Why did the mercy changes happened?

Well, you responded to a post that stated “She was balanced, now she isn’t” with a post stating “She was OP, now she still is but less”. Well, there was a time when Mercy wasn’t OP, and just because you are ignoring that time in Mercy’s existence doesn’t make it any less true.

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Essentially a streamer complained about her, then all of the cronies came to the forum and said that she needed to be changed.

In all honesty old Mercy made you think about conservation of abilities, something no other hero does, so I don’t get why she would be changed either


Not ignoring it, it wasn’t relevant.

She was changed from Invuln-Mass Rez to Valk. Any Mercy version before Invuln-Mass Rez is not relevant to the discussion as it did not contribute in anyway to the change.

The OP asked she was changed. pre-Invuln-Mass Rez is not part of the reason for her rework. Thus, not relevant.

At no point did I say “Mercy has always been OP”.

Are we done now? Or do you have some more misunderstanding to do?


“I misunderstood what this person said and argued against a point which they never made. They got bored of the conversation and wanted to end it. They must be trolling.”
