Why did blizzard destroy Doomfist instead of just nerf him

Doomfist has one of the best gameplay in ow1 yet blizzard decided to destroy him and change completely his playstyle, why such a bad decision? I think we all agree on that he was a bit powerful if you know how he does work and master him but he didn’t need a rework AT ALL.
They just had to nerf him instead of a full rework and put him as a tank?!
Once again good job blizzard!

at least he kept most of his kit and playstyle.
orisa meanwhile…

Sure he has most of his kit but i liked the flanking part and mobility, now he is just a slow …tank… so boring :sleeping:
But orisa i like her more now since she has to move every time unlike before staying in one point ans shooting

but you are still supposed to flank on new doom, although i agree he’s a completely different cookie now.

for orisa… i don’t feel it. I’m sure when the initial hype dies down she’ll plummet in pickrates and winrates. Her kit is very weak actually she relies far too much on cooldowns to do anything of note and you can easily ignore her

He has become a huge mess of exploits tbh so he did need a change. I don’t think that had to be a rework to tank though.

Doom wasn’t good enough to need a nerf. He was mainly buggy/exploitable and people hate getting one-shot, in general but especially, from a decently tanky hero with escape abilities. Making him a tank addressed most of these issues.

They could have reworked him instead but :woman_shrugging:

Honestly I feel he just needs a way to empower punches damage a bit more through any various mechanics.

Because he was poorly designed to begin with and idiotic to play against. Even the developers stated they had issues balancing his kit out from a DPS perspective.

I’m quite glad they’re getting rid of DPSFist, OW2 will be 50% better by just that change alone


I think this is the problem - going by the numbers Doom was a pretty bad hero, but he felt too strong to everybody on the receiving end.

Combine that with all the CC in his kit (which Blizzard wants to get rid of for OW2) and I guess they though the best solution was to rework him.

He’s probably better and more viable as a tank…

How content would you be with a doomfist that is in the DPS category but that can’t:
-1-shot people on punch
-CC people on any of his moves

Like, what would that even look like? He punches people and they just sort of merrily continue on their way?

Those two design facets were fundamentally incompatible with OW2’s playstyle, but I just don’t see how they could’ve removed his CC and 1-shot and had him still be USEFUL in the DPS role.

For some inane reason they wanted to gut hard CC availability for non-ana and non-tanks. They couldn’t really nerf him considering the entirety of his kit is pure CC

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Only tanks can have CC. Doomfist’s entire gimmick is displacement CC.

Doomfist becomes a tank to keep his gimmick intact.

He’s playable. If they kept him on DPS and nerfed him, you wouldn’t want that. Look at Mei, the other CC DPS. They absolutely butchered her to the point she not only sucks, but she isn’t even fun anymore.
Bastion got the same treatment, a niche hero who sucked at ranks above gold and he was hard nerfed into the ground with his “rework”. Blizzard saying they want to make him less reliant on his team while removing his heal and keeping him in the form where he’s the size of a tank the entire match, tethering him to his healers. They literally buffed self heal multiple times while in recon because Blizzard worked out he melted without it and thought it was a good idea to remove it entirely and increase recon uptime 10 fold.

Everything about OW2 shows if a hero is niche/annoying, they are going to nerf them into the ground unless you’re a one eyed old woman. But hey, atleast all the Genji’s can 1v5 every fight. Who doesn’t love dying to nanoblade for the 400th time that match or being shotgunned down by a hyper mobile ninja dealing more DPS at more ranges than the slow moving hero who only has shotguns.

Because Doom wasn’t overpowered. He was actually on the weak side of balanced.

His current design in OW1 made he couldn’t be decent without being gamebreaking-ly unfun to play against. That’s why he got a rework.


Doomfist in overwatch 2 is the exact opposite of a slow and boring tank. U can literally touch the skybox consistently from slam canceling. They made his mobility insane with the rework.
He’s more of a back line dive now than he ever was as a dps.

doomfist is fine, stop crying

OP wasn’t talking about balance, but about findng ow2 doomfist significantly less fun than ow1 doomfist