From 2598 to 2541. I had gold elims and heals as Moira, if that matters.
The fact that you had gold elims on Moira is probably why.
Not my fault the DPS was so bad they can’t even out elim the few damage orbs I tossed, thanks for refusing to acknowledge gold heals though,
The game probably acknowledged you being toxic.
I would say gold elims on Moira is fairly acceptable though. You gotta realize just how much she is participating in kills, whenever she even intends to or not.
Getting Gold elims is quite easy with Moira due to how her kit works, same has Winston
Because it doesn’t matter the medals you have it matters your stats compared to everyone else around your rank on the character, say you had gold elims and healing but you had 1 elim and 50 healing and the average of everyone around you is 1000 elims and 50000 healing (obviously a very extreme example) you’d lose a ton of SR because the game thinks your way out of your depth and trying to put you in a more appropriate sr range for more balanced matches for you
What happens when two of your dps are junk and reaper and you’ve gold damage as lucio after 2 rounds? Happened today.
How much of that damage was impactful, though? You ‘tossed out a few damage orbs’ but how much of the damage was healed by the enemy supports, giving them free ult charge, causing them to have their ults more often/in better situations to turn the fight in their favor?
How often did your DPS die because you were too focused on healing the tank that wasn’t offering as much value? A dead DPS can’t do damage, after all.
I’m not saying you did poorly, nor am I saying that you deserved such a large SR loss, but claiming that you had gold elims and healing as Moira doesn’t tell us anything about how impactful you actually were with those elims or healing.
As for the SR itself, the medals don’t matter. Gold elims could be 5 if you’re getting steamrolled, but that’s a far cry from the average elims at your current SR, so of course you’re going to lose more SR than that because compared to everyone else you’ve still done worse.
You had 2 really useless dps
See what I did there? I had all golds but lost 24SR XD
I don’t think it was 1 match. Either OP has mistaken it for two matches or following happened:
Left previous match after someone left the match and op left agter 2 minute timer. We know the ridiculously low SR gain for the immidiate match after you leave even if there’s a leaver in your team (most sr gains are 3-6 in this case). If you lose you get 28-35 SR loss at least. Not sure why 57 tho.
Did you at least have silver healing though?
Nope, it was my first match out of placements on my alt account. Won the second one and then gained about 50 or so, just lost another and now at 2504
There you have your answer. After first placements you win and lose more SR. So the system can place you more accurately at your rank. It will go back to normal wins and losses in 10-20 games…
If you don’t have a medal in elims as Moira, you’re playing her wrong.
Medals are worthless without context and in this situation gold elims on Moira is irrelevant…
Were you solo healing? It’s not that hard to get gold healing with Moira even with an off healer anyways. Dunno how SR is calculated but maybe healing isn’t a huge factor compared to other ‘utility effects’ such as resurrections, damage amped oh which Moira has none.
Was the match a huge stomp? That’d cause a huge SR drop probably regardless of individual performance.
That has nothing to do with it. If you play Moira, the system only cares about the average stats of other Moira’s at your SR. That’s is why it’s easier to climb as a one trick than a flex player that switches and sacrifices for the team. The one trick has the entire game to get better stats than that hero at their SR. The Flex has only the time they’re on that hero to do better than the average.
Exactly. Because in a huge stomp even with gold elims being 3, you’re still vastly underperforming as that hero compared to the average at your rank, so you’re hit harder than if the game was a close one but still a loss.
Unfortunately there isn’t really a better way to run the system than what we have now. If it was purely win/loss then it would be too easy to boost your friends. As it is now, if your friend is underperforming you’ll eventually out strip them in SR because you’re performing too well and you’re gaining more/losing less each time than they are.
You got a source for that or is it gut feels and personal interpretations of data? Not that I disagree, what you say makes sense, it’s just that it would clear it up a lot faster.
Does the SR system take this into account? Would it be in your best interests to throw out as much of as everything as possible to max out your stats? Also do some stats have greater significance than others? 0_o
Ie DPS Moira vs Support Moira
Only source I can claim is beta discussions. I can try to dig them up again but I doubt it. While Blizzard has never fully confirmed how their SR system works, they have stated that it compares hero to hero. Of course, that was three years ago. Things could have certainly changed since then and they just haven’t told us.
No. It doesn’t. A computer algorithm cannot detect how important each point of damage was, only that you DID do a point of damage. Nor do we know how much damage is weighed vs healing in Moira’s case to decide how much extra SR to award or punish.
Now, if you want to ‘game’ the system a bit and have the biggest effect on your SR throw out as much damage as you can while doing the same with healing. Ignore how impactful you’re being and pump those numbers as high as you can.
Of course, this WILL cause you to lose more games and you’ll lose more SR in the long run. That is why I brought up the impactfulness of the damage in question. Gold damage means absolutely nothing in this game if it was all poke damage and just healed up by the enemy support (giving them free ult charge and thus a larger advantage in upcoming fights)
Maybe if ur DPS had a heal ball with them they would get more elims. U lost so much Sr because of the times u let a teammate die because u sent out purple instead of yellow. The game notices when a yellow would have saved life’s even if you dont