Why can't we get a global healing nerf?

and risk alienating most of the casual player base? not a good idea


It’s not healing that makes sustain bad. It’s one-shots being literally better in every single situation, regardless of healing.

Even with less healing, one-shots would still be better EVERY time.

If healing’s toned down you’d have to address burst too if you want to see any changes in the lineup.

agreed. both healing and damage need global nerf. Global as in most of them need a nerf. not all.

Healing nerf = faster fights.
Damage nerf = slower fights.

If you want a healing nerf without reducing the length of fights, you need a damage nerf too.

Damage nerf cant happen without also nerfing 1 shots.

Oh boy, I can already hear my team’s cries of “ffs, no heals?!”


You have to be trolling now. You’re the one who started the personal attacks and now you’re trying to take some moral high ground? Try harder.

And for the record - when I say you don’t know what you’re talking about, that’s not an ad hominem. That’s truth, based on the contents of your post.

I did. You’ve conveniently ignored my points. So I’m going to call a troll a troll and just report your posts.


Tanks still aren’t erased in 1 second, so you want to weaken their supports now?
Do you want Roadhog to be only existing tank?

Why? Because the game devs clearly understand the game better than you, and rn a global healing nerf would make healers basically obsolete because of one shot heroes being 1000% meta. NO.

Hanzo already got a nerf to his primary. I guess it’s too soon to tell how much it will impact him but his storm arrow is still pretty insane. Even in a nerfed state he’s still be better than other dps because only he and widow can eat through the healing. Again we’ve nerfed/buffed everything else already lol. The only thing left is healing…

So? He still has his one shot which is the problem - if you get rid of that, you can lower both damage and healing.

I don’t know what you are talking about because support heroes haven’t had any changes except nerfs for a very long time. Damage heroes however have gotten tons of buffs

I agree with you 100% but Blizzard won’t remove his one shot because reasons…so unfortunately they have to go some other way.

Ummm, we just had a global healing nerf with the barrier nerfs. It requires much more healing to keep a team alive now. We need a global healing buff right now really badly.

Agreed. Ana should be at 65, and bappy boi to 45. Mercy to 45. And then up the DPS

But that’s me tho.

As somebody that used to play solider 76. He suffers from pretty much every other hits and begin better than him. Nerfing healing won’t change how bad he is.

Main requirement of DPS, is that they should be able to engage enemy DPS effectively. Unfortunately, nothing beats snipers in that - their range makes most other DPS ineffective or completely useless. Combined with their one-shot kills, it’s literally impossible to counter sniper without having your own.


Maybe you could make it so that they can’t one-shot a target without the help of a supp any more (Zens discord or Mercys boost for example) like Ashe (what to do with her Idk but) I feel like Blizzard really needs to step down on the one-shot one kill stuff even if it is a FPS game and every other game has this kind of stuff we can agree that Overwatch isn’t like every other game. Now I’ve upset a lot of people I know but hear me out if Widow and especially Hanzo are “problematic” we need to look for stuff they have and others don’t and to make the comparison fair we take Ashe and Cree because they all are hitscan (I know Hanzo isn’t but his arrows are pretty fast too). Cree and Ashe have no chance against Widow or Hanzo bc while they have to land at least 2 crits Widow and Hanzo need only one. And yes we have heros like Winston to counter sniper but especially in Hanzos case he can get away pretty easy while spamming arrows with E. So in my opinion they both need to be turned down so they can only oneshot if boosted somehow (Moira would need a boost ability too maybe) for Widow one could lower the charge time for a max dmg hit to compensate for the “nerf” so if you are quick you still can take out a target fast but not in 1 shot, at least not without a support. And I will upset a lot more people now but I feel like stuff like hook or punch shouldn’t be oneshot combos either but be on lower cooldowns and for doom again a smaller charge time. But with the SUPPORT of a SUPPORT character you could oneshot stuff again (this would make support players feel more like they are doing sth except healing)
Maybe than you should throw in there a bit of healing nerf and definitely throw Rezz on E out and don’t put it back as an ult and I think that more DPS would be viable again.

That is what I mean most of the time the only thing you can do against a good sniper is to be a better one and this is not always possible (especially if you aren’t a dps)

Yeah, unfortunately after reading the last Jeff Kaplan post I kind of get the feeling that they don’t care too much to force teamwork anymore. Your idea of one shot needing a support ability to be done is teamwork, Devs are going with other tendency now: letting more individual potential appear, so unfortunately one shot snipers will still be a thing though…

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Yeah but this is sad if I wanna play game based on individual skill I can go and play Rainbow6, CS, COD or TF2 ffs but if I want to play a team game I wanna play ow and I really hate the “individual skill” route they are taking. As he said OW was based around teamplay and I don’t get why they want to make ow like every other shooter out there… Im just a little sad about this (sry for the rant)