fine and fair. But what you find fun and another finds fun isnt always the same. So i dont think the players always have the best interest or Ideas for the game as a whole, where devs tend to have the game as a whole more in mind.

They arnt mutually exclusive, devs want players to experience the game, but they need to account for all players, not just you or me.

This always confused me. OW is not forcing anything, if you dont want to play a match you can just leave.

There is no Forcing happening.

Its like in DOTA, I can leave at any time, nothing is forcing me to play a terrible game.

Its just you arnt immune to the consequences of doing that frequently.

Its like speeding while driving, I can speed all i want, nothing is forcing me to go the speed limit or forcing me to drive. But im not immune to the consequences of speeding.

Leaving games has always been something OW didnt want people to do, We had the penalty of 75% XP. Its just with that penalty, people took advantage of that and left games as the consequence meant nothing. Its like if the penalty for speeding was a strongly worded letter, people would abuse it and start speeding as there is no major penalty, even though the government doesn’t want you speeding.

All that happened is they changed the penalty to something harsher, the penalty was always there but it didnt do anything.

So the people who are against it from my perspective are just mad they cant get away with breaking the rules like before as there is stronger penalty now.

Ok Cartman, enjoy your 10 minutes in the time out corner with your dunce cap on then.

I agree with you 100% OP, people here will try and discredit you or say that you’re not speaking the truth. But these forum users are knuckle dragging Blizzard cucks who don’t know any better…

I can’t tell you how many lifeweavers I’ve played with that just actively troll all game. People in the forums be like; “Just report them and continue getting abused” :clown_face:

I don’t care, and to be honest, I’m at 30 minutes and still don’t care.

So your point lacks argument.

Even better

Welcome to why these changes were made in the first place.
Surely that bug zapper will stop zapping you.


I don’t care. how you are not seeing that it doesn’t change anything. People still leave my matches, and I still leave other matches. like my tank just did, and thanks to God, he left.

31JCQ5 easy win after he left.

EDIT: Or we could have surrendered.

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I think your issue is with the community. I’d play something else.

i think a handful of posts down here make sense, and its fair to say that would you rather have people that remain in your match and do really bad, or have someone that knows that this specific lobby isn’t for them, they leave voluntarily and you receive a new team mate that is better.

Me, I like the new team member because the match system finds better players to pick from each time.

I wish people would spare me the theactric take of ‘You just ruined 9 other players games’ because that implies that in every single game thats ever been left ever all 9 people considered it ruined. Mathematically alone thats a load of bull.

Because not everyone on YOUR team is going to care to the same level and hell, some of the enemy team are probably happy to one degree or another that you just made their win even easier.

It’s like some people don’t know what community we’re talking about here.

I can play a good 5 games in that time. That’s a measurable change.
Keep it up.


Sure, then why are you so concerned that I leave or not? I keep leaving when I want. and you keep playing your matches.

And this still changes nothing. Even this is better for people who care about XP and leaving.


Yes, yes, this is the point. No one cares about the other nine people, even if you are staying or leaving.

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If overwatch had more features to make leavers not be a issues, like larger team sizes/more people in a single role, Spawning near the team not at spawn, starting with some ult charge, games lasting longer, ect.

Then i would be fine with people coming and going, but OW is not build and designed for people to jump in and out of games.

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Let’s be real. If someone is leaving casual modes so many times in succession, it’s usually the map/game mode/attack vs defense preference. There is nothing to gain otherwise and no one rage quits casual that much.